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so what are you thinking right now?

I'm worried about a 2nd c-section. I already had another friend tell me the second was way worse than the first and now clars. My first one was just awful and I have no desire to repeat that. At least I only had to care for a newborn, this time it will be a newborn and Lex. Not going to be good if it is like last time.

I'm leaning towards having the party early and scaling way back. Pay the $$ to have it somewhere else with food included and I don't have to worry about the pre and post-party house cleanup or all the cooking. Also it limits the length of the event (and thus my exhaustion), whereas when it is at my house it is more of an open house event.

Folks sure will be disappointed though - I'm the only one of the mom's that does a full buffet of home cooked food. Or maybe I'll be the only one disappointed since I won't get so many compliments on the meal or the cool home made cake(s).

Can you tell I just feel like I'm letting Lex down? And letting my friends/their kids down? I've been setting the bar higher and higher with each of Lex's birthdays. Kinda sucks to take a step backwards.

I was so worried about the second c-section. My first the recovery was really hard. I remember it taking me 20 minutes to walk to the bathroom 20 feet away. I remember having my mom drive me to my 2 week postpartum appointment because I was still on prescription pain killers. It took me months to feel "normal" again.

With Josh (2nd section) I was up and walking around with little/no pain 24 hours after surgery. I was off the prescription pain killers and taking only Advil by day 4. I was off the Advil, driving, taking care of 4 kids on my own, and pretty much back to normal by the time he was 10 days old.

I hope you get your VBAC, but it's not the end of the world if you don't.

And as for the party, at 8 months pregnant do whatever is easier for you! Everyone will understand and it will bother you way more than it will bother Lex!
Congrats to your mistah!! That's wonderful! :bliss:

Sushi :ha: :ha: :ha:
In case you haven't read it on FB yet....

I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!

Thank you for all the prayers, good thoughts and encouragement!! WAHOO!!
I won :bliss:

We had a "contest" here at the office because the boss has to go to an office owners meeting in 2 weeks, (we are are an independently owned operated franchise)...the purpose is for the top 10 office owners to discuss how the company can be improved. Anyway, the contest was to put together a comprehensive list of ways the company could be improved.

And I won :cartwheel:

Shocking I know that I could win something by telling people what they are doing wrong :giggles:
Congrats Joy! Where is it?

Today is a pretty lucky day!
Congrats Joy! Where is it?

Today is a pretty lucky day!

The boss is going to Vegas for the meeting, the contest was here in our office to put together the best list of improvements (since he knows not what we need on the front lines :giggles: but at least he recognizes that!).

My submission was 2 pages, with pictures and everything {anal retentive anyone ;)}

He didn't change a single word of it, told me to submit it as is and write myself the prize check. :woot:
Joy..............your Vegas is showing.

ETA: Wait is your prize money or a trip? :dunce:
I should say my prize is now the ability to buy mistah something for his 40th birthday :bliss:

Which was yesterday :hides:
Ok need quick advice - haven't been able to make it to the courthouse to file for an OP yet from FIL.

We made a police report of the harassment (phone calls). We were told he would be advised he can't call and harass anymore. He called the next day, and today sent me a FB message and sent DH several texts.

Make another report/complaint? Or just keep the one report and document everything for when we can go for the OP?
I should say my prize is now the ability to buy mistah something for his 40th birthday :bliss:

Which was yesterday :hides:

I'm sure you gave him a lil sumptin sumptin. :sex:
I appreciate DH going out to Caputos for a couple of things on the shopping list since he was right there, but how many times does one have to re-iterate SEEDED rye not seedless, ugh. what a waste. I hope he eats it cause I'll be getting a new loaf tomorrow. Yes I wrote it on the list. He even called me to ask where the arancini was- I wrote that on the list too "deli" AGGGH! Rant over.
Just got off the phone with Pat's ex-gf...I called her to ask if she would be willing to write a letter to the Director of the Board of Parole stating she understands that Pat is an RSO and she wants Pat and Kimberly to have a relationship and she does not fear her daughter being around Pat. She said she would right away :O I was happily shocked. We actually had a great conversation! She even said "I wanted to tell you guys...we really appreciate the fact that he is paying child support. For real...even the 5-10 bucks a month we got while he was in prison showed that he cared and wanted to do the right thing. Since he has been working again, its consistent and we appreciate it." I about fell on the floor. She's never been this nice to me! Maybe with time things are improving?

I also talked to my DSD about writing a letter to the Board of Parole herself. I mean, she is 15 and I think it is appropriate for the BOP to see she wants a relationship with her dad too. We are hoping that we will be able to see her for a few days this summer :) and mostly hoping for Kim and Pat to be able to talk and text each other whenever they choose too.

Its been a good day :)
That's great Jeni! With all you guys have been through, the last thing you need would be for her to be a PITA.

So where will you be working (sorry if I missed it)?
That's great Jeni! With all you guys have been through, the last thing you need would be for her to be a PITA.

So where will you be working (sorry if I missed it)?

I honestly dont remember if I posted what it is or not. Its nothing glamorous, but I will be an Assistant Manager of a Taco John's. It's full time, better pay, and the manager is super awesome. My first day is Monday(paperwork and training videos...yay lol) and I am putting in my 2 week notice at FD that day too. The two days a week at FD was just not covering it...we had nothing left over and were constantly robbing Peter to pay Paul. It will be nice to have some room to breathe and KNOW that there is opportunity for advancement!

I struggled with going back into food service, but when I found out that there will be a total of 10 employees(including me) and two other assistants...I liked that. Plus all the employees have been there a year or longer.

Its gonna be good. :)