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so what are you thinking right now?

Thinking about a lot.. one being, I haven't clipped a coupon in what feels like ages... HAS there been any great deals out there? What have I missed? and WHY can't I start a new thread?
Why did I wait this long to put that outlet in...so much nicer than an extension cord!!!duh!!
I can't believe that I spent almost 30 bucks at Valli Produce yesterday. I haven't spent real money on groceries in a couple of years but the deals have been so bad lately.

And their deli prices are so much cheaper than Jewel. 4.49 for turkey vs 6.99 at Jewel and 3.49 for cheese vs. 5.99 at Jewel??? With no OYNOs or RRs in my stash, I can't afford to pay Jewel's astronomical prices at the deli or for produce.

I just need to make sure I eat the produce that I bought ASAP since the Valli stuff never keeps very long IME.
My kids best appreciate me tonight. We are going to the drive in to see Harry Potter. They have begged and pleaded all day. My continuous response has been it's really hot and we will see. Everything is packed in the truck, except the kids. They better LOOOOOOOVVVVEEEE this movie!
Esp when the AC at work dies. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.

One small AC at home. I can't take this heat, and tomorrow is suppose to be worse. We've been trying to go places during the hottest part of the day, but it still sucks, can only spend so long at these places. I haven't had a good night's sleep in days and I'm getting cranky.
The family has decided they would rather not go sit and sweat. While I am glad to not have to go, it would be nicer to have canceled while I was ****ing of the heat. Not after chairs, bug spray, light jackets (to keep bugs off) and the cooler packed and loaded into the vehicle. Now I get to unload it all :) :wtf?:
Are you anywhere near Palatine? You can't beat the prices at Eurofresh for deli items.

I can't believe that I spent almost 30 bucks at Valli Produce yesterday. I haven't spent real money on groceries in a couple of years but the deals have been so bad lately.

And their deli prices are so much cheaper than Jewel. 4.49 for turkey vs 6.99 at Jewel and 3.49 for cheese vs. 5.99 at Jewel??? With no OYNOs or RRs in my stash, I can't afford to pay Jewel's astronomical prices at the deli or for produce.

I just need to make sure I eat the produce that I bought ASAP since the Valli stuff never keeps very long IME.
That just because I facebook message someone does not mean I want to be their friend.
So I'm thinking...DH is at his softball game and I'm sitting at home in the air conditioning,
watching tv... Who is the dumb ****? Hahahaha
thinking about us sending DS out to visit his uncle in a few days..... thinking about his aunt that passed away so unexpectedly this spring..... thinking about all the things she and I never got to do together.... thinking I miss her so much....
:huggy: thinking you've had so much loss this year and how strong you are and that I will say an extra prayer for you tonight

thinking about us sending DS out to visit his uncle in a few days..... thinking about his aunt that passed away so unexpectedly this spring..... thinking about all the things she and I never got to do together.... thinking I miss her so much....
That I need to switch doctors. I once again am flared up and he once again did not call me back or call in a prescription for me.

Same thing he did last week..I'm done!
thank you, ic.... having a real moment here.... just thinking about sending him out there is bringing up all those memories.... we had sooooooo much time we could have spent together ...... all those years ahead of us that will never ever happen..... I'm a mess right now :37:
And it's okay to be a mess, you have to allow yourself to feel the emotions. And it's okay to lean on others to help at these times. :huggy:
I am WAY too good at emotional LOL..... I'm seriously good at crying..... not just a menopausal thing.... I always was ::sigh::

and TQ TQ TQ ..... it does help to have someone to cry at/with..... in person or virtually :huggy:
:huggy: cookiemom.

My newest thought... I have been dieting (atkins) for 2 weeks. I have not cheated. I have a **** scale that swings between a loss and gain of 7 pounds either way... so ya guesstimate. Well, I got tired of guesstimating and went and bought a new one.

My newest thought: This fatty needs to lose! So disgusted!
I am WAY too good at emotional LOL..... I'm seriously good at crying..... not just a menopausal thing.... I always was ::sigh::

and TQ TQ TQ ..... it does help to have someone to cry at/with..... in person or virtually :huggy:

Me too Cookie. I'm sitting here in tears now after reading about a dog who had to be put down today. She was a foster dog living with one of the Vicktory dogs. Beautiful sweet thing was abandoned and was found a few days ago. They tried to help her but she was just too far gone. At least she was surrounded by love her last few days.

Brings back too many memories of putting my own sweet pooches to sleep.

I'm so sorry for all you've gone through recently Mary. Life is so hard sometimes.
Right now I am thinking I want to throw a pillow at my husband who is sleeping and snoring loudly on the couch next to me but refuses to go up to bed. :pullhair:
awwww, Joan.... :huggy: there is a lot of sadness, isn't there? sometimes I think of that thread where someone said "I can't wait for 2010 to be over" cause it was so awful for them..... well the awful doesn't stop..... it goes on .... for different people at different times..... and I, for one, can't wait for 2011 to be over with... :pout: THANK GOD for for the good things in my life..... my faith, my DH, my kids, my BFF, my other friends..... it's a whole lot to be thankful for, but the memories of SIL and my dad are still so fresh..... it's just hard :pout:
Right now I am thinking I want to throw a pillow at my husband who is sleeping and snoring loudly on the couch next to me but refuses to go up to bed. :pullhair:

I push on his mustache the wrong way - against the growth grain.:snicker: Gets him to yell, "stop it" every time, then I yell at him to go to bed.

Why is it some men can't just go to bed? Mine has to have a nap on the couch before he can head upstairs. :hb: