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So what are you thinking now? New thread!

Nanny thank you.

Later tonight DS was a decent person............makes me feel even worse.
He was my first born, light of my life.................sigh..............

If someone would have told me I might feel like this of my sweet baby boy, I would've thought they were crazy!

Ok starting tomorrow, I am recommitting myself................sigh...........I don't really know what that means, but I will address the issues differently and see what happens.

I should add that ds is much more disrespectful to dad than mom. The difference I think is that I don't yell much, I listen to him even if it's **** coming out and respond thoughtfully and I always hug him even when mad and tell him how much I love him and that he will always be my baby. He feels guilt when he gives me ****, I can see it on his face and I think it's because we are close and he knows I just want whats best for him. Oh and yes, he is my first born and light of my life as well...still is, just different.
1 hour into a 5 day weekend and one of my girls is already complaining..."I've got nothing to do."....Seriously?? She knows better than to say that around me.
Ew. 5 day weekend?! We have a 3 1/2 day weekend. It seems like there are an awful lot of days off lately!
I feel like crap...thanks to the person who gave me their cold :sick1:
seriously counting my blessings today...

My mom is getting better and stronger every day.

I have been moved from one department to another. While the new dept. is more challenging, I am not dealing with the sniping ****y attitude of one person who can ruin everyone's day.

Very much liking my job.

I have today and tomorrow off.... uncommon to have 2 consecutive days off, yet I am consistently getting this!

My husband, who knows I think valentines day is a waste of money, bought me flowers. I love them and will keep my yap shut that he spent way too much. I'm just enjoying them!

And the best...... I have been dieting for 6-8 weeks... fell off the diet a couple times but I got on the scale this morning to get excellent news. 1/3 of my goal is done :)

Today, it's good to be ME!

Now, if I could just find a nice valentines gift for my husband.... :)
DD8's teacher just emailed me that DD gave her $25 this morning. :lol: Apparently I didn't frisk her well enough this morning. Guess I need to manage her birthday money a little better, or take her shopping. At least she is generous! That's something positive! I told her teacher that I will redirect her gifting & to expect a lovely picture tomorrow. ;)
:grouphug: Mrsmom :grouphug:

I've been there.


my oldest was/is downright nasty to me--his mouth is vile

anyway..I have learned to ignore it or now that he is old enough I say " I dont want to hear that clean it up or go downstairs--upstairs etc..."

but ummmm stop doing everything for him--he expects you to

if he wears a short sleeve shirt--oh well he will be cold--he is not going to get pneumonia from not wearing a long sleeve shirt..

:shesaid: except he's my youngest. I love DS18 to death and would do anything for him (and have), but he's not nice to me. Almost ever. He's mean, vile, potty mouthed, demanding, defiant and unpredictable. Yes, it is the ODD but that doesn't make it any easier to live with.

And the truth of it is, besides doing all of those things because I'm his mom, my confession is I still do them because it is easier :hides: (don't judge me).

I'm not saying your son has ODD mrsmom, but maybe do some reading on the subject, there are a lot of parent behavior responses that people have success with. Maybe it would help? :huggy: hang in there babe!
Although you should ignore the parts that blame ODD on the parents. That's the biggest piece of bullshit crap in psychiatry today. My kids were raised in the same house by the same parents and they are polar opposites so it is not the "environment" or "parental failures".
my confession is I still do them because it is easier :hides: (don't judge me).

I do this with DD14. She's an energy sucker. It's just easier. I've learned my lesson, though, and will not be starting this **** with the new kids. I don't think DD has ODD, I think she's just persnickety & difficult & entitled at times. She busts her **** in school & in her sport, so it's easy to "give" to her & "do" for her, but it's kind of a mess. I frequently find myself saying to her, "I need 3 days where you don't ask for anything & don't harass me about it. 3 days." :hides:
Don't know if anyone remembers me talking about my dog. I haven't been really on since but anyway I landed up putting her down tues night. They said her heart condition would require extensive testing with a cardiologist and her condition went from a 2 to a 6 in 3 days wasn't good. I was hand feeding her as well as bring water to her. Just so sad I really loved that dog
:huggy: may your furry friend rest in peace.
This year is so much better than the last 15! The delivery lady is just laughing and I'm starting to get embarassed.

This was first delivery from a very dear person. He is awesome!


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2nd delivery was choclates from someone at my new job :) He is great to!!

And this was the 3rd delivery LOL It was from an old friend years ago I just started talking to last month.

I am giddy and can't stop the smile.


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Don't have any of my chores done yet. Went to DS3 preschool party this morning, kids get an early out at 2 and I haven't made beds, done laundry, picked up. Nothing done!
missy I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. :pout:

Jeni I hope moose man is feeling better today.............fevers can be scary.

Thanks Joy. I have thought for a long time that he may have ODD. For example I can't say "Nathan sit here, it's time to eat." I have to say "Hey Nate pick where you wanna sit at the table." If it's not his choice, he argues. :surrender:

We had a good morning so that's a start. I got the boys some V-day treats for after school so I'm sure he'll be pleasant then too. ;)

Oh and I too do stuff for him because it's easier than fighting. :hides:
Dear Sis, I love you and Happy birthday but please stop calling. I can barely talk!! I sent you pics of all the facial care products and the shiny hair stuff I use, now can I just rest? I'll see you soon enough if you need more help!!

Rant over... Cough ...cough. I want to go back to bed.
Missy! So happy for you! It's about **** time you were recognized for being a great person! Enjoy your treats. :) It's so good to hear that you have thoughtful people in your life.