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What is your take on the Arizona illegal immigration situation?

I'm for the law. Americans are losing jobs to illegals. I'm not picking on any so called minority. White people are the new minority.It's all good for people to say this is a bad law.I'm sure the people who live in Arizona have a much different viewpoint.The state shouldn't have had to enact this law. The federal government should have got off their **** years ago & did something about it. Yeah, i'm actually complaining about Bush(don't have a heart attack).Aliens haven't taken me over.:lol:

Oh, & i'm for gun control & yes, i'm a Republican.:giggles:


And I'm even a democrat!
I'm for the law. Americans are losing jobs to illegals. I'm not picking on any so called minority. White people are the new minority.It's all good for people to say this is a bad law.I'm sure the people who live in Arizona have a much different viewpoint.The state shouldn't have had to enact this law. The federal government should have got off their **** years ago & did something about it. Yeah, i'm actually complaining about Bush(don't have a heart attack).Aliens haven't taken me over.:lol:

Oh, & i'm for gun control & yes, i'm a Republican.:giggles:

I'm a conservative who doesn't have a problem with reasonable control of guns also. I also think many on the far right are completely unrealistic regarding how to deal with illegals in the country already. There is theory and reality. That said, I don't buy the argument that nobody will do the work illegals do so we should look the other way. I also find it ridiculous that securing our border should cause any uproar - tell me a country that lets people cross at will! And I have no problem with requiring people to produce evidence of citizenship under reasonable circumstances (I do it all the time). Try telling a Mexican police that they are violating your civil rights if they ask for your passport - see how that works out for you.

The federal govt. has completely failed dealing with illegals and then pretending outrage that a state with a major problem decides to take stronger steps is nazi-like is absurd.
I'm not really sure what all the fuss is about. I'm required by law to carry my papers with me at all times. I have to be able to prove my citizenship and that I'm in the country legally. I can see that I am unlikely ever to be asked to do so since I'm Caucasian/blond/English as a first language, but I wouldn't be offended if I did something that flagged me and caused someone to ask.

Of course if they were only asking women who happened to be Caucasian/blond/English as a first language to produce their papers then I would be offended.
Try telling a Mexican police that they are violating your civil rights if they ask for your passport - see how that works out for you.
Your civil rights as an American end at the US borders.

The problem with the new law in Arizona is that Arizona has a very long history of targeting non-whites. When the rest of the US made Martin Luther King Day a national holiday Arizona refused to sanction it. The US Voting Rights Act of 1964 specifically mentioned Arizona because of the state's long history of denying & impeding voting by Hispanics & Native Americans. There is NO reason to believe they won't be racial profiling & singling out those the police believe to be Hispanic.
I don't know if this is how it is, but if I was a Mexican and did everything the right way to be here legally, I'd be pissed at all those here illegally.
not by me--Try to get a teen to GASP work at McD's like I did when I was a teen--it's totally beneath them and I DO NOT Live in an upscale area--when is the last time you saw a staff of white cleaning woman at a hotel--ummm not by me, white men in a group mowing lawns or doing landscape work ( and their NAME is not on the truck?)

Those are my observations by me--in my neighborhood.

I do believe that our country would be so much better off if we didnt have to spend so much on illegals ( health care, food stamps..etc..) same for the legals that we have that milk the system

My last job (over 5yrs ago now) was being a manager of a fast food chain and to be honest we had teens that worked with no problems and even enjoyed working. In IL we have a min wage now of $8.00 ($8.25 on 7/1/10) while min wage is not enough to live off of lots of people who take these jobs if they were offered to them.

It's because a citizen cannot live on $2 an hour. Employers pay disgusting wages to illegals.

I know someone who was working off the books with a few other guys and the guy they were working for was only paying them $50 a day even though they worked most days 12-15 hours. He would also wait 2-3 weeks to pay these guys but because most of the guys working were illegal no one would do anything about it.

I'm a conservative who doesn't have a problem with reasonable control of guns also. I also think many on the far right are completely unrealistic regarding how to deal with illegals in the country already. There is theory and reality. That said, I don't buy the argument that nobody will do the work illegals do so we should look the other way. I also find it ridiculous that securing our border should cause any uproar - tell me a country that lets people cross at will! And I have no problem with requiring people to produce evidence of citizenship under reasonable circumstances (I do it all the time). Try telling a Mexican police that they are violating your civil rights if they ask for your passport - see how that works out for you.

The federal govt. has completely failed dealing with illegals and then pretending outrage that a state with a major problem decides to take stronger steps is nazi-like is absurd.

I'm glad AZ took a stand but at the same time I feel that there is going to be a huge mess to clean up if they start enforcing this law. I do believe we should in fact follow the laws that we have and deport illegal immigrants.

Also since I already started I have worked in management for a fast food chain (which hires lots of illegals) we need to drop bigger punishments on the people that actually hire/employee these people in order for it too stop. The last year I was with this company we got hit with a huge fine (company wide) because of the huge numbers of unmatched employees (SS names and numbers not matching) so the new thing was to hire new employees, let them work until the numbers come back as not matching (usually took 2 months) then have them be "rehired" with a new name/SS#.
Anyone believe in Karma?

How was this land obtained in the first place?

Push & shove...
I believe Arizona had to do something and wish Illinois would also do the same. Wondering what the rally in Kenosha tomorrow will do.
Local rally participants to unite

Service set to protest detention, deportation of illegal immigrants


As many as 100 religious leaders are expected to attend a prayer service and rally Thursday calling for immigration reform and the end to detention and deportation of illegal immigrants.

The service begins at 11:30 a.m. at Immanuel United Methodist Church, 5410 Sheridan Road, and will move to a parking area near the Kenosha County Jail at 1000 55th St., and also to U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan’s office at 5455 Sheridan Raod, according to Sister Barbara Pfarr, spokeswoman for Wisdom, a statewide coalition of faith-based groups active in immigration reform.

Prayers planned
Participants will be praying for inmates who are being detained in the county on behalf of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, she said.

“We see the detention system as a symbol of what’s wrong with the immigration system,” Pfarr said Tuesday. “We do believe they are there unjustly when they could and should be out there providing for their families.

As of Monday, the county had 164 Immigration and Customs Enforcement inmates logged in its system, according to Sgt. Gil Benn, sheriff’s department spokesman. Benn said 139 inmates are at the Kenosha County Detention Center, 4777 88th Ave., while the remainder are at the downtown jail.

‘Broken system’
Pfarr said inmates are often moved from jail to jail, which is characteristic of a “broken system.” Rather than placing immigration detainees in jail, enforcement officials should consider other options, she said.

Pfarr said most have committed no felonies and have violated civil laws rather than criminal laws. She suggested having them wear ankle bracelets for monitoring, rather than a jail stay, saying it would be less costly.

“What we’re protesting is the immigration system. And, what happens to them with the detention system is a symptom of how bad the immigration system is broken,” she said.

To house federal inmates, Kenosha County is paid $70 per day per inmate.

Sheriff David Beth said the county does not use ankle bracelets and would likely not use them for illegal immigration detainees.

“We don’t have electronic monitoring. We don’t have the capability to do that,” he said. “If we ever got to the point where we’re filled over the capacity, maybe then we would do that with our own inmates.

“We would do, and already do, what the federal government has asked us to do and that is house (federal immigration inmates). I don’t think the federal government would typically ask us to monitor with an ankle bracelet.”

Thursday’s rally also is directed at the Obama administration, which immigration activists say isn’t moving fast enough to ensure comprehensive immigration reform.

Arizona’s reform
Last week, Arizona passed its own reform that allows police to ask anyone for documentation proving their legal presence in the United States.

Beth said the sheriff’s department does not arrest people who are in the country illegally or put them in jail “unless they’ve committed a crime.”
70% of Arizona voters agree with this..... Enough said
Your civil rights as an American end at the US borders.

The problem with the new law in Arizona is that Arizona has a very long history of targeting non-whites. When the rest of the US made Martin Luther King Day a national holiday Arizona refused to sanction it. The US Voting Rights Act of 1964 specifically mentioned Arizona because of the state's long history of denying & impeding voting by Hispanics & Native Americans. There is NO reason to believe they won't be racial profiling & singling out those the police believe to be Hispanic.

Mass. has a history of slavery - that doesn't mean that should not be allowed to pass reasonable laws.
not by me--Try to get a teen to GASP work at McD's like I did when I was a teen--it's totally beneath them and I DO NOT Live in an upscale area--when is the last time you saw a staff of white cleaning woman at a hotel--ummm not by me, white men in a group mowing lawns or doing landscape work ( and their NAME is not on the truck?)

Those are my observations by me--in my neighborhood.

I do believe that our country would be so much better off if we didnt have to spend so much on illegals ( health care, food stamps..etc..) same for the legals that we have that milk the system

or bussing tables @ a restaurant???
or bussing tables @ a restaurant???

That was my first job when I was 16. Granted it was in a wealthy tourist town, place was on a lake and my uniform was a white polo and a short khaki skirt and um.........I think it was their "non official" policy to only hire white peeps.
Disgruntled Hispanic cops could possibly use this to pull over white people and ask them for their citizenship. Are we not all immigrants?

Disgruntled Hispanic cops could possibly use this to pull over white people and ask them for their citizenship. Are we not all immigrants?


Fine. What would I show them though? :bee:
They will pull over Grandma McDonald and Grandpa Hewitt, like they do in airports. Why? So they can tell their family and make sure it's not 100% Mexican.

I say ask for my ID. Heck, I'll give you my license and passport card. It was hard as hell to get that passport and I was born here and never left this soil. I haven't showed it off yet anyhow. :lol:
Why did you get a passport Tazz? DH has one for when he travels to Mexico for work....funny pic. :giggles: