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So what are you thinking now? New thread!

What the heck?

If it's not kids waking me up, it's cats. I just can't get a break.

My kids have always been early risers. Up by 6:30 most mornings, and sometimes even before 6:00. On school days, it's not a bad thing because it's gives everyone more time in the morning and gets us out of the house on time.

Saturdays, my kids have piano lesson at 9:00. We could sleep in a little but THEY don't which means I don't get to sleep in either.

Last night we were actually out late so I was looking forward to sleeping in a little today. The kids went to bed around 11, much later than normal. DH and I went to bed around 12:30. I was thinking the kids would sleep until at least 7:00 or so.

Well, one of my **** cats saw another cat in the backyard and went ballistic ... howling super loud, scratching like crazy at the patio door, howling some more, and running back and forth from the patio door to the window and back a few times.

This was at 5:15 this morning and I've been up ever since. And in a couple hours, I get to take my 8 yo to a bday party at an arcade ... flashing lights and loud music and video games so pretty sure I'll be getting a migraine by afternoon at this rate.

Oh, and my kids slept until 7:15 so I could have gotten another 2 hours of sleep. :-(

I soooo feel your pain. I did not go to sleep until 2:30 as I worked last night. My kids are older so they do sleep in now. My husband woke me up at 8:45 because he was looking for something. What he found was my wtf attitude! Granted 845 is not all that early, but come the hell on... it was 230 when I went to bed. And I gotta work again tonight... I won't be able to sleep in again until possibly next saturday as everyone MUST get up monday thru friday. Even if my day off happens to fall on that day. So yes, I so get your frustration!

I woke up in the middle of the night with a migraine, finally fell asleep again around 5am.

Someone kindly called my cell at 6am & woke me up. I instantly imagined all sorts of horrible reasons my cell, instead of the landline, was ringing at 6am, like mom callling from an ambulance w/ sis... thankfully it was a wrong number, but couldn't get back to sleep...

Finally fell asleep again at 7, mom calls me at 7:30 to ask if I think its safe that she continue running the dryer load she just started when she doesn't know if the outside heater vents are clear of snow. The landlord told her yesterday that he would be plowing the parking areas & shoveling out walkways on Saturday, would be by on Sunday to check the vents out back. She wanted to know if I think mom should go out on the deck covered with 19" of snow to look for the vent [she has no idea where it is] so she can finish the laundry before the LL gets there? :hb: Tells me bro will by coming to help deal w/ the flat tire & other issues today. Yay, bro.

After kindly suggesting she hold off the laundry, stay off the deck, and wait til either bro or the LL get there to help check the vents. Told I told her I desperately needed a few hours more sleep & would call later. She calls again 30 min later to say sis told bro last night to not come out today, that mom could handle it all. WTF!!! I told her to screw that & call bro immediately, that she needed his help today. [He lives an hour closer to the Cape than me, has a 4-wheel drive, got a lot less snow, and is already dug out.]

I've given up on getting that extra hour or two I need, will be digging out today, in advance of tomorrow's sleet and rain onslaught with a **** migraine in blindingly bright sun. Even worse, I'm out of the good k-cups, down to awful ones like Sweet Summer Raspberry. When we are finally dug out, I'm treating myself to a giant box or two of caffeine packed decent k-cups.

This is going to be one hell of a long day.
After kindly suggesting she hold off the laundry, stay off the deck, and wait til either bro or the LL get there to help check the vents. Told I told her I desperately needed a few hours more sleep & would call later. She calls again 30 min later to say sis told bro last night to not come out today, that mom could handle it all. WTF!!! I told her to screw that & call bro immediately, that she needed his help today. [He lives an hour closer to the Cape than me, has a 4-wheel drive, got a lot less snow, and is already dug out.] She said that she didn't want to bother him so early on a Sunday morning.

It could have been worse. :lol:
:huggy: ennui. I was going to complain about something, but it seems A LOT less significant now. I hope your day gets better.
It could have been worse. :lol:
It is.

I just called the Cape to check on them. Mom is outside, digging the car out so it'll be clear when he gets there :hb:

She's 80 & has heart issues. He's younger, tall, strong as an ox and wouldn't want her doing that. Sis can't even call mom back in because mom didn't take her cell outside with her & the parking area isn't visible from the condo.

:hb: :gah: :hb: :gah:
:huggy: ennui. I was going to complain about something, but it seems A LOT less significant now. I hope your day gets better.
Please complain here, it'll be good for you & great for me to know there are less crazy folks in the world.

BTW, I'm ok with Euonymous being your DD's middle name.:flowers:
Deep breaths. A LOT of deep breaths.

A lot, a lot, a lot. If I wasn't on my phone I would post the pic. A lot!
Had to abort my shower mid-shave because I felt like I was gonna faint. I've never dealt with blood sugar and blood pressure crashes before pregnancy, so I am still learning to deal. I just want my normal self back. I dont want to have to gorge on breakfast to be able to shave my **** legs. I still have conditioner in my hair and soap dried on me. But thats better than a migraine, two feet of snow and feeling helpless in regard to an overly ambitious mother. And way better than being a complete loser-idiot that no one can stand to be around A LOT. My brain hurts after reading some things.
Uhm, maybe the Wicked Witch of the East (you) needs to look in the mirror since the people in real life I've read your posts too, can't belief some of the crap you post here :faint: and they think you are the one with, I'm going to be nicer than they are, "issues".

As for my brain, its been used alot more than yours I'm sure, but mines like a Toyota, not yours that's like a Yugo (ie completely defective to start with). Fyi, guessing the reference is beyond your capacity to understand, here's some help:


My brain/intelligence would beat yours any day except in ****INESS/offensiveness, there you win by far I concede. If you want to test our intelligences, anytime. Just curious, what degrees/graduation stats from where do you have, since you make your claims about me? :snort:


what makes you so angry? I mean we know you are out of touch with reality and live in some Leave it to Beaver fantasy land, and have a tendency to post in a manner which leaves most thinking there were significant amounts of whiskey in your bloodstream, but you have a vicious side to you that isn't pretty.

Do tell :psi:
Just finished insulating the attic. DH is going to cut the hole in the floor for the staircase in a little while. We've never built a staircase before, so this should be interesting. :giggles: We work "ok" together. He likes to discuss things & then ask the question again. Like "Which way do you want the new door in the family room to open?" And I'm thinking, "Well, we discussed this 3 months ago...and we have the door...and it CLEARLY opens towards the backyard, sooooooooo...." So it's difficult for me to respond sweetly, but I guess I should just say, "towards the back yard." :dunce:

I'm taking the kids to baseball/softball in a bit & I hope that when we get home, he is well underway. I am hoping by the end of the day we have the hole cut & framed and the floor shimmed & ready for the subfloor. :bliss:

I see Little Caesars in our future today. :p
D, my man has that selective amnesia too. Irritating!

I'm really impressed with both your ambition on the attic project though. Please take lots of pics!
I think Bob is one of two things: Full of **** & recreating his childhood/family to be one of absolute perfection or 2) INCREDIBLY immature after being sheltered for most of his life. For someone in his 30's, he seems to emotionally be around 20-22...the age when you really start to develop yourself, but it's not the self you become around 30.

Like when I was 22, I would "never" put my kid in daycare & couldn't comprehend why anyone would. I would "never" get divorced. I would "never" have a child who wouldn't go to traditional college. I would "never" medicate my kid for ADHD.

Then life hits you & everything you would "never" do becomes an "Ah-ha!!" moment when you realize there is more than one way to do something correctly. He's not there. I can't imagine him having a relationship lasting long enough to become significant enough for marriage & children because he will get in his own way, so he may never get there.

And these might be "mean" things to say, but I truly believe he is #1: recreating a childhood of perfection. So he's not "real" and I don't feel bad.
I'm taking pictures. :) There isn't enough significant progress to post them yet, but I'll post a bunch when you can see the difference. ;) Maybe after drywall or wood flooring. And I keep thinking the current CW board is going away. :lol:
If I cared enough to think about it, I'd go with judgmental and ignorant. when I realized he was grossly ignorant of the tenets of his own religion, I stopped giving him any headspace at all. That much ignorance in such a self-righteous package is mind blowing.
Oh and if anyone wants a challenge in words with friends, try smallsaver. I dont think I have beaten her once. I thought I was going to win last time, but she came out two points ahead. :gah:

I will beat you, smallsaver! Even if I have to lose 99 times to get my one victory.. I will win. Someday.
I think Bob is one of two things: Full of **** & recreating his childhood/family to be one of absolute perfection or 2) INCREDIBLY immature after being sheltered for most of his life. For someone in his 30's, he seems to emotionally be around 20-22...the age when you really start to develop yourself, but it's not the self you become around 30.

Holy crap! Bob is in his thirties? I guess I don't form really careful pictures of you all, but I seriously thought he was like 70. I don't even mean anything by that, or know why I came to that conclusion, but I am absolutely shocked...:lol:
Work is closed tomorrow due to complications of the blizzard. Since I am non essential, and my boss confirmed it, I shall stay home. If nothing else, the last few days of staying home has been wonderful!
Oh and if anyone wants a challenge in words with friends, try smallsaver. I dont think I have beaten her once. I thought I was going to win last time, but she came out two points ahead. :gah:

I will beat you, smallsaver! Even if I have to lose 99 times to get my one victory.. I will win. Someday.

Bring it! And I'm sure it's just baby brain holding you back KG. Unfortunately I read it takes 2 years to get full functioning back...