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The Science Of Sexual Orientation

highlandronin26 said:

Well I can say, he's not homophobic, but he is Old..LOL..just kidding Nova..dont make me get my 26 on your 60...he'll pwn you!

That could explain it!!!! LOL
Venus said:
Chris it's nothing personal... We are debating issues, it would be boring if I agreed with you all the time and vice versa. Now As Nova said.... let's get this back on track!

It would be just as pointless if I just agreed with you. So if that is the case then lets just get back on track like you said.
I agree Venus. back on topic.

Chris think of the opportunity. You have a safe environment here to learn; learn to present your case; learn to stay firm in your convictions; learn to give and take constructive criticism in a place where you are among friends.

Well the way it seemed like I was upsetting people. If that wasn't the case then I misunderstood what some people said, the same way people misunderstood what I said.
BabyBuddha said:

I DO NOT WANT Everyone to agree with me....if you want I will leave the site, since the ONE OPENLY GAY person seems to upsetting everyone.....is that what you all want?!??!

No that is just childish. I have no problem with you being gay but I feel like I am not allowed to have my own views without being attacked.
Just to add incase someone misunderstood me I never personally attacked anyone. I just feel gay marriage is wrong, I have nothing against any homosexuals.
What they do is disgusting.

"Sex involves what have sometimes been called the "lower organs," and, as psychologists have noted, often contains elements of both pleasure and distaste. There are few things more difficult for many people to contemplate than another person's sexual life--such contemplation brings forth the distaste but not the pleasure. To play with this natural reticence and build it up into outright disgust in the service of a homophobic prejudice is unfair. Dwelling in detail on anyone's sexual acts would disgust most members of the public: anyone could potentially be the victim of this kind of manipulative rhetoric.

Such manipulation artificially presents sexual acts as lacking two important ethical contexts. One of these is privacy. Most people, recognizing the common aversion to the sex acts of others, draw a veil of privacy around their own sex acts. Even if they engage in some sexual information exchange, such as the writing of erotic literature, they do so in such a way that the audience is limited to those consenting adults who wish to participate. For example, to buy and read a erotic book, one must go to a bookstore which sells such things and specifically seek them out. People who do not share each other's sexual interests all manage to live with one another in a society by honouring this ethic of privacy. Decent people restrain their minds from invading the consensual, adult sex lives of others. They do not pruriently obsess and scandalize over such things, and correctly regard such obsession as juvenile.

The second important ethical context is love. In loving relationships, sex acts serve as physical metaphors that express caring and closeness. These emotional aspects cannot be communicated by a physical description. In fact, to give a purely physical description of such sex acts is intellectually dishonest. Everyone knows that his or her own loving sex acts are not just manipulations of flesh.

[FONT=Tms Rmn,Times New Roman]What is unique about gay or lesbian sex acts as physical acts is precisely nothing. There is not a single action or permutation of gay sex that is not also frequently found in heterosexual contexts. Indeed, the coy slang names for certain sex acts --"French," "Greek" -- were all coined with heterosexual practices in mind. Very few of the possible sex acts of both homosexual and heterosexual persons pose innate hygienic problems, provided the partners observe ordinary hygienic principles. People who say "what they do is disgusting" need to be told to mind their own business."

Written By: Richard C. Summerbell, PH.D.
Left or Right Handed?!?

Question if homosexuals are not born gay, and choose homosexuality....then what about left and right handed people, do they choose to write with the minority hand??

As Poyeye says "I yam what I yam and I yam what I yam that I yam / And I got a lotta muscle and I only gots one eye / And I'll never hurt nobodys and I'll never tell a lie / Top to me bottom and me bottom to me top / That's the way it is 'til the day that I drop, what am I? / I yam what I yam.
GoingNova said:
Yes, we should encourage everyone to experiment.

Perhaps we could put together some posters:

"Hey, never had a penis in your ****? Try it, you might like it!"

"Never experienced oral sex with a woman? Give it a shot, its an acquired taste!"

"Gerbils - they are not just pets!"

"If it feels good, do it! YEAH! DOWN WITH THE MAN!"

That is just what young, confused people need, encouragement to experiment with sexuality. Yup, that would solve all the world's problems, if only we had more people engaging in anal sex!


I re-read this thread as well and all of you are guilty of insulting each other.

Chris, you mentioned to me that you are just playing with some of your comments. This is not funny! It is an attack! Review the thread if you don't believe me.

Nova, when a basher researches for information to be presented to the bashers to better inform them; when a basher presents herself/herself to a group; when a basher is a member of the gay community and makes an effort to present valid information to those not familiar with her life style; when a basher inserts a link to a fun survey and makes a note of saying that we take it for fun, is it really necessary to respond as you did??

I now understand how someone who is gay would be upset and feel attacked. MY GOD! SHE IS A HUMAN BEING and deserves every bit of RESPECT that the rest of the world receives, no questions asked.

I will have been here a year in a couple of months. Never have I experience you threatening to close threads or banning people.

Like you, I have issues in my life , however, I find that your demeanor has changed dramatically in the past few moths! And don't come back with having the freedom to say how one feels is an American right. Not being sensitive to your fellow brothers and sisters is your right as well. However, I don't feel it is right to slam gay BA members for attempting to educate others on how it is to live gay in an unhappy world!

NO WONDER BABYBUDDHA IS DEPRESSED if this is the way the rest of society accepts her!:sad3:

I can honestly say I am ashamed of how both you and Chris have responded to two of our newbies. Venus and BabyBuddha do no deserve such vicious attacks.

I know the "she said;he said", and the "s/he started it" lines are coming so please spare me that one.
BabyBuddha said:
Question if homosexuals are not born gay, and choose homosexuality....then what about left and right handed people, do they choose to write with the minority hand??

It all comes down to the brain. Whatever way its wired determines these things.
Chrisl0 said:

It all comes down to the brain. Whatever way its wired determines these things.
That is right, Chris. And it also applies to being born gay.

That is right, Chris. And it also applies to being born gay.

Not according to many scientists, including Masters and Johnson.
It's all down to opinion at the moment because it hasn't been proven
You might be born gay, but I think events in a persons life is what triggers it.
GoingNova said:

Not according to many scientists, including Masters and Johnson.

Well there are way more scientists in the world than Masters and Johnson. And more and more people are beginning to realize that people are BORN gay. So are I guess you will never believe it till it is scientifically proven. Is every thing you believe have to be scientifically proven? As many scientists believe that man evolved from the apes....do you believe that as well....some how I don't as I thought you were Christian. And the bible is not a scientific fact, it is just a book.
Chrisl0 said:
You might be born gay, but I think events in a persons life is what triggers it.
So what triggered my gayness??? I am curious??
BabyBuddha said:

So what triggered my gayness??? I am curious??

Good question, I am not sure. It probably varies from person to person. Just maybe the environment is what causes it.