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Pet Peeves/Everyday Things that Make you CRAZY! Please Join Me.

My step-brother is 13, and not big on thank you's. I don't make my kids write thank you notes (usually) but I do make them call whoever sent the gift immediately. So, for my step-brother's birthday this past summer, he got a box of thank you notes. I wrapped them nicely & left it on my mom's porch, as usual. Still didn't get a thank you note, so the little f'er isn't getting *anything* from us for christmas, and neither is his rude father. Sorry, I don't have time or money to waste on ingrates. :)
My step-brother is 13, and not big on thank you's. I don't make my kids write thank you notes (usually) but I do make them call whoever sent the gift immediately. So, for my step-brother's birthday this past summer, he got a box of thank you notes. I wrapped them nicely & left it on my mom's porch, as usual. Still didn't get a thank you note, so the little f'er isn't getting *anything* from us for christmas, and neither is his rude father. Sorry, I don't have time or money to waste on ingrates. :)

A phone call or an in-person verbal thank-you is an acceptable thank-you to me. I know my mom has bought both nieces personalized thank you notes BTW :snicker:. I wonder if I stopped sending gifts, if they would even notice. Maybe I should follow your lead and save my money and quit sending them stuff. This recent package cost over $9 in postage to mail. OR once my sister starts sending stuff to my kid, I could just reciprocate and never let her know I got anything from her. hmmmm.

I love my sister but sometimes I don't like her.
IF we are going to get on the rant of peeps that don't do any thanks at all then I would like to add my DH's whole immediate family to the list! They NEVER thank us for anything. Personally I don't have a hell of a lot of money and I honestly find it irritating that DH insists we give them anything at all at Christmas. They NEVER give us anything and yet I am still in charge of getting little trinkets to give them...I never spend more than 5 bucks per person. The ONLY ones I break this for are our nephews who also are not taught to be grateful...I am trying so hard to teach DD to be grateful as NO ONE owes her a gift ever!
When DH or DS take 5 minutes to try to rearrange the dishwasher to fit one more dish in instead of taking 30 seconds to wash it. Then walking away and not starting it.
When DH or DS take 5 minutes to try to rearrange the dishwasher to fit one more dish in instead of taking 30 seconds to wash it. Then walking away and not starting it.

This drives me nuts, too! On the RARE occasion that anyone here loads the dishwasher, WHY is it so difficult to start it?!

The other thing is when DH takes the garbage out...can you put new bags in the cans? When I take the garbage out during the day, I put new bags in the cans. DH will wait until he needs to throw something away & THEN put the bags in. :dunce: DD14 will just throw things away, bag or not. :dunce::dunce:
People who make my kids promises (I guess to get them to like them maybe??) and have no intention on following through. Usually the promises are outrageous anyways, like taking them to Disneyland.

Thanks, b/c now I have to explain the them how adults like to talk out of their asses.

I never tell my kids about plans until we are leaving to go do it b/c plans can always always change.
This drives me nuts, too! On the RARE occasion that anyone here loads the dishwasher, WHY is it so difficult to start it?!

The other thing is when DH takes the garbage out...can you put new bags in the cans? When I take the garbage out during the day, I put new bags in the cans. DH will wait until he needs to throw something away & THEN put the bags in. :dunce: DD14 will just throw things away, bag or not. :dunce::dunce:

The same reason DH rinses out his beer bottle and sets it on the counter....right above the recycling bin. Is it so hard to lift the lid and drop the bottle in there? Apparently so........:surrender:
Your DH rinses out his beer bottle?!!! LUCKY!!! :surrender:
People who make my kids promises (I guess to get them to like them maybe??) and have no intention on following through. Usually the promises are outrageous anyways, like taking them to Disneyland.

Thanks, b/c now I have to explain the them how adults like to talk out of their asses.

I never tell my kids about plans until we are leaving to go do it b/c plans can always always change.

This makes me crazy. Thankful that we don't have ppl in our lives that do that to my kids but I know of lots of parents that promise many things to their kids and then have to deal with meltdowns when things don't pan out.

