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so what are you thinking right now?

I can't believe my DS12 is shocked when I walk into his room and see the crap he's watching on tv. I tell him to find a better show and he keeps stopping at more crap thinking it's ok. After a bit of a fight, I let him settle on Animal Planet then took the remote with me (he's in a bunk and too lazy to get down). He was pissed but oh well. He kept yelling about how I don't trust him yada, yada, yada,...........
I can't believe my DS12 is shocked when I walk into his room and see the crap he's watching on tv. I tell him to find a better show and he keeps stopping at more crap thinking it's ok. After a bit of a fight, I let him settle on Animal Planet then took the remote with me (he's in a bunk and too lazy to get down). He was pissed but oh well. He kept yelling about how I don't trust him yada, yada, yada,...........

And here I thought I was the only mom to allow a tv in kids rooms.
Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone. :flowers:

We do have a rule that if I see you watching something deemed inappropriate and you've been told before, the tv goes.
Haven't had to take one out of a room.................yet :giggles:
All of our kids lost their TV's around the age of 13, mrsmom. Once they started hibernating in their rooms & not socializing with the rest of us, the tv's had to go. Now that crap is on in my living room. :lol:


Long weekend here...my dad was in from MA. We ran to the grocery store & ran into my other dad...awkward. They'd never met before. (Way too much drama to share. :p) I'm exhausted.

New baseball spikes for one kid + other random softball crap + new track shoes for another kid + other random track crap = $200 spent on sporting goods. I told DH that with the way deals are lately, it's going to take me a longgggggg time to recoup that $$. :p DD13's freaking mouth guard for her braces was $20. I'll bet you another $20 it's lost within a month. Tonight she asked for a first baseman's glove. I told her to suck it up & shove a dish sponge in her regular glove for extra padding. :lol:

DD18 is re-learning how to drive after taking 2 years off. She is SO much better at it now that I really think 16 is just too young. You'd think our "smart one" could have handled a car, but not so much. With any luck she'll be up to speed & able to cart DD13 around in no time. ;)
And here I thought I was the only mom to allow .a tv in kids rooms.
Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone. :flowers:

We do have a rule that if I see you watching something deemed inappropriate and you've been told before, the tv goes.
Haven't had to take one out of a room.................yet :giggles:

My kids have always had tv's in their rooms (since they were young). We've gone so far as to take the cable and the tv out of their rooms to make a point.
KG, love the cross stitch..especially how it was unfinished in your avatar yesterday and it is finished today. No, I am not stalking you :lol:
The Oregon Chai tea is so much better heated on the stovetop than in the microwave. I always wondered why mine never tasted like Panera's when they use the same mix!
Rain...time change...Monday....not really a good way to start the week.
Ugh, Mondays suck. Kids were fighting before school. I hope the little one sleeps a bit longer and I can get a workout in. Not feeling it this morning.
I don't like getting up in the dark but do like that it stays lighter longer. (yes I'm always ****ing about something)
With a sore throat and a headache too... Ugh!

Oh, that stinks, feel better. Thankfully, I'm feeling good but my 3 youngest all went to bed with fevers last night so I'm not sure what's in store for today!
KG, love the cross stitch..especially how it was unfinished in your avatar yesterday and it is finished today. No, I am not stalking you :lol:

thanks! :foryou: I've been wanting to start this for a year but have been busy with things for other people.

It's actually not done; it will likely take me at least a year to finish. I work on several projects at a time, but this is going to be a big one: 15" x 15" when finished. It's called Watergarden -- the white spaces you see now in the pond will be swarovski crystals and beaded goldfish... someday :dance:

Another weekend another call to the county police department on DH. Weekends are so hard he just does not stay away. Once again the officer that came out was so very nice and told me to call anytime.

I have gone out of my way to make this as fair, nice, and uneventful as possible. I have agreed to the sale of many items (at 50/50 split) because he wants all the $$ he can get his hands on. Fine! But he keeps finding ways to try and mess the sale over after I agree.

The auctioneer company that came out yesterday was ready to deal with a complete witch after a briefing from DH. LOL. DS and I were pleasant, helpful, and worked hard to help them get the farm equipment loaded. They must have said a dozen times how nice of a young man DS was and how hard he worked. 1 made the comment I had to be a farm girl to work this hard and the other said farm girl heck she works harder than most guys! I guess most women don't know how to run a loader or chain down equipment :)
They thanked us both many times and said "I hope you and DS get to keep this farm and best of luck with everything". See its always best to be yourself and just be nice even when what is happening hurts so much. No reason to take it out on these guys they were just doing their jobs and no reason for them to have to be there an hour longer when DS and I were happy to help them.
Not looking forward to taking 3 kids with to my postpartum dr appointment today. I scheduled it for a Monday thinking dh would be home and I could just take the baby.

On the other hand I realized this morning if I make my coffee half decaf I can drink twice as much and it tastes almost as good.
Anyone deal with child support issues by chance? What happens when he refuses to pay?

Not sure I want to post this all on the open board but if someone has been down this road might PM I would appreciate any advice I can get.