Search results

  1. Dreek Lass

    Laundry will be the death of me...

    I have never done any laundry on my own in my life. I wouldn't have the first clue of what to do. My mother takes care of all of that and then moans that she doesn't get any help, but then doesn't venture to show me how to wash or dry clothes for our particular machine. I know how to dry clothes...
  2. Dreek Lass

    Cheap/free date ideas

    One time I didn't have much money. In fact i had just spent the money on going to the night club where I ended up meeting the young lady who asked me out on a date, and she asked me what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go after I agreed to go out on this date with her. I thought about it...
  3. Dreek Lass


    I have certain rules when it comes to things like littering. If there is no bin in sight then I will likely throw something on the ground, but if there is a bin then why throw your rubbish on the floor and not in the bin? makes no sense whatsoever, and just comes off as malicious towards the...
  4. Dreek Lass

    What do you usually have for dinner?

    If anything I feel like it is a little strange for families to be dining together every night. When I get my food I like to go off up into my room, find something to watch on the laptop and then eat whilst watching something that I enjoy. That doesn't mean that I don't have a connection with my...
  5. Dreek Lass

    Are You happy With Your Name?

    I have always thought that my name didn't suit me. not to mention that all of the women that I have ever seen - either on TV or in real life - who had my name, were not that attractive. I don't hate my name, but I don't love it for me either. But on the other hand, I have no idea what I would...
  6. Dreek Lass

    Last TV Show You Watched

    The last Tv show that I watched was a show called Orange Is The New Black. The show is fairly new, although the entire season has already been made and it has already aired. it is a series produced by Netflix, and so if you want to see it you must pay on Netflix to see it. Of course you could...
  7. Dreek Lass

    Is this normal...?

    I know a whole heap of different women with different cycles. I also know my own cycles, which have changed so much over the years. Mine have now takes to coming five days earlier than the day that it came the month before. It is like clockwork. but I hate that I don't get a whole three weeks...
  8. Dreek Lass

    Longest Job you've had?

    To be honest, the longest job that I have ever had, have been my online jobs. I don;t like having to get up extra early in the morning or driving to a place of work, to have some idiot tell me what to do. I hate limitation and I love my freedom. I don't like to feel that I am trapped or...
  9. Dreek Lass

    Being Cornered because of Your Scars.

    I am a lot older now, and I have managed to get myself out of my many bouts of depression when I was younger. There was one stage, when I was in secondary school and I was not out of the closet yet, and I was depressed. I had all of this pressure on me, and so I turned to what I had seen on TV -...
  10. Dreek Lass

    How much school/work do you miss?

    I will miss work every chance I get, without negatively effecting my money situation too much. I hate work and the entire idea of it. Who wants to get up every morning and do something that they don't want to, and be told that if they don't then they are not going to be able to live. We are...
  11. Dreek Lass

    Favorite teen movie?

    I don't know. I mean, I thought that all of those films were designed to make teenagers sex mad in an unnecessary manner, Everything was about sex and it was disgusting. I am no prude, believe me, but those films are and were just ridiculous. except for 10 Things I Hate About You. The only film...
  12. Dreek Lass

    Writer's Block

    I hate getting writer's block. It is the worst thing ever; when you are in the flow and the words are just flowing and every word brings a character or a scene alive, and then you just slam into a brick wall and you find that you really aren't going to go much further without a little bit of...
  13. Dreek Lass


    Yes, some women take the whole feminism thing way too far, and they blame men for absurd things, but we women have a point in most of the things that we say. There are always going to be that odd few people who take the mick, just like with everything else in life. There are people of all races...
  14. Dreek Lass

    Last TV Show You Watched

    The last episode of anything that I watched was Big Brother UK season 14 episode 18. I am loving this years season. it is amazing so far. I have loved the twists, but the UK doesn't know how to do Big Brother like america does, and so now I am getting ready to tune into the American Big Brother...
  15. Dreek Lass

    How confident are you?

    I can be pretty confident, but it depends on the day, what I am doing, and how I am feeling at the time. But overall, I would like to think and say that I am pretty confident. A lot of my friends, when I have gone out with them in the past, will ask me to go to the bathroom with them, or to sit...
  16. Dreek Lass

    Talking To Trees

    Hannah, everything is psychological. The way we see things, the way we feel things, smell thing, hear things. If you have something slightly different about your mind/brain than someone else, then you will perceive it in a way that others do not. The you are deemed crazy, but different points of...
  17. Dreek Lass

    Controlling Relationships.

    This is why I don't think that depending on someone financially is not a good idea. It is too easy for the one that is providing the money to begin to think that they are in control and that they are calling the shots, just because they are supporting the household. It is not a good atmosphere...
  18. Dreek Lass

    What did you just eat/drink?

    I had Spaghetti Bolegnase but it wasn't the traditional one with all of that minced meat and what not. In fact, it was kind of a chicken one instead. My mom doesn't use the long stringy pasta for this dish. Instead she used the short swirling pasta and she chops up little slices of diced...
  19. Dreek Lass

    Talking To Trees

    So I am quite a spiritual person. On EVERY separate occasion where my mother, my older sister, and I have gone to see mediums, they always look at me and tell me that I am a very old soul, and they almost say it out of a deep respect. In my eyes, I am taking that to mean that I have had many...
  20. Dreek Lass

    Jehovah's Witness's

    The Johavo Witness people think they are right, and they think that they are trying to help, just like parents who constantly scare their children by telling them not to do certain things, because they might fall or they might get hurt. Spreading fear is never a good thing, or a healthy thing...