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so what are you thinking right now?

I am thinking I wish my boys were home from their vaca with my mom and grandma. They just got off the train, and my grandma fell and now the ambulance is coming. The train ride that was to be 16 hours, has been 22 hrs. She may have broken her arm. Don't know all the details, my mom was in tears when she called. OMG I am worried and will be so glad when mom calls again and we figure out what is going on.

OMG... they will have a story to tell. Hope everyone is okay.
I worry so much about DH in this heat. Was 95 degrees in the shop yesterday. He works 7:30-6 with a 1/2 hour break. He looked pretty scary when he got home yesterday.
OMG... they will have a story to tell. Hope everyone is okay.

She fell and broke her shoulder. DH drove down to the Princeton hosp to get the boys and got home at 2:30 am. What a night.
I'm thinking I really dislike the tv & radio weathermen. They sound downright giddy as they're saying today's high will be in the upper 90's and the "real feel" temperature will be around 105 and that tomorrow may hit 100 with a "real feel" of 115. :surrender:

Makes me want to ****-slap them and force them to spend some time outside of their airconditioned studios and then maybe the giddy