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TUESDAY'S Storm...

ANOTHER TIME....not snow but another time I TOOK my kid from school....

When Tab was a sophmore we had some FREAK storm like the day before school was out for the summer...and the school caught fire too.

SOOooo, they had the kids OUTSIDE where trees were falling and a TERRIBLE storm was storming around them....I went and yes, several HUNDRED kids huddling outside while the fire dept was in the building.

I FINALLY went to a teacher, told the teacher "I am taking my student....IF they are able to reenter school and go to classes she is EXCUSED by ME"

They never went back into the building that day for class. They had the kids outside for hours (later some Pace buses were brought for them to sit in..and THAT is what the newspaper focused on, how the kids were safe on buses (ummm, not! I SAW them out in the crazy storm NOT sheltered for a LONG while)).

Another time that I took the mom veto power. Less bureauacracy (spelled wrong I am sure) when I have the only vote.
Sometimes husbands are stubborn.

My DH has a 30 minute commute. During the last storm, I told him to stay put and work late in the office. Better to sit at work for an extra 90 minutes or 2 hours than to sit in a car getting aggravated KWIM. He keeps instant noodles and snacks and drinks at his office so he won't get hungry either.

He left work at 6:00 and got home at 7:30. Instead of it taking 30 min, it took 90 min.

One of his coworkers lives right near us. That guy left the office at 8 and got home at 8:30 ... regular 30 min commute.

I told DH he should have just listened to me but NOPE, he knows best!

Yes they are but I don't think it's going to let up for a while.
Yes they are but I don't think it's going to let up for a while.

True! Last time, the snow stopped early evening here so I was just using that as an example. My DH left in the thick of the storm and none of the roads were plowed. After a while, the plows came out and then the drive was much better later in the evening.
Sometimes husbands are stubborn.

My DH has a 30 minute commute. During the last storm, I told him to stay put and work late in the office. Better to sit at work for an extra 90 minutes or 2 hours than to sit in a car getting aggravated KWIM. He keeps instant noodles and snacks and drinks at his office so he won't get hungry either.

He left work at 6:00 and got home at 7:30. Instead of it taking 30 min, it took 90 min.

One of his coworkers lives right near us. That guy left the office at 8 and got home at 8:30 ... regular 30 min commute.

I told DH he should have just listened to me but NOPE, he knows best!

I am trying to decide what to do. Should I just wait here for a while and leave around 6 or should I go now. I know I will sit in traffic, but I just wanna get out of here. plus I am HUNGRY. Either Dorothy or the dog stole the crackers out of my bag, so there goes my lunch. I am out of snacks in my drawer. I will go hit the vending machine if I stay for a while.
Why is it that my school district pretty much never closes, including all after school stuff. I just got an email letting me know that our concert is still on for tonight. I wanted to stay home in my pj's and eat beef tenderloin by a toasty fire.
DH has decided to pick up Emm.

NOW, I just wish all my ducks were home. I am muchmore nervous sitting at home waiting than I am driving.

Me too. All the kids are home now. Dh is working overtime (mandatory), so he won't be home for awhile. He's got an hour commute too.
And I have DMIL out there again!!!!! can you believe it? Her daughter called her at 1:00 and told her to leave....she didn't! She is now on her way home...and has to come via rte 31....Oy Vey!
Emmalee is still stuck at school :pout:
I buy bananas occasionally...more in the past 3 months because the new kids eat them. I have NEVER bought them for a snow storm before today. Now I kind of want to eat one. I have no idea if it's the banana mentality or all the talk of bananas here. :p

Actually, it's known as the georgie effect. :lol:
Nope. He had a stop to make too....but she has called a few times asking if I have heard from him...but neither one of us want to call him and take his eyes off the road.

They are closed and most people are gone. She is being patient....I am just a wreck really wanting them home.
Nope. He had a stop to make too....but she has called a few times asking if I have heard from hom...but neither one of us want to call him and take his eyes off the road.

They are closed and most people are gone. She is being patient....I am just a wreck really wanting them home.

DH called..............he's creeping along at 15mph. I'm not really worried about the interstate, it's when he gets off that I'm worried about.

I hope our peeps are home soon Barb.
DH called...he is on the highway (he went to Chicago :faint:)

He said he should be at Emm in 20 minutes.

Let us know when he is safe and home, mrsmom. Yours may make it home before mine!
DH called...he is on the highway (he went to Chicago :faint:)

He said he should be at Emm in 20 minutes.

Let us know when he is safe and home, mrsmom. Yours may make it home before mine!

WTH did he have to go to Chicago for?!
She got out at 2:50.

The school closed at 3.

The original plan was DS and I would pick her up when he got home at 2:30. DH called and didn't want us out in this....and said he would get her.

I don't think he had ANY idea how late it would be by the time he got back/through.
She got out at 2:50.

The school closed at 3.

The original plan was DS and I would pick her up when he got home at 2:30. DH called and didn't want us out in this....and said he would get her.

I don't think he had ANY idea how late it would be by the time he got back/through.

Oh geez Barb is she all alone? If the school is closed, where is she? She's prolly hungry. :pout:
I'm scared for her too, let us know when they get home.
Flight changed to tomorrow!


(Altho they will be arriving at 1250am Friday, 50 minutes after midnight, that is)

Better than today!


If they're leaving tomorrow (Wed.) why won't they get in until Fri?
She just called. She is officially the last one there :pout:

And, yes, she is complaining of being hungry...but dh plans McDs as soon as he picks her up. I also have a roast ready in the crockpot as well as potatoes, carrots, and peas.

He was working. I just didn't realize he was that far. I thought he was in Round Lake today.

She will be ok....but it does suck for her. A lesson in patience won't kill her though. She HAD snacks, but she ate them. So, it isn't like she didn't eat since breakfast. Just not maybe as much as she would have had normally.