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UPDATED TITLE - Teen Sneaks - Mean Mom busts her!

Re: Such a failure as a mom

If she wasn't sharing a room with her sister, that door would come off the hinges for zero privacy in my house.

You want to be sneaky? Good luck with no door, no going out, no phone, no computer, no nothing. She'd be going back to little house on the prairie days over here.
Re: Such a failure as a mom

She can be in BIG trouble if her school finds out… YES, even though it's summer and she is not on school grounds…..

Really? How is it their business?
Re: Such a failure as a mom

If she wasn't sharing a room with her sister, that door would come off the hinges for zero privacy in my house.

You want to be sneaky? Good luck with no door, no going out, no phone, no computer, no nothing. She'd be going back to little house on the prairie days over here.

There are no electronics in her room - except her alarm clock radio. And door is only allowed to be closed when they are changing.
Re: Such a failure as a mom

I'm sorry to say that I went to MaDonna HS. I was horrified at the ****s I was going to school with. One at 15 was on birthcontrol. One was prostituting herself out to some older guy. The girls there where so lose I couldn't believe it. Luckily, we moved and I got away from that horrible horrible place.

Hmmm.........I was thinking about our Lutheran HS..........there isn't any stories like that coming out of there (that I've heard). Not saying they don't anything wrong, but from what I've heard about many Catholic schools.........I think it's less. But it sounds like her choice of schools may be limited since it's a smaller area.

If she wasn't sharing a room with her sister, that door would come off the hinges for zero privacy in my house.

You want to be sneaky? Good luck with no door, no going out, no phone, no computer, no nothing. She'd be going back to little house on the prairie days over here.

****...............youz gonna be one tough mama some day. :snicker:
Re: Such a failure as a mom

With something like that? Yup. Youz don't sho da boobiez.
Re: Such a failure as a mom

Hmmm.........I was thinking about our Lutheran HS..........there isn't any stories like that coming out of there (that I've heard). Not saying they don't anything wrong, but from what I've heard about many Catholic schools.........I think it's less. But it sounds like her choice of schools may be limited since it's a smaller area.

****...............youz gonna be one tough mama some day. :snicker:

I went to Holy Name (Catholic)for grade school... the biggest problem with private schools at least by us is that they are sooooo expensive that enrollment is really low. When I was in 8th grade I along with another kid got caught drinking (brandy straight up) at a school dance.. I was also caught smoking, leaving school with a highscool boy that drove, the list goes on and on. They never told my mom or did anything else oh 1 teacher pulled me out of class and said " If you don't change your ways you"ll be pregnant by 15" but fear of lossing a student made them not tell any parents what was really going on, as soon as we kids figured that out we ran the school. This was the late 70's.
I always said that if I had kids they would never go to a private school just because they can get away with way more then public schools would ever allow. (found that out when I went to wausau west public HS) Had heard about suspensions never actually had to paticipate in one, until then. LOL... glad I was sooo done with all my bad habits by the 2nd year of H.S. But it was fun at the time.
Re: Such a failure as a mom

Diane you're definitely selling yourself short in the title of this thread. From what I'm reading you're doing everything possible to make your DD realize what she did was wrong and that it has serious consequences.
Re: Such a failure as a mom

Diane you're definitely selling yourself short in the title of this thread. From what I'm reading you're doing everything possible to make your DD realize what she did was wrong and that it has serious consequences.

Thanks - I made an update ;-)
Diane...... you are doing the absolutely right and awesome mom thing to be on top of this..... raising kids is really really hard these days... there are soooooooo many things out there trying to corrupt them.... private school vs public school does NOT matter... they meet and are :quotes:friends:quotes: with people WAY beyond their own circle of friends these days.... and it's impossible to know them all, to know those character, FORGET knowing their parents, cause that's never gonna happen..... raising teenagers is crazy hard these days ..... and I blame music , media, advertising, everyone out to make a quick buck, no matter what it does to our kids, parents who don't care, parents who think their kids couldn't possibly do anything wrong, a country afraid to say the word "God" lest if offend someone, a country lacking in morals more and more each day.

:huggy: :huggy: :huggy: to you as you struggle through this, because it could be any of us here, at the drop of a hat... it could be ANY one of us with kids
Like the others, I believe you did the right thing by being tough. Good luck and :huggy:
A-to-the-men cookiemom!!! Very well said. :hiphip:
Re: Such a failure as a mom

Thanks - I made an update ;-)

Glad to hear it was you. I was worried for a minute there Barb was outta control and changing random thread titles. :giggles:
Diane, you're awesome. There should be a medal for tough Moms -

#1 Mean Mom
is the best Mom

My poor boys, when they were very young, whenever they told me I was mean, I would answer with a Yup, that's cuz I love you the mostest. Mean Mom is the best Mom. And you know what? They believed it!! And I was mean, often. I said "no" and I took away whatever privilege they abused. It's a small club, Diane - welcome to it. I think the biggest chapter of Mean Moms is probably this group here.
Just read this whole thread now. Wow, Diane, I echo everyone else here. You were doing the right things and still are. Our children will sadly make bad choices at times and we can only pray for the grace and strength to react in the best way possible. I think you are doing a bang up job and pray that good will come out of this in some way, shape or form. Hugs and prayers to you all!
One more knock against Catholic schools. Not that they are better or worse. The same thing happens everywhere. My DD was 13 and an 8th grader and was sexting a 17yo that went to a Catholic HS and was at her school doing community service.
fyi --here in my 'hood the private schools are waaaay more strict put up with less BS then the public schools do

I do not envy you Diane

I agree with cookiemom about parents--yikes so hard to get to know them these days!!
Daine, as you go to bed tonight, know you did the right thing. Your dd may be pised now but it could save her from tons of pain, heartache and problems later. I am GLAD you called the police, that is what ANY good mom would have done.
You did the right thing..When my DD was in the 6th grade she was on the internet talking with boys from here class and one of them was mad at her for some reason and he said he was gonna rape her!! Well she told me and she was smart to save the conversation and we printed it out. I called the police too and gave them the print out and both boys were pulled out of class and their parents were called in during school by the police and they got but on probation and were not allowed to even talk to my DD or they would go to jail..