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Pet Peeves/Everyday Things that Make you CRAZY! Please Join Me.

I ♥♥♥ reruns :bliss:
Joan, Joan, Joan............................they show these things called "reruns" on various channels. :secret:

And I NEED my Waltons reruns!!!!!!!!! For the sake of my family, I need my break during the day. I must have it...............I NEED it.............must have it...........................................
SUCH good stuff to learn on that show..............both of my boys like watching it................really good moral stuffs. :cartwheel:
Weezy on the iPod and the Waltons on TV...you are a Rennaissance woman Rebecca :lol:
Joan, Joan, Joan............................they show these things called "reruns" on various channels. :secret:

Yes, thank you I understand that part. :dunce:
Weezy on the iPod and the Waltons on TV...you are a Rennaissance woman Rebecca :lol:

Yes but sadly I don't own an i anything so I have to use DS10's ipod during the day while he's at school. :surrender:

Oh and you know how I **** about my slow **** laptop? Well MIL told me she's buying DS a new laptop for his 13th birthday next month. I'm cool with it since I can use it during the day while he's at school! :snicker:
I don't know, Nanny...if DH asked me if we have lentils (of all things) at 4am, I think he'd get a WTF? back. :lol:

I've been up several nights with nausea and pain and couldn't sleep, so I was thinking I could make my sick (cancer) sister a pot of lentil soup. I would never wake him up to ask a question, but he always wakes up just about every hour and will touch me to check on me or ask if I'm ok. I just sit and wait until he speaks then I start a conversation. :lol: He wants to kill me because he can't go back to sleep. :hurt:

Why do you think I was up the other lastnight trying to see if I could get my name all the way down the recent posts on the home page on cw. :lol: I was bored! I had nobody to play with. I am a child! :giggles:
Nanny if my DH woke me up every hour just to see if I was ok, I would be in jail!!! WTF?!!!
He does it when I'm sick. It's sweet. He just wants to know if I need anything...med, water, etc. He has rls and trouble sleeping him so he is up a lot too.
People who post things on FB and then get mad when people comment on them :gah:

My niece kills me. I love her to death....but :gah: I just don't understand her sometimes! :9:

Well ever really.
Ok, here is one that drives me crazy. When I sneeze, I NEVER sneeze once or twice. It's like a sneeze fit of anywhere from 5 to 10 or 12 sneezes. My family, each and every one of them, will ask me for something when a sneeze fit comes on. Do you think they would politely wait until I can speak..nooooooooooo, they press me to answer the **** question while I'm sneezing. When I do stop sneezing, well now they better run because I want to kill them. :ranting:
This is a facebook rant not a couponing rant.

When people post things that make you fish. You want me to care about you but you don't care enough about me to tell me why I should care.
I send a package twice a year to my sister containing wrapped birthday or Christmas gifts for my nieces. I never know if they even receive the package, because sis or her kids never ever call, text or email me to let me know they got it. Sometimes another relative like my mom or my cousin will mention they saw the kids unwrap or use the gift they knew I sent. I think if I got an actual written thank-you note I would die from shock on the spot. I don't expect a thank-you note, but my pet peeve is that none of them can pick up the phone to call or send a text saying they got the box. A few years ago there was a rash of front-porch-parcel-thefts in their neighborhood, so I don't think it's unreasonable to want notification that they actually received what I sent.

OHhhh and trying to get a wish list out of any of them is like pulling teeth. The kids get everything they want on the spot, so there is no delayed gratification of making a wish list and hoping for certain things to be in the box on their birthdays. The kids are both under 10, and when I ask my sis what they want, she tells me gift cards :pout:
i HATE that actual writing of thank you notes, or most kinds of notes/letters appears to be considered too old-fashioned or time consuming or something..... parents should MAKE their kids say thank you properly for things and remember to do so themselves too ! :gah:
i HATE that actual writing of thank you notes, or most kinds of notes/letters appears to be considered too old-fashioned or time consuming or something..... parents should MAKE their kids say thank you properly for things and remember to do so themselves too ! :gah:

The rule at our house is that you cannot use the gift until the thank you note is written. Sure speeds up the process around here.
The rule at our house is that you cannot use the gift until the thank you note is written. Sure speeds up the process around here.

:shesaid: the kids (at least my kids, bonus DS10 doesn't get made to do it by his parents and its not my place to intervene, he does have to call everyone though) know they have to do it so they usually write them while I'm cleaning up after opening presents etc. Sometimes they'll start them beforehand...I think last year we did stockings, then while dinner was finishing they started their cards Dear So and So...thank you very much for the....then finished them after we opened. Less overwhelming for DS18 than sitting down and writing them all out at once.

I agree with KG too. I bought my nephew 5 cases of diapers and a case of wipes after the 3rd baby was born recently and my BIL picked them up to take them to his other aunt (on his dad's side) and she was going to drive them up WI...at some point.

Wouldn't you think SOMEONE would have let me know when they actually got them? :gah:

Nope. I was pissed...

If you've got 3 kids in diapers and someone gives you 5 cases at least acknowledge that you got them!
And I NEED my Waltons reruns!!!!!!!!! For the sake of my family, I need my break during the day. I must have it...............I NEED it.............must have it...........................................

They are back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohooo!!!! Yippeeeeee!!!!!!! Phew!