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So what are you thinking now? New thread!

Today my ds turned 13. It's weird to have a teen again. Time sure does fly. He also got his 1st progress report from his online classes. He is taking Greek (Biblical which is called Koine Greek and is what the New Testament was written in), Omnibus Primary, and Omnibus Secondary (these count as History, Literature, and Theology and he reads huge books of stuff even my other ds who was a history major in college never had to read). He has all A's. I'm proud of him for that. I wouldn't tell him, but I'd be proud of him with a B in that Greek class. I took Biblical Greek with my 2nd oldest son probably 7 or so years ago, and it is a tough language - when someone say's "it's Greek to me" it takes on a whole new meaning when you've taken Greek.
Hsmom, your kids sure are learning a lot more than mine. You're doing a great job with them!
I felt old today--dh and I went out with old friends Saturday night. We were out until about 2 or 3 which is late for us now. And we drank, not a lot, but we drank, which we don't do much any more. And today I was still wiped out. WTH--I used to be out until 4 a good 5 days a week!!
The highlight of my day today...when dh waived at a blind girl (white cane and all) to go ahead and cross the street in front of our car. Ds loved that one.

I felt old today--dh and I went out with old friends Saturday night. We were out until about 2 or 3 which is late for us now. And we drank, not a lot, but we drank, which we don't do much any more. And today I was still wiped out. WTH--I used to be out until 4 a good 5 days a week!!

Yeah it gets tough staying out til 2-4am getting to our age. Did you go out in the 'hood. I guess there are a number of 'hoods boystown/wrigley/lincoln park/north center/roscoe village etc, just wondering where you guys went? I assume you have heard from friends about the changes over on Halsted, closings, rebrandings etc? ie ****tail/Circuit/Bucks etc?

Although I was never out til 4 more than twice a week if that, usually even then was an early 2/3 bar person :)

I was just thinking this youtube video I like, its the ride home from downtown to you and I (roughly downtown to addison/lake shore in the video):


Adding seems like you and I are the only Chicago (ok, I guess northside) folks left on CW after debate left and steve who was out west left.
OK MORE FABULOUS NEWS! DD13 came home from school today and said the Principal called her in his office to tell her she is one of four being considered to be the Valedictorian!!!!!!! :bliss:
I don't know when they decide and I don't know what the final deciding factors will be... Frankly I don't even care...She's the valedictorian in my eyes now! The only thing separating her from the other 3 is a small detail, I'm sure!!!!!!!!!! I'm on cloud 9!
OK MORE FABULOUS NEWS! DD13 came home from school today and said the Principal called her in his office to tell her she is one of four being considered to be the Valedictorian!!!!!!! :bliss:
I don't know when they decide and I don't know what the final deciding factors will be... Frankly I don't even care...She's the valedictorian in my eyes now! The only thing separating her from the other 3 is a small detail, I'm sure!!!!!!!!!! I'm on cloud 9!

Congratulations, junior high?, yeah its small things maybe they will do a dual. Thats what happened to me, I had the perfect gpa, algebra (most kids didn't) and choir, she did spanish (most kids did not bother with foreign language in jr high) and missed with a B somewhere on gpa so they did a tie. No matter what its an honor if not valedictorian do they do salutatorian?
My ear is killing me...hoping I'm not getting an ear infection...tried the wax removal drops and it still hurts.
I feel your pain. I had a root canal done last Thursday and need 2 crowns. That appt is for nect Thursday. I will have maxed out my dental insurance with these 3 procedures and its only Feb.

My tooth is still killing me. The appointment is Thursday but I am calling back in the morning. I can't take the pain anymore.
Whoever got me hooked on these Facebook games is a ****. I have nothing else to say cause I am on my way back to FB to see if I have another life on any of the games. **** it!@
When DD8 says something sexually inappropriate, it just kicks my ****. I think just thinking about the magnitude of what needs to be accomplished with her completely mentally exhausts me. And, frankly, it makes me want to send her packing. I am going to be devestated if I fail to keep her "off the pole," but she is so conditioned.

The boy is such a sweetheart. Part of me feels like we should do what we can for her & hope for the best in order to save him from a childhood of being bounced from house to house.

It's just a lot. Pity party for one, please. :p

I'm out of wine, too. Poop. And my laptop is broken. :pout:
DH had to go out of town for work today, left for the airport at 5:45, so I've been up since 5. Can't wait til everyone goes to school so I can pull a MrsMom. :lol: 1 down, 2 to go.
Kicking myself that I just discovered a candy outlet b&m that sometimes has 24 count k-cup packs for only $3.99 :gah:

I missed opportunities to stock up in November and less than 3 weeks ago. When the k-cups come in, they fly out the door very quickly.
First time in weeks, maybe months that all three little ones slept until 7am. It's a great start to my Tuesday and it's also hair appt day for me. Two hours of "me time"....ahhh!
so jealous Val--I need a haircut and color sooooooooooooooooooo bad
What was dh thinking! When I was sick he did the laundry. Uuuhm, no, he had the kids do the laundry. Might have been ok if he had supervised them better. They had my socks, dh's socks, and mismatched socks in their drawers. My sweater that is supposed to lay flat to dry was put in the dryer. I hate when dh tries to do the laundry.
so jealous Val--I need a haircut and color sooooooooooooooooooo bad

Lisa - me and you both!!! Dh got me a gift certificate for a "spa" like place for mothers day and I still haven't used it. There's enough for cut/highlight and some leftover. I told dh I'm going to use that to get a Brazilian! :lol:
Why can't we ever get ahead? For a long time the mortgage was our only debt. Right now we have a balance on one credit card. Not a ton, but enough to bug me. Dh claims we're doing a good job paying it down. Yes, dh you paid quite a bit of money towards the bill, but new charges for the month are $450 more than you paid on it! I know it's because we got hit with a lot at once. That bill had the last of my Christmas shopping on it, my new laptop (old one totally died), 2 tires and a battery for dh car, a $100 ER copay for ds8, 3 $20 dr office copay, a carseat for ds1. Plus a $100 return that hasn't credited yet. But still! We have it set up so that dh gets too much in taxes taken out of his paycheck, so that we get a big tax refund. If that money was in his paycheck every week dh would spend it. I want it to go to the savings account, not the credit card bill!