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The Confabulation Thread - Part 2

Good news that the blood test is ok. I hope the teeth settle down soon. I think Kirk will give you more TLC. Till they get better.
Had my blood test which was fine.
Dentist was not fine :( two fillings which really hurt, even with injection, and I have another one again in two weeks :(

Good luck to you too Phossix! :)

I'm glad your bloods came back normal.
I hate the dentist, I once had to have a tooth pulled out because another dentist had shattered it doing a root canal. Despite the injection, I still felt a lot of pain while he cracked the tooth and pulled each bit out. D:
Well I don't have my blood test results yet ;_;
Bruised arm, bruised/numb mouth. Hjiibfdtuj

I am certainly in need of some [MENTION=1]Kirk[/MENTION] TLC :p
I'm really not with it this morning, of course not. x_x
[MENTION=1]Kirk[/MENTION] go give your girl some love and care, she's in need! ;D
Haha we have a week together next week n_n he's working on it! ^_^
Just got an e-mail from someone I don't really know in my computing class asking if I could help them with the assignment.
Debating whether to reply in case he meant to e-mail the teacher and e-mailed me by mistake, or if he actually did mean to e-mail me...
Getting ready to go Doctors! The fact it says "health anxiety" on my record thing means they never take me seriously... Always talking in that patronising voice.

Then I have to tidy my house. Yay for me! :p
Hypochondria is usually worse than whatever real illness ails you. Maybe you should ask about switching doctors, unless the patronization is just an invention of your mind to help you through it.
Hypochondria is usually worse than whatever real illness ails you. Maybe you should ask about switching doctors, unless the patronization is just an invention of your mind to help you through it.

I'm pretty certain I used to have it real bad along with social anxiety. But I got over them both by myself, if anything the doctors made it worse the way they constantly acted like the don't trust me. One of them even told my mum that they put health anxiety on my page so the other doctors can be aware and I'm pretty sure they're not allowed to tell stuff like that >_>
Feeling so tired!

Just got an e-mail from someone I don't really know in my computing class asking if I could help them with the assignment.
Debating whether to reply in case he meant to e-mail the teacher and e-mailed me by mistake, or if he actually did mean to e-mail me...

You should reply and ask if they were wanting to contact the teacher or you.
Good thanks! :)

Doing anything exciting or fun today? I'm certainly not. :D Just a rainy day here!
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