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  1. D

    Anyone used server editions

    What's special about where you live? With people from all over the world I thought this would be a great idea to get an insight into others cultures, traditions and such. For me, where I live we're special for being one of the automotive powerhouses of England back in the day. Probably the...
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    Gaming makes us lazy

    Charge your phone with Urine Well I was doing my usual news search for the day and stumbled across a rather strange article relating to charging your mobile phone with your urine. Yucky. They managed to get enough power out of it to send some text messages, browse the net and make a phone...
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    Woman electrocuted by iPhone dies I read a story today about a lady in China who was using her iPhone whilst it was on charge and unfortunately was electrocuted and died. It has been said that she was using an actual iPhone charger as opposed to a cheap copy you may get over in China. I was...
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    Do you get enough sleep?

    I really don't get enough sleep. :/ On an average night I'll generally get around 4-6 hours but because it is Summer, I am now over-sleeping which is just as annoying because I've wasted most of the day. I'd love to be able to get a flat eight hours a nights sleep but with my illnesses I doubt I...
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    Girl With a Dragon Tattoo (2011)

    I'm more of a Winter person myself, it is Summer where I am right now and the intensity of the heat and humidity is killing me (although I hope not literally), that and I love being snuggled up in bed under the covers. I can't do that because it is too hot! Although I love Winter, it is not...
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    Repair group policy editor

    Well I used to be a very big anti-PC gamer a couple years ago (and yes, I had a PC that could play games) just because I didn't like the way it was done really. I couldn't imagine using a keyboard as opposed to a controller and stuff like that. However last Christmas I splurged and got myself a...
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    Do you cook?

    Really hard question you're asking here! There are so many great things about each and every GTA I've played over the years. The standout one for me however had to be GTA San Andreas, everything was just perfect for me when I played that game. The storyline, the vast map and so on. I always...
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    Your area of interest

    As a self-professed fan-boy I tend to love anything Apple did, whether it be the aforementioned skeuomorphism (Please make an easier word next time designers!) in the past versions of iOS but then when I moved to Metro I, like yourself, fell in love with flat design and the way it looks. Since...
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    For me, (I have Photoshop) I tend to use it for creating the odd avatar for my site (to replace the default WP ones) and the odd image here and there. I'm no amazing artist but I can get the job done when I put the effort into it, haha. I created a really cool wallpaper once and I have done a...
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    Hey Guys

    I have to say I actually really like that layout, I've always preferred the mobile version to the real thing for some odd reason. Although I've been on the waiting list for this layout for quite some time now and I still haven't got it, in fact I'm on the waiting list for a lot of things on...
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    The Cultist

    Well for me, the iPad and the iPad Mini do have differences, not least the bit of size difference between them. The Mini doesn't have retina at this moment in time so that's a plus one for the newer generation iPad's that do have retina displays. In terms of which one is better, I believe that...
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    I dabble in web-mastering, yes. I used to run around four different websites covering a varying amount of topics but slowly I lost the time and interest in running them. Now I stick to co-owning so that there is always someone else to motivate me to get up and get working. The best site I...
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    Google do a roll

    Hello! Hi there everyone, my name is Haze, or Martin if you prefer the formalities. I stumbled across this forum and thought it would be a good place to come down and have a little chat with people from all over, so here I am! I'll see you all around!