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so what are you thinking right now?

I stopped at McD's on the way home and picked up a Mocha Frappe thinking it would give me the shot of caffeine and sugar I needed to do laundry and clean up the bedrooms.

So why am I still sitting here on my butt (which really didn't need the extra calories!!!) and still not doing anything???
ok I know it's superlame to quote your own posts. But I did this to recap for those who don't read every post here:

Now I am looking at houses. I think of alllll the work involved getting this house ready to sell, then moving. I really like my location: I can easily walk to a bunch of places. But there are a bunch of things I don't like about this house. I'm kind of ready for a few things I don't like about it to be Somebody Else's Problem. Maybe it's time to move... and it's all your fault.

I just got off the phone with the mortgage guy. We're pre-approved for the house we kinda sorta might have our eye on a tiny little bit. :bliss: Now we just have to break even selling our house.

We signed a contract for a house yesterday! They allowed it contingent on the sale and closing of our house! :bliss: now we just have to sell our house.. This is by far the biggest hurdle.


I seriously think I need to move every 5 to 7 years in order to avoid ending up on one of those Hoarding TV shows. I've been here almost 10 years and judging from the amount of crap that has accumulated, it has been too long. Where did all this **** come from?! And why does my husband put up with it/me?

Holy CRAP.

I got all my ish done!!! :bliss: On time! :bliss: It feels SO good to be finished :bliss:

and today, I have a signed contract for the sale of our current house by a pre-approved buyer. This morning when I got off the phone after the realtor told me it was a go, I sat at my desk and cried. I am in awe and so relieved. Keep your fingers crossed that inspection, appraisal, etc all go smoothly and we can close on time. Thanks for listening to me, you guys.
Steve, let us know if you have a yard/estate sale. From the couple pictures I've seen you have awesome stuff!! I'd JUMP at the chance to get out of IL and into FL. Weather, taxes...ugh.

What a beautiful day! I'm relaxing on my deck for a minute before heading to the ballpark for the evening. A big ol' mean coach has been picking on my babies (umpires) so we're going to have a "constructive conversation" followed by me babysitting him during his game. :snicker: Afterwards I'm hoping to come home & chill on the deck with my dh some more. :)
That pretty much sums it up!

Everything is sooo expensive here, taxes etc. and FL is really cheap.
and don't forget the weather here sucks compared to FL (and you can work on your tan)!
and don't forget the weather here sucks compared to FL (and you can work on your tan)!

I won't miss the winters ....much....will come home for X-mas tho.

BIG no no for us.....Lots of 3500 spf here!! (DH's mom died from melanoma)

I won't miss the winters ....much....will come home for X-mas tho.

BIG no no for us.....Lots of 3500 spf here!! (DH's mom died from melanoma)
so sorry for your dh, I don't tan at all either, too fair
Hmmmmm! I think ALL 32 kids are out playing :lol: and of course, Mom's have wine, Dad's with beers! What a great hood! :lol: Will I miss it? Sure.......but it's time. :pout:
Let some new family enjoy.
I'm thinking that I really need to get off my **** & look for a new job.
Steve that sounds lovely! :bliss: I wish we could afford that place. I would spend all my days at Wrigley! :hiphip:
now my friend is thinking about buying a house down the street from my new one. She lives within walking distance of me right now. this ish is contagious.
How many "mom points" do you lose if you have to have the dog sitter take care of your son?
How many "mom points" do you lose if you have to have the dog sitter take care of your son?

That depends.............does the dog sitter also have human children............oh and the reason you need her to do so is also a factor.

BTW.............I would SO LOVE to see a pic of you big and preggers!!! :bliss:
now my friend is thinking about buying a house down the street from my new one. She lives within walking distance of me right now. this ish is contagious.

Oh that's great! This is really the time to make a change if you can like we won't see for another.............what.............30 years?
KG!! :bliss: So happy for you!!!

Everything OK Canadia? Anything we can do to help?
That depends.............does the dog sitter also have human children............oh and the reason you need her to do so is also a factor.

BTW.............I would SO LOVE to see a pic of you big and preggers!!! :bliss:

No human children - but anywhere from 4-10 dogs and cats in the house at any given time.

And the reason ... sigh ... trying to be understanding, but hate it when people disappoint. The couple that said they would take Lex when I was in the hospital have backed out. At the time they didn't know that she was pregnant and this pregnancy is kicking her butt (she's about 15 weeks along). Plus her hubby will be out of town for most of the days over the next three weeks so she's on her own taking care of their own son (Lex's age).

So I have been calling my friends and have only been able to talk to one person. I'm beginning to hate voicemail with a passion. So when I saw the dog sitter on facebook (while I was chatting with the one friend who is going to check her work schedule to see when she can help) I joked about asking the dog sitter.

And then I figured what the hell - I can't take Lex to the hospital with me and I can't leave him at home by himself and I am rapidly running out of time, so I asked.

She thinks it is funny as all get out, but at least I have a last ditch option.