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The meeting at Sound Choice was AWESOME!


Funny it seems you even discussed the viability of the "server karaoke" idea which is Nigel's way of stating that all the hard drives he is copying and putting in the hands of his "employees" are really legal because no two songs are actually being played at the same time at any of 3 or 4 shows he is running on the same night. Since you discussed it it has already affected at least one person in Michigan.

On the other hand Nigel is operating both in Virginia and North Carolina in multiple cities and multiple venues, so he affecting the industry at least in those areas of influence in an interstate commerce manner. Since the violations is accused of are in a federal venue it affects every state in the union! Thus the industry as a whole!

The add was brought to my attention by someone who is a member of this site therefore it was already seen and noticed that he was refering to me, if one saw it others may well have as well, it is called a preemptive strike!

E-Bay has been notified and as you can see it is still up!

Well it certainly seems like you are interjecting yourself here for some reason?

You weren't at the meeting and apparently had no interest in what happened there so why are you bothered by it?

The add was brought to my attention by someone who is a member of this site therefore it was already seen and noticed that he was refering to me, if one saw it others may well have as well, it is called a preemptive strike!

E-Bay has been notified and as you can see it is still up!

Well it certainly seems like you are interjecting yourself here for some reason?

You weren't at the meeting and apparently had no interest in what happened there so why are you bothered by it?

Well, you call it a preemptive strike, and I'll call it **** for tat. You didn't ask others to contact eBay to support removing the ad, you simply added your own little commentary to it and then after quoting and responding you threw in "Sounds like he has the same lawyer as some others I know of!" for reasons known only to you. Trust me, it don't bother me in the least, just calling it like I see it.:rolleyespill:

Funny it seems you even discussed the viability of the "server karaoke" idea which is Nigel's way of stating that all the hard drives is is copying and putting in the hands of his "employees" are really legal because no two songs are actually being played at the same time at any of 3 or 4 shows he is running on the same night. Since you discussed it it has already affected at least one person in Michigan.

Can you twist your story any harder? Maybe something will come out if you twist hard enough! It has NOT "AFFECTED" ANYONE, ANYWHERE. Personally, I don't give a hoot about your squabble with this Nigel person and I don't understand why his story about you is any less believable than your story about him....

On the other hand Nigel is operating both in Virginia and North Carolina in multiple cities and multiple venues, so he affecting the industry at least in those areas of influence in an interstate commerce manner. Since the violations is accused of are in a federal venue it affects every state in the union! Thus the industry as a whole!

Are you drinking? How can you equate what 1 person does at a few venues as "affecting the industry?" IT HAS "AFFECTED" NOTHING.....

The "Effect" (not "Affect") has been only to rile you up... otherwise the rest of the world - and yes, even the "karaoke industry" doesn't give a diddly-squat about your finger-pointing-back-and-forth argument with this person...
Apparently then you are correct it has no affect on the industry, (oh wait a minute I just thought about something) If any of the cases filed by Sound Choice goes to court this will be the one because SC has refused to settle with him.

My question is since he has been filed against, and Sound Choice refuses to settle with him and it goes to Federal Court and the finding goes either way..... does it affect the karaoke industry?
My question is since he has been filed against, and Sound Choice refuses to settle with him and it goes to Federal Court and the finding goes either way..... does it affect the karaoke industry?

With or without your comments?
Apparently then you are correct it has no affect on the industry, (oh wait a minute I just thought about something) If any of the cases filed by Sound Choice goes to court this will be the one because SC has refused to settle with him.

My question is since he has been filed against, and Sound Choice refuses to settle with him and it goes to Federal Court and the finding goes either way..... does it affect the karaoke industry?


Sound Choice is not "the karaoke industry." They are simply one vendor of a number of vendors. It may only affect whether or not they will continue to be as successful using their current methodology, or to quote one of the most vocal Sound Choice supporters Jennifer Price; "Mob tactics."
That's a striking ad, Sandman.

I feel it diminishes SC a bit by calling them a "vendor." I see Express Karaoke as more of a vendor. While SC and CB may may vend their own products, they also produce them which gives them more of a stake in issues involving their product than a simple vendor would have.
I called them a manufacturer. I intend no diminishment. I am promoting the fact that I have authorized tracks.

This blurb goes on all my posters and on my website so far.
That's a striking ad, Sandman.

I feel it diminishes SC a bit by calling them a "vendor." I see Express Karaoke as more of a vendor. While SC and CB may may vend their own products, they also produce them which gives them more of a stake in issues involving their product than a simple vendor would have.

It is not putting them down to call them a vendor.

Sandman, I was referring to Chip calling them a vendor, not your new banner.
Sandman, I was referring to Chip calling them a vendor, not your new banner.

"Calling them a vendor?" The ARE a vendor. You make it sound like they must be something different?

Do you prefer "partner?" (they're not my partner)

Would you prefer "Exclusive Distributor?" (which is what they are when it comes to the Gem Series)

They hardly qualify for the title of "manufacturer" anymore since by their own admission their business model is primarily "asset recovery" and they don't really produce product on a regular basis anymore.

