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What do we think: Joe Paterno

I totally agree, I'm only 5'3" but I would have done my damnedest to save that boy.

I also wonder, how many times have those involved, those who saw something but didn't save those boys, those who knew something but didn't say or do something that would have prevented there being a next victim...how many times have those cowards been to religious services since?

Did they say something a member of the clergy?

If one of them said something to a medical person, they would have been required by law to report it to the police. I hope to hell that no member of any clergy heard something but did not report it. Not only is it mandated by law, but how could anyone claim to live a life of morals but idly stand by and enable yet another child become a victim?.

I also hope no member of any clergy gave any comfort or granted forgiveness to any of the ****s involved.

Wow it took you a lil longer than I thought to find a way to drag the clergy into it..............you're losing your touch ennui.
Wow it took you a lil longer than I thought to find a way to drag the clergy into it..............you're losing your touch ennui.
When you consider that some folks saw & have known about this for almost 10 years, if they did not tell the police, who might they have told? It seems natural they might have turned to clergy or therapists.

Medical personnel are required by law to report any knowledge of child abuse. In many states, but not all, clergy are required to report it to police as well. Some states sadly will allow someone to tell of murder or child abuse and clergy keep their mouths shut, and tough **** for the past and future victims. That beyond stinks, imo, it is morally wrong.

You know I don't give a **** if someone gets their panties in a twist because I question whether or not a group, any group, truly puts the best interest of children in danger at the forefront or is caring for the welfare of the innocent lip service bullshit and their true objective is protection of the institution. As I said, there are cultural differences between areas of the country and up here there is no blind loyalty. We have learned to question everything, no one, and no institution is above reproach. A lesson sadly learned after far too many were victimized. Never again.

If things were not covered up, and people did not look away, but instead took care of the problem when it first came up, look how many innocent children would not have been put through hell.
I've been glued to this story all week, I've been so enraged I've suprised even myself. I am so thankful to see that most of America is reacting like I hoped they would. If Penn State is allowed to get through this unscathed, if any of these people that knew of children being raped are allowed to go unpunished - our society might as well go down the toilet. I actually think Penn State thought they were going to do nothing until the outcry got so frickin loud this week that they had no choice - thank god people are yelling loud enough.

BTW - why is the grad assistant that actually saw the rape in the shower in the
1990's being place on "paid administrative leave" because they are fearing for his safety, why isn't he being fired also? I honestly don't think they should be allowed to even play Sat - the temporary coach has also been there for 30+ years - do we really think he has been in the dark or did he know too? They need to suspend football and clean house. Programs have been punished that way for far less.
My DH brought up an interesting idea about McQueary. Apparently McQueary's dad was pals with Paterno and Sandusky. He grew up around those guys. My DH was wondering aloud if McQueary was ever molested by Sandusky.
My DH brought up an interesting idea about McQueary. Apparently McQueary's dad was pals with Paterno and Sandusky. He grew up around those guys. My DH was wondering aloud if McQueary was ever molested by Sandusky.

BTW - why is the grad assistant that actually saw the rape in the shower in the
1990's being place on "paid administrative leave" because they are fearing for his safety, why isn't he being fired also? I honestly don't think they should be allowed to even play Sat - the temporary coach has also been there for 30+ years - do we really think he has been in the dark or did he know too? They need to suspend football and clean house. Programs have been punished that way for far less.
He wasn't fired & they didn't cancel even a single game because ALL they care about is playing a **** game.

That children were raped, and on their campus, isn't as important as playing a game.

The game must go on.

They even said they would play in bowl games this year.

No matter what.

That is how **** sick they are, how ****ed up their priorities are.

The football program at Penn should be shut down permanently.
They even said they would play in bowl games this year.

No matter what.

That is how **** sick they are, how ****ed up their priorities are.

The football program at Penn should be shut down permanently.

ennui the whole school and students and football players who did nothing wrong should not be punished. Shutting down the football program won't help the victims any, but it will hurt the moral of the school. Celebrating sports helps to lift moral in dark times. It's people that failed the kids, not the sport.
The insane worship of football there is what caused the culture that allowed people to ignore what was going on. It poisoned their minds, warped their sensibilities and priorities.

Trust me, they will not die without football. I swear, there will not be a single fatality caused if Penn State never plays another football game.

Maybe they will crack a book, or spend time volunteering to help with victims of child abuse, or maybe, just maybe, open their eyes to the real world around them, the world is bigger than football.
The insane worship of football there is what caused the culture that allowed people to ignore what was going on. It poisoned their minds, warped their sensibilities and priorities.

Trust me, they will not die without football. I swear, there will not be a single fatality caused if Penn State never plays another football game.

Maybe they will crack a book, or spend time volunteering to help with victims of child abuse, or maybe, just maybe, open their eyes to the real world around them, the world is bigger than football.

ennui stop acting like people who like sports do nothing else with their lives!

Sex crimes happen everywhere..........every race, faith, neighborhood, profession, etc. :rolleyes:
So many people are delusional to "real life".
not really. Just in general. Stop paying attention and everything blows up/falls down around ya. Lose a job, become ill, ect and you lose it all. Had nothing to do with a sex scandal, just when folks lose perspective, it falls apart.
not really. Just in general. Stop paying attention and everything blows up/falls down around ya. Lose a job, become ill, ect and you lose it all. Had nothing to do with a sex scandal, just when folks lose perspective, it falls apart.

Ok so you're not "down with football!!!"?
No. I think sports are fine. You have to be involved with your kids. Whether you are a single mom/dad or not. You must be involved.
No. I think sports are fine. You have to be involved with your kids. Whether you are a single mom/dad or not. You must be involved.

I'm not down on football either (love college sports) and I also feel the players aren't in any way to blame. It's just that this is too big to me, the game doesn't matter at this point. The players will be okay, a few of them have already requested transfers and one signed recruit has already decommitted, said playing there would just be too sad, so I'm not sure their hearts are in it to keep playing anyway.

My big issue is that the people who were aware what was happening shouldn't be allowed on the field or to keep their jobs......until they can be sure that's been taken care of football is just not that important you know?
Oh - were big on kids in sports here too, I've got 7 different B-ball leagues I'm trying to drive to this season - Still love the kids in sports for the most part!
ennui stop acting like people who like sports do nothing else with their lives!

Sex crimes happen everywhere..........every race, faith, neighborhood, profession, etc. :rolleyes:
Sports in moderation is fine, but the craziness at Penn State is out of proportion to reality. Their belief that football is more important than anything else is at a koolaid level of cult insanity.
Sports in moderation is fine, but the craziness at Penn State is out of proportion to reality. Their belief that football is more important than anything else is at a koolaid level of cult insanity.

Right which is why the current staff should be replaced, but not the whole program.