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UPDATED TITLE - Teen Sneaks - Mean Mom busts her!

Re: Such a failure as a mom

I don't think any of us disrespected her (I know it wasn't my intention). She gave us such shocking tid bits............it's only natural to wonder what she's talking about. :9:

To me this thread is about supporting our dear Diane during this trying parental moment. :nopompom:

Continued :huggy:
Re: Such a failure as a mom

Holy crap. :huggy: Hope things work out alright and that she learns a hard lesson!
Re: Such a failure as a mom

My oldest was a "wild one" too! I totally blamed it on the kids she ran with. She would be in a room and gravitate toward the lowest of low. I never thought her actions should be a reflection on me or how I raised her - and neither should you. It really was a lesson in who my "real" friends were!
Re: Such a failure as a mom

Thanks guys.

We called the cops. Most likely nothing will happen to our daughter, based on the info we have, but if any of the people she was chatting with were over 18 then those people may have charges pressed against them.
Re: Such a failure as a mom

WOW. Good luck,keep us posted!
Re: Such a failure as a mom

Thanks guys.

We called the cops. Most likely nothing will happen to our daughter, based on the info we have, but if any of the people she was chatting with were over 18 then those people may have charges pressed against them.

Good for you. It may help them, my hat goes off to you for it, I never would have thought of calling the cops sure glad you did... that was the right thing to do, hard to do I am sure but you may help save a girl or two.
Re: Such a failure as a mom

Wow, good for you for calling the cops. :huggy: That's a hard decision to make, but I think the absolute correct one. I hadn't thought through the fact that it could be an adult man trolling for young girls.
Re: Such a failure as a mom

I'm glad you called them for investigation. I hope by seeing the cops your DD knows the severity of the situation now.

Now put her back in her room with water and crackers and let her out to use the bathroom and shower. And just maybe she'll be allowed to go back to school in Sept. without any type of tech in her hands.

I'm so sorry she did this, but really glad you took the bull by the horns.
Re: Such a failure as a mom


I am hoping she will see that we will hold her accountable for her behavior. (not holding my breath, but hoping)

All clothing that covers less then a tshirt and respectable shorts would has been removed from her wardrobe (tank tops were the most of it).

Have to wrap my head around a few dozen things about where she will attend school in the fall. We had already been considering Cyber/homeschool vs Public school, this is one more factor to deal with that decision.
Re: Such a failure as a mom

How about a parochial school?
Re: Such a failure as a mom

She can be in BIG trouble if her school finds out… YES, even though it's summer and she is not on school grounds…..
Re: Such a failure as a mom

Hugs! Hopefully she will realize how serious this is. This school online school came highly recommended to us when we were first exploring pulling DS out of public school special ed and homeschooling/cyberschooling



I am hoping she will see that we will hold her accountable for her behavior. (not holding my breath, but hoping)

All clothing that covers less then a tshirt and respectable shorts would has been removed from her wardrobe (tank tops were the most of it).

Have to wrap my head around a few dozen things about where she will attend school in the fall. We had already been considering Cyber/homeschool vs Public school, this is one more factor to deal with that decision.
Re: Such a failure as a mom

How about a parochial school?

I'm sorry to say that I went to MaDonna HS. I was horrified at the ****s I was going to school with. One at 15 was on birthcontrol. One was prostituting herself out to some older guy. The girls there where so lose I couldn't believe it. Luckily, we moved and I got away from that horrible horrible place.
Re: Such a failure as a mom

BTW I am NOT offended by anything that has been said.

I am only able to pop in and out as I try and keep my household under control. I've also called my parents to explain what happened (yeah that's not a call I want to have to make, even though I am an adult - but we live in the same small town)

I know some would never turn their kids in for someting like this. We chose to, for our protection, and to hopefully make her stop and think about future actions.

There are soooo many possiblities about the 'boys' she was chatting with. They could be other teens from down the street (subject to sharing her pics with everyone they know), they could be horney teens from across country, and they could be pedophile etc.

Pics these days can be tracked to the GPS location they were taken at - in many cases.

Parochial or Christian school is also a possibility, though they don't have the greatest reputation in my area.

I'm not sure how she could be in trouble with the school now? She's in a public school, but if she ends up having broken their rules she will face that music too.

I'm praying that this is a learning lesson for her, and perhaps allows the police to stop some others from doing the same thing.
Re: Such a failure as a mom

Very true on the GPS on the pic.

Do you think she gets it now?
Re: Such a failure as a mom

I don't think there is anything wrong with tough love right now. Kids these days get away with way too much.

Kids need to learn consequences something lacking in their age group.
Re: Such a failure as a mom

Do you think she gets it now?

maybe, not sure

Taking away her clothes, and even Church clothes (sundress) certainly did.

Sweating her butt off this morning weeding the gardens did (it was over 100 degrees - I was out there working with her)

The cop coming to the door did. The cop taking her ipod did. (even though she knew she wasn't touching it again - watching me hand over that $200+ item she knew was alot.)
Re: Such a failure as a mom

I can just imagine how freaked out she was with the po-po!!
Re: Such a failure as a mom

BTW - if anyone is inspecting their child's Ipod, Iphone, etc

The program she was using was KIK but there are plenty of others out there too.