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The Confabulation Thread

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[MENTION=38]Abdullah[/MENTION] There's also a 'New Posts' button at the top right just under 'What's New? and/or 'Forum' depending on what page you're on :)
Me too; I'm going to head off to bed now. XD
i don't understand why they call it 'dead week' when i have more due all at once this week than any other time in the semester.
After spending two hours last night finishing the chemistry homework for today, I'm feeling too ill to go to college.
Woke up at 11 on a work day. Argh I have work to doooo ;_;
So guys why did you decide to make this. : D
So guys why did you decide to make this. : D

We wanted a decent replacement for TF. :D
Which is now dead.
I called it! XD

That said, that's not the only reason of course. [MENTION=2]Lauren[/MENTION]'s been wanting me to start a forum for ages, and honestly I like building up communities.
I still go back to post advice on TF but I feel the community there is too quick to criticise each other and that really bothers me. @_@

D'aww. Set a wedding date already, mkay?!! I demand you propose to her soon. I wanna see you two having babies within the next 5 years.
I hate going to work. Not that I'm lazy, but I hate the whole social construct of a working enviornment.
I know work is so much harder than school but school ;_;
Why did I pick Film Studies? :(
I never had it before! New subject on the table.
Thought it would be fun.
Turned into a nightmare e_e
I have no idea :p
I take three a levels and a BTEC.
Film studies is the studies of film XD
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