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so what are you thinking right now?

I'm up early for a change. Haven't decided if I'm happy about it or wishing I could sleep a little more just yet.

I do know that its too early to be checking out the blue waffle stuff...again. :lol:
Been up since 4:00 with sick FIL, looks like we have to go to ER this morning. Thought since he was in Hospice we wouldn't have to go back and don't want to, but he has a bad problem with catheter and they can't fix it, don't know what the problem is. This sucks, I had to take my mom in on Friday too, thank God she's alright and only had to stay overnight, but I was supposed to take her back in today to have a heart moniter put on, wish I could be in two places at once! Hopefully things get better soon, or I will need some meds to get thru all this crap.
Happy Monday- DD4 just woke up sick. That's a fun way to start the week-her getting sick everywhere :(
And me cleaning it up. Ugh which is really hard when battling morning sickness!
I'm hoping she can keep stuff down the rest of the day.
its not weird at all My mom use to use my sisters hair brush she used as a teenager while she was alive. Its about 30 years old if I had to guess. I put it in a sandwich bag after mom past to save it and when ever I need to feel like she's still with me I open it and it smells just like her =).
Nothing like staying (relatively) healthy all winter long only to catch the flu when the weather turns nice!!! :ranting:

Being stuck at home (in bed or on the sofa) for the past couple days has not been fun. The only good things were that 1) I caught up on a lot of shows that were recorded on TIVO and 2) I'm almost done with my taxes. Other than that, having the flu absolutely, totally SUCKS.

But, it's Monday and DH had to go to work so the show must go on. Laundry and clean up time ... UGH.
Happy Monday- DD4 just woke up sick. That's a fun way to start the week-her getting sick everywhere :(
And me cleaning it up. Ugh which is really hard when battling morning sickness!
I'm hoping she can keep stuff down the rest of the day.

Ugh, I'm sorry. That is is the worst.

My 5 yo woke me up a few weeks ago around 4:45 a.m. He had caught the stomach flu and puked and pooped in his bed ... SO GROSS. I had to wash everything in hot water in the middle of the night and then he continued to have symptoms for the next day or so.

So not fun. Hope she gets over it soon.
that I"m afraid to call my dr. to ask for cough syrup for fear he'll prescribe another $60 med. Still so sick and praying I get well since I have a mtg to run wed. night and a speaking engagement later this wk!
Kewpon addict, feel better!! :(

Luvagreatdeal, I hope you are feelin better. Yeah this flu bug sucks. I couldn't imagine cleaning it out of bedding. Her yucky clothes and the bathmat need cleaning. It's in the wash basin for now (I just got up). I'll clean it a little later. Luckily everything else was on the hardwood and tile floors. And walls. Ewww. I can still smell it, the scent is burned into my nostrils. She pooped a couple more times but then snuggles back into bed. I got up every time and then went back to bed with her.
Can't believe DS slept so late but yesterday was a fun summer day with a party and all- almost no nap and late bedtime.
I'm blessed with the best friends and neighbors a person could ever ask for! Even when I am not able to ask for help they see the need and come to my rescue. I could not do all of this without them.
I'm blessed with the best friends and neighbors a person could ever ask for! Even when I am not able to ask for help they see the need and come to my rescue. I could not do all of this without them.

missy I'm so glad you have such a great support system. :huggy:
Feeling like it is impossible to study for my midterm today. To focused on trying to figure other things out. Going to look at a house tomorrow and probably going to make an offer!
Feeling like it is impossible to study for my midterm today. To focused on trying to figure other things out. Going to look at a house tomorrow and probably going to make an offer!

Ooohhh! Is it online somewhere? :link?:

DD18 & I just went & picked up her first car. She is super excited. I am freaking out about her driving alone. :gah: I know, cut the cord!

I just loaded the trunk with "emergency supplies." You know, like a warm coat, hat, gloves, hand warmers, etc....even though it's a balmy 72 degrees here in sunny Chicago. :lol: I don't have a gallon of water in my car or a poncho, but I feel a little better that she does. The odds of her landing in a suburban snowy ditch for a week are slim, but you never know. ;p
dragonfly when I got my first car, my Dad bought me an emergency kit. It's a big canvas case with jumper cables, flares, etc.
dragonfly when I got my first car, my Dad bought me an emergency kit. It's a big canvas case with jumper cables, flares, etc.

I had a car with electrical issues once. Best thing I ever did was bought myself a small jump box. It is small, but just hooks to the battery and jumps your car. No need to try and get someone to help you. I still have it because it is so handy not to have to worry about what happens if I need a jump.
Thought still left from yesterday- "If it's warm enough to wash yer truck with yer shirt off, the Chrassmass decorashuns could prolly come down."
Yup, the emergency kit is on the list! Next Target trip. In the meantime, she'll have to be careful around town. ;) I do NOT want her having to rely on some strange man to jump the battery some day.