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The Confabulation Thread - Part 2

All I've done today is been at the doctors/dentists, been in agony with my mouth and done some of my mothers'/forum work :p
Was meant to finish painting my room today... but no, I had to go be tech support at my sisters work :( now I have to sleep on the sofa again.
I'm pretty certain I used to have it real bad along with social anxiety. But I got over them both by myself, if anything the doctors made it worse the way they constantly acted like the don't trust me. One of them even told my mum that they put health anxiety on my page so the other doctors can be aware and I'm pretty sure they're not allowed to tell stuff like that >_>

You don't think it's right for medical professionals to inform other medical professionals you'll deal with that you suffer from something?

You don't think it's right for medical professionals to inform other medical professionals you'll deal with that you suffer from something?

Imagine being sent to the hospital in a critical condition, and the doctors had to sit and try finding out if/what medications you were allergic to etc.... x_x
Imagine being sent to the hospital in a critical condition, and the doctors had to sit and try finding out if/what medications you were allergic to etc.... x_x
It has happened to me before. I was sent to a hospital outside my normal one, and they didn't share files. So before they could even give me pain relief, they had to go through a questionnaire with my mother about my allergies and what medication I was taking at the time, as well as dosages and times.
Oh dear. I can imagine how much of a waste of time and pain it felt purely because they didn't share your files.
It was quite a lot. Even worse because I asked them to take me to my usual hospital, but they didn't.
Was it more beneficial for you to be at that particular hospital in any way, or were they just keeping you there because you were already there?
Oh no. Well at least they didn't - I'm glad you got off with that one considering how it could have turned out.
Yes, they discharged me with an infection that left me approx. 24 hours from having to have my leg amputated to halt it. So not great.
Yeah. It's been fourteen minutes and I'm already feeling sick. o_O
I actually quite like documentaries like that because I want to be a detective when I'm older. :cool:
I'm not sickened by documentaries or anything at all now. I watched a video yesterday about witch trials that are still used in Kenya. They filmed them burning a woman alive. It didn't sicken me at all. I just felt like "oh, that happens. ok"


She and Ian Brady were disgusting people and my stomach is actually churning.