They "sell" more product (that they no longer manufacture) anyway, that qualifies them as a vendor in my book.

If the shoe fits.....


Sound Choice is not "the karaoke industry." They are simply one vendor of a number of vendors. It may only affect whether or not they will continue to be as successful using their current methodology, or to quote one of the most vocal Sound Choice supporters Jennifer Price; "Mob tactics."

So what has been your position all this time on what Sound Choice is doing?

Many of the "Anti" followers have stated over and over again that what Sound Choice is doing has and is affecting the "karaoke industry" in negative ways.

Now you are saying they are just one of a number of vendors and have no affect on the industry at all. You have me confused, which one is it Chip?
Don't know about any emotional factor, but for accounting purposes, any business that another business buys goods or services from is considered a vendor to that business.
I will answer this one for myself.
I agree they are NOT the Karaoke Industry, however alot of people put them on a pedestal as being the best for everything and only want to sing their versions etc.
I think that as a whole they are a pretty good product, back when they actually made one. Not they are nothing but a vendor dealing in older product, which is a surefire way to start making them less credible.

Now as for them affecting the industry, sure I agree they do that. They are doing nothing to fight piracy except going after a small handful of people for trademark infringement which is why they will not win without some sort of proof of display. Having someones trademark is not illegal. If it were, then they could just as easily go after Google Images for the same thing. The tactics of threats and naming people in suits that may likely never see the light of day, just in order to get settlement money hurts the business, because while the patrons will not care, the venues will. Much easier to get rid of a problem all together than it is to look for a way to suffice a Karaoke Disc Vendor and/or Manufacture.

Let's look at it from a logical standpoint, if a drunk enters a bar and starts yelling at people, what happens?

They throw him out because he was creating a problem. And quite possible they do it permanently.

Thats just a drunk, imagine a much bigger threat like SC and all of their cheerleaders making noise and harming the rep of your bar. If it were me, I would pull the threat out of my bar, simple fix? Live Music or a Jukebox. No more issue.
I will answer this one for myself.
I agree they are NOT the Karaoke Industry, however alot of people put them on a pedestal as being the best for everything and only want to sing their versions etc.
I think that as a whole they are a pretty good product, back when they actually made one. Not they are nothing but a vendor dealing in older product, which is a surefire way to start making them less credible.

Now as for them affecting the industry, sure I agree they do that. They are doing nothing to fight piracy except going after a small handful of people for trademark infringement which is why they will not win without some sort of proof of display. Having someones trademark is not illegal. If it were, then they could just as easily go after Google Images for the same thing. The tactics of threats and naming people in suits that may likely never see the light of day, just in order to get settlement money hurts the business, because while the patrons will not care, the venues will. Much easier to get rid of a problem all together than it is to look for a way to suffice a Karaoke Disc Vendor and/or Manufacture.

Let's look at it from a logical standpoint, if a drunk enters a bar and starts yelling at people, what happens?

They throw him out because he was creating a problem. And quite possible they do it permanently.

Thats just a drunk, imagine a much bigger threat like SC and all of their cheerleaders making noise and harming the rep of your bar. If it were me, I would pull the threat out of my bar, simple fix? Live Music or a Jukebox. No more issue.

Are you saying that SC as a manu (or vendor) affects the entire Karaoke industry?
Are you saying that SC as a manu (or vendor) affects the entire Karaoke industry?

Entire industry...no

They affect it on a small level for the KJ's here in the US as far as getting and keeping work. But that really is only a small percentage as most KJ's aren't even aware of the current issues with SC.
MOST people only know that SC doesn't or isn't doing anything new. That's if they know anything at all.
And also considering that Karaoke is not limited to only English speaking countries I would say that they really hold no significance for say the Japanese KJ or other country's etc.
When I say "Entire Karaoke Industry" I am refering to the U.S. market!

Do you really believe that "most" KJs are unaware of the issues of piracy?

It would seem to me that most KJs who operate from computer or are online would almost have to be aware of the situation, since if they are looking for Sound Choice products the first thing you see when you open the site is "report piracy here"!

It would almost be impossible to avoid having knowledge of what is going on as far as the piracy issue is concerned for a U.S. based karaoke host!
When I say "Entire Karaoke Industry" I am refering to the U.S. market!
Sorry I didn't know!!!!
How would one assume such a thing?!?!?!

Do you really believe that "most" KJs are unaware of the issues of piracy?

Did I say they were? I said they are probably not aware of the on going issues, by issues I meant the lawsuits/settlements etc.

It would seem to me that most KJs who operate from computer or are online would almost have to be aware of the situation, since if they are looking for Sound Choice products the first thing you see when you open the site is "report piracy here"!

That's assuming they went directly to the SC website instead of eBay or any other seller. However again I wasn't referring to Piracy. You inserted that claim after the fact.

It would almost be impossible to avoid having knowledge of what is going on as far as the piracy issue is concerned for a U.S. based karaoke host!

Again you weren't clear on it being US based hosts, or it being about piracy, you asked if they are the whole industry. I answered you!?!?!?

Not sure if your twisting words on purpose, but whatever I like games.