I can remember camping with our neighbors/friends a few years ago and they PROMISED their daughter (6 ish at the time) that they could get Dippin Dots while on this vacation. Guess what? No Dippin Dots to be found in rural Wisconsin. Their daughter cried the entire 3+ hour trip until they found someplace that carried them. Stupid parents.
Or even my FIL - he promised my kids the next time they came over to visit, they would make a fort in the entire living room. We have visited twice since then and the kids BEGGED to make a fort but FIL made excuses each time on why they couldn't. :pout:

Next time I'm gonna tell him tough ****!
Just so you all know, the world IS going to end soon. The reason I am so sure of this is I got a written thank-you note from my niece in the mail today for the birthday present I sent her. :faint: and :bliss: :bliss: :bliss: :huggy:

Or even my FIL - he promised my kids the next time they came over to visit, they would make a fort in the entire living room. We have visited twice since then and the kids BEGGED to make a fort but FIL made excuses each time on why they couldn't. :pout:

Next time I'm gonna tell him tough ****!

next time? don't you have an OP against him? :bee: and what a jerk!!
I have two today...

1. People who make excuses for not following through or doing things they should. Same people, same old story.

2. People who constantly complain or make comments about not being able to make ends meet, short of money, blah blah. When you offer them easy ways to cut costs to take the pressure off and get out of debt. No thanks, I would rather drive the new car and not sleep at night. Stfu already.

Ok, I feel better now. I just don't understand people who act like life is making the decisions for them and not the other way around. This is one **** spoiled society!
I have two today...

1. People who make excuses for not following through or doing things they should. Same people, same old story.

2. People who constantly complain or make comments about not being able to make ends meet, short of money, blah blah. When you offer them easy ways to cut costs to take the pressure off and get out of debt. No thanks, I would rather drive the new car and not sleep at night. Stfu already.

Ok, I feel better now. I just don't understand people who act like life is making the decisions for them and not the other way around. This is one **** spoiled society!
then they say, went out to dinner Friday night, grabbed some coffee somewhere Sat morning, went out to lunch Saturday and you know they didn't stay home for dinner on a Saturday nght! And where does all your money go????
then they say, went out to dinner Friday night, grabbed some coffee somewhere Sat morning, went out to lunch Saturday and you know they didn't stay home for dinner on a Saturday nght! And where does all your money go????

And they post on FB how much fun they had on their Florida vacation all while coming home and secretly filing for bankruptcy. Loser. I dodged a huge bullet there with ex-boyfriend.

And SIL complains ALL THE TIME about not having money, but they will not miss a vacation or the chance to go out to eat because Grandma will bail them out.
And they post on FB how much fun they had on their Florida vacation all while coming home and secretly filing for bankruptcy. Loser. I dodged a huge bullet there with ex-boyfriend.

And SIL complains ALL THE TIME about not having money, but they will not miss a vacation or the chance to go out to eat because Grandma will bail them out.
'aint that the truth!
My BIL always asks us where we go out to dinner. Umm no where because we don't like to spend money we don't have to waste.

Every time we see him he mentions Famous Daves that he and SIL always go to. Granted they don't have kids but we prefer to coupon, buy food make it ourselves and not live in debt that you can never bail yourself out of. And it's an insult when SIL hints to DH that she wants us to give her things. WTF work your **** off like DH has all his life and make your own money ****.

UGH and i have to spend Thanksgiving with her. I can't even stand to look at her because she was after DH to give her money recently.

And here is a funny that we where discussing today because thinking of SIL makes me cringe. SIL asked if we liked the cranberry cake she made. Hmm I don't ever remember her to have made it since she is a ****ty, ****ty cook. When we thought about it, she took credit for the cake I baked. WTF?? UGH again.
My pet peeve? When I get locked out of my second home so I can't hang wiff my peeps. :hides:
And here is a funny that we where discussing today because thinking of SIL makes me cringe. SIL asked if we liked the cranberry cake she made. Hmm I don't ever remember her to have made it since she is a ****ty, ****ty cook. When we thought about it, she took credit for the cake I baked. WTF?? UGH again.

Don't they say "it's the thought that counts", she "thought" she made and gave you a cake. :snort: