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  1. cris09

    Nokia N9, a piece of history!!

    Has anyone heard about the new Nokia N9? It is a one of its kind device, as unlike other Nokia devices, it will not run Symbian. It will rather have Meego as its OS. Meego was jointly developed by Nokia and Intel as it's future OS, but was later ditched by Nokia in favor of Microsoft's Windows...
  2. cris09

    Blackberry Playbook's Android app support delayed!

    Blackberry's slate named Playbook was launched into the market but was not received well by the masses, as they were lightyears behind Android and iOS. However, Playbook can run Android apps too, a fact confirmed by RIM. However, this feature will not be available until fall. It is interesting...
  3. cris09

    What coding languages do you know?

    JS, C++, Java. Forgot CSS and PHP. I had just begun learning WPF and Android(Java again), but dropped it because I did not see any immediate use of WPF and I am not gonna retain my Android device for a long time.
  4. cris09

    [HTML Tut.1] Getting Started

    Nice tutorial for beginners. HTML is very beautiful, once you get to learn all its tags. Javascript allows to add some cool effects too..Carry on this good work.
  5. cris09

    Apple and their money

    It isn't shocking at all.Their products are so expensive with features that are available in other phones at half rate. Their success is based entirely on the simplicity and beauty of their OS. And of course because of the status symbol that an iPhone has turned into.
  6. cris09

    MP3 Player vs IPOD

    Agree with M-Sigma. I don't understand this thread. How can an mp3 player be easier to use than iPod? iPod is an mp3 player. And you should also specify the mp3 player you used to compare. It's as if you are trying to say that a mobile phone is better than iPhone.
  7. cris09

    Apple stops Samsung from selling its tabs!!

    Ya. Thats a sad fact. They are currently trying to stop Samsung Galaxy S series handsets from selling in USA, and are currently at war with hTC too!!
  8. cris09

    Fake Apple stores in China!!

    Its true. But isn't it blatantly illegal? Why wouldn't anyone take action(Apple in this case)?
  9. cris09

    Morgus' Photoshop stuff

    It is a nice start. I would love to see your progress. Keep posting your good work.
  10. cris09

    Man.United FC lounge

    Did anyone see the ManU-Barcelona friendly match? ManU won 2-1. I didnt get to see it.
  11. cris09

    The Most Hated Athletes

    Haha. I think I know whom you are talking about. I really hate him too for his tactics. Didier Drogba has chosen the wrong sport as his profession!! I guess bungee jumping would suit him :P
  12. cris09

    What Sports Can You Play?

    Cricket, Football, Badminton, Table Tennis and a bit of Hockey..Play carrom daily but I guess that is counted as an indoor sport!!
  13. cris09

    christiano ronaldo or lionel messi?

    My favorite is Cristiano Ronaldo. I guess that is pretty evident from my username. He is a showman with skills.
  14. cris09

    Do you watch or play cricket?

    Yes. I love cricket and I used to play for my college team too. Totally enjoying the current Natwest Series between India and England.
  15. cris09

    Apple stops Samsung from selling its tabs!!

    Apple has successfully won the court hearing in which the latter cannot sell its 10.1 Galaxy Tabs in Australia due to several patent infringements. Its kinda silly and sad that Apple is concentrating more on pulling its rivals to court. Competition is always healthy and it seems Apple is quite...
  16. cris09


    Totally agree with you. I will never buy any other expensive toy from Apple!!
  17. cris09

    How do you think about Kindle?

    What is the difference in cost between Kindle and any tablet, say Galaxy Tab in your country? It might be a lot, but it is worth investing, as it will be an all entertainment device for you, rather than a black-white device with occasional ghosting problems and lack of native support for even...
  18. cris09

    Fake Apple stores in China!!

    Sometimes copying stuff just reaches new limits. These guys, not satisfied with copying iPhone designs, now have entire Apple stores, obviously fake. And the best thing was, even the staff thought that they were working for Apple!! Howz that??
  19. cris09

    IPhone VS Android?

    If you are a geek and love tinkering, Android is for you..iPhone is pretty much dumb in that regard. If you are a simple user who just needs to get the job done, iPhone is a good choice(once we choose to forget that it is too expensive for what it provides)