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So what are you thinking now? New thread!

I think he is f-n with me....
First thing this morning... 8;45 do you know where the nail clippers are? This brought on the wtf attitude, yes because as I am sleeping my normal thoughts are about nail clippers.

I go to the bathroom.. he asks what... are ya stinking it up in there?? I had just walked in, hadn't even used the bathroom yet.

We go to Wal-fricking-mart and he asks some stupid question that i forgot right now... i looked at him like are ya kidding.. in public ur gonna ask me this?!?!?!?

On the way home, I am driving, he asks are ya gonna back the car into the garage...

Now holy hells bells, we have a 2 car garage. The truck pulls straight in, the car gets backed in. The pattern NEVER changes. So I give him "the look" and explode... WTH.. are you f-n with me or what? What other way would the car go in to the garage? Did you think I would pull straight in so I can't get out? (there is a pole in the middle of the garage separating the 2 vehicles and supporting the garage roof) He laughs, just says yea, I'm messing with ya.

I do believe I shall be playing 20 questions at 2 in the morning with him from now on over uninteresting, non-sensical, bullshit!

I mean, I am laughing about it now, but really, you have nothing better too do with yoself then mess with me... really?? LMAO

Oh and as we left, i get behind gramma. She attempts to pull into the church parking lot but .... omg she wasn't even doing 5mph and there was nothing in the parking lot... no ice/snow. No reason a normal driver couldn''t have moved. I laid on the horn and gave her a piece of my mind, no fingers. My husband says, you seem tense.
I checked my blood pressure in walmart... it was 106/59..... after the bs this morning i expected higher. At least that was good news!
My cousin just posted in facebook that she is going to the Grammy with her DH this evening. How exciting!
Unbelievable that I can spend $150 grocery shopping (after coupons and it is still high.) AND then go and spend another $60+ at Petsmart.

I think my animals eat better than we do..... good thing we love them (especially DD and her 6 Guinea Pigs!!!)
Been in the kitchen most all day I swear, working on preschool valentine project and making cute heart sugar cookies for DS8 class snacks tomorrow. The rest of the house looks like ****. All I want is a nap.
Been in the kitchen most all day I swear, working on preschool valentine project and making cute heart sugar cookies for DS8 class snacks tomorrow. The rest of the house looks like ****. All I want is a nap.

And I bought heart cookies and valentines skittles packs from Dominicks :lol:

I'd feel like a bad mom but we can't bring anything homemade.
Bring it! And I'm sure it's just baby brain holding you back KG. Unfortunately I read it takes 2 years to get full functioning back...

...and she's humble and very gracious about it too <3
And I bought heart cookies and valentines skittles packs from Dominicks :lol:

I'd feel like a bad mom but we can't bring anything homemade.

We can't bring anything at all besides the valentines. No candy, no treats of any kind of all ... they sent home 2 notes about this and it was in our newsletter as well.

I am always telling my DH that school these days really isn't fun anymore. You can't bring in anything fun for parties, for your birthday, and now not even on Valentine's day!
Jeez...I just bought gummy valentines. I hope that is ok. Guess we'll know soon enough. :lol:

My house looks like a dust bomb went off. Hole is cut. DH thought he was done for the day, but it's 4:15pm and I just don't think so. :p Off to spend more $$ at Home Depot.

DD14 & I just went to Target. The lady in front of us spent $579 on food & clothing. :faint: DD's dream Target trip. I said, "See if she will adopt you!" :giggles:
...and she's humble and very gracious about it too <3

I'm pretty sure the first game was the highest I have ever scored! And the baby brain thing was a compliment!! I had it BAD!! How you are even concentrating on words with friends right now is beyond crazy to me!
Dh as we tried to figure out where to put all the stuff we bought this morning: "I thought this couponing thing was supposed to be dead." I think reports of it's death have been greatly exaggerated.:cartwheel:
You seriously need some help with your drinking, your mental health issues, your extremely offensive attitudes, and unbelievable stupidity.

Might want to note on your organ donor card that your brain, while damaged by alcohol, could be like new. It's barely been used


what makes you so angry? I mean we know you are out of touch with reality and live in some Leave it to Beaver fantasy land, and have a tendency to post in a manner which leaves most thinking there were significant amounts of whiskey in your bloodstream, but you have a vicious side to you that isn't pretty.

Do tell :psi:

See ennui's message to me, my original post had nothing to do with her originally and was asking why everyone keeps talking/wanting bananas before a storm. Of course what she posted pissed me off and would piss off anyone on this board especially when unprovoked.

My post was a heck of a lot tamer than her vicious attack which came for no reason. Also, you are very vicious here at times of course selectively against who (including me) when others do not have your view.
I think Bob is one of two things: Full of **** & recreating his childhood/family to be one of absolute perfection or 2) INCREDIBLY immature after being sheltered for most of his life. For someone in his 30's, he seems to emotionally be around 20-22...the age when you really start to develop yourself, but it's not the self you become around 30.

Like when I was 22, I would "never" put my kid in daycare & couldn't comprehend why anyone would. I would "never" get divorced. I would "never" have a child who wouldn't go to traditional college. I would "never" medicate my kid for ADHD.

fyi, neither. My childhood was not perfect but was relatively traditional. Dad worked 60+ hours a week, Mom worked for Dad from home alot. No one was in childcare since it was not necessary, my SILs worked/had careers before getting married and having kids and then became SAHMs.

You may not believe it but the closest divorce in the whole family is one cousin. No ones marriage is perfect including those within our family but they work through it. Obviously, if there is abuse at all that would be a different story.

Growing up kids were taunted/bullied but you get through it. At times we all have money problems serious ones including myself and other family members. It's life. It may not seem typical to some here, but to me other folks stories here are not typical of our family either.

I assume you are mentioning examples from your life since I did not say every child must go to a traditional college or that medication for ADHD is bad or that children should not be in daycare so not sure where you were going.
Holy crap! Bob is in his thirties? I guess I don't form really careful pictures of you all, but I seriously thought he was like 70. I don't even mean anything by that, or know why I came to that conclusion, but I am absolutely shocked...:lol:

I figured you were probably 10-15 years older than me, based on your thought for me though that would make you 70+ 10-15 = 80-85. :flowers:Not that I figured you were 85 just probably 10-15 years older than myself at my actual age. I have no real idea how old you are either, just a gut feeling. Maybe you aren't even older than me.
I'm 41 so pretty close. It's funny how you form mental pictures for the people here despite having really very little to go on. If I ever met Barb, despite knowing a bit from her posts about her appearance I would half expect her to look like Lucille Ball.:lol:
I thought you were younger than that, Steve. And ever since being encouraged to google Anderson Cooper, that's now who you look like in my mind. :lol:
I thought you were younger than that, Steve. And ever since being encouraged to google Anderson Cooper, that's now who you look like in my mind. :lol:

That's how I look like in my mind too, but in the mirror, well that's another story. It's alright I had a few really good years appearance-wise when I was younger so it's all good.:sex:
That's how I look like in my mind too, but in the mirror, well that's another story. It's alright I had a few really good years appearance-wise when I was younger so it's all good.:sex:

Well according to google that makes you 4 years younger than Anderson Cooper. :cartwheel:
I thought you were younger than that, Steve. And ever since being encouraged to google Anderson Cooper, that's now who you look like in my mind. :lol:

:faint: When exactly did you NOT know who Anderson Cooper was?! :eek:

OMG I've been in love with him for a good 10+ years. :drool:
I just discovered him like 2 weeks ago. :hides: I'd heard of him, but never really had a face to go with the name. Then I googled him & realized he was "that guy," but I wasn't ever really aware of him. :p