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Had a mammogram today.

My doctor called around 5:30pm. Said he got the report. He said he was concerned. I could hear it in his voice and that was not comforting to me. He said I need to make the appointment for a needle biopsy.

I can either go back to the woman's center and have a radiologist do the biopsy or I can see the surgeon first who will then go to the woman's center and do the biopsy. My doctor seems to prefer I see the surgeon first that way he does the test and becomes my boob doctor.

Something I could do without....a boob doctor. If I don't make a funny I will cry. I know it still could be nothing but I'm very scared.

I am sorry that you have to go through this. I find it strange that a radiologist is going to do the biopsy. I would much prefer to have a obgyn or surgeon does it.
It's been a few years but I'm pretty sure a radiologist did mine also... it definitely wasn't an obgyn or a surgeon, though I remember meeting with a surgeon to discuss it.
My doctor called around 5:30pm. Said he got the report. He said he was concerned. I could hear it in his voice and that was not comforting to me. He said I need to make the appointment for a needle biopsy.

I can either go back to the woman's center and have a radiologist do the biopsy or I can see the surgeon first who will then go to the woman's center and do the biopsy. My doctor seems to prefer I see the surgeon first that way he does the test and becomes my boob doctor.

Something I could do without....a boob doctor. If I don't make a funny I will cry. I know it still could be nothing but I'm very scared.

Take one step at a time ... you can do this, you have to do this ... we are all here for you if you need a cyber-shoulder to lean on. I know how hard it is to turn off the worry and try to think about something else. I wish I had the perfect words to say to make you feel better, to allow your heart and soul to have a sense of calm, but I know there is no way to do that right now.

Get that appointment made with the surgeon -- be prepared for a needle biopsy right there at your first appointment in the office.

Many hugs to you, we are all here for you.:huggy::huggy:
When I was 20, I had breast cancer.

I wouldn't wish that journey on anyone, but that's because I had NO ONE. My ex husband had cheated on me and we were going through a divorce. My mother walked out on my father and 2 brothers, and I got legal guardianship of my youngest brother. I was already stressed to the max, and oh, I had cancer. It was terrifying.

Even after having it removed and having a complete overhaul on the girls, I am still scared when I find something out of the ordinary. I tested positive for the BC gene and BC runs heavily on my mother's side. My own mother had cervical cancer, and she still refuses to get a mammo out of fear they'll find something.

So props to you for being brave enough to get it checked out and for facing your fears head on. You are going to come out of this so strong, whether it's a malignancy or something completely benign. I have such a strong sense of gratitude for each day, and I revel in the deliciousness of my feminine curves and face no fear of losing them. We can rebuild them, we have the technology. ;)

Your situation is so much different than mine. You have friends, you have family, you have us. I had a 10 year old kid holding my hair back when I puked. I had a child I was supposed to mother, and he ended up mothering me. My situation was so ****ed up all over the place and I made it. So if I can do this and make it my ****, so can you.

Cry, be scared, eat whatever you want, call your friends and cry some more. That doesn't make you weak, that makes you human. But you're already staring cancer down in the face, and you're not blinking. You can take this. What doesn't kill us makes us awesome.

This was my theme song when I was sick, so I thought I'd share it with you.

Don't worry about a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right.


The power of these words is AMAZING! Thank you!

Summermay, I am sorry you are going through this!
Lots of positive thoughts coming your way. Hope it turns out to be nothing.
Continuing my prayers for you. (and sending a virtual hug!)
prayers being sent your way. :huggy:
Hey, Summer!

Sending some big love (and a bit of chocolatey goodness) your way.

Thanks for all your hugs and concern and just for being there for me.

My consultation appt with the surgeon is tomorrow morning at 10:15am. My friend Janice is coming with me.
Thanks for all your hugs and concern and just for being there for me.

My consultation appt with the surgeon is tomorrow morning at 10:15am. My friend Janice is coming with me.

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. :huggy:
:huggy: :huggy: :huggy:
:huggy::huggy: Summermay!! I know what you're going through and how tough it is to go to these appointments and not know what the future holds. Praying for good results for you, sweetie. You're brave to go through this. It's all a big unknown right now, and sometimes not knowing what you're up against is the toughest part.
Can't stay on long right now.

Dr. visit today was not good. Glad I had my friend with me, she said we could cry together. Dr. said he feels something. Did an ultrasound and said he's leaning to it's the bad stuff. They made an appointment at the woman's center next Wednesday don't know what time yet. They are going to try and get me some sort of payment help for this I think she said $5000 test. I'm afraid we won't qualify since I actually have a little money in the bank, you know the money to pay my monthly bills cause we are hard working tax paying no running up debt kind of people. Sorry. He sort of made me feel bad saying it was my decision not to have health care but hey buddy you don't know me and what my life is like. In hind sight yes I should have made it happen bill wise but didn't and can't go back. anyway....

He said good news is it is curable even though we don't know yet what it is. I do think in his experience he got a good guess.

Thanks again. I will just keep saying it. I am now so VERY VERY scared.
:huggy: :huggy: :huggy: Just breathe.
Being checking on this thread all day waiting for an update. You know you have our support!