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The Confabulation Thread

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What's everyone up to then? :)
just started watching defiance now that i have came off defiance for the night XD
just started watching defiance now that i have came off defiance for the night XD

Is it any good? Looked alright on Youtube but...meh...you know me and MMO's.
yeah its pretty good it is a game you can solo, except for some arkfalls which can be a pain in the arse even with about 20 people XD as i found out
i just randomly decided to waste the rest of my evening watching documentaries about serial killers.
lol, what's wrong with me... >_>
^ I enjoy watching those kind of things! Lmao :)
I watched one about death row and why peadophiles are that way, they're all really good to watch :D
Pics [MENTION=32]Vampenstine[/MENTION] ;D
40 bots constantly because of [MENTION=109]Night[/MENTION]'s blog. :p
my finals are kicking my ****. i have so many art projects that aren't finished and a paper to write.
no sleep til friday :C
my finals are kicking my ****. i have so many art projects that aren't finished and a paper to write.
no sleep til friday :C

Ouch... good luck hon'! I'm a bit in the same situation, but obviously I just procrastinate the worry away. Just so I can worry a ton more when the deadline approaches furiously :B
Just woke up with that essay on the brain. Workkk
Well, I'm amused. XD
I ache all over. I'm knackered. 100% worth it though.
Early night tonight, me thinks.
It's freezing/rainy/windy here. Wish it was warm, like it's meant to be in May...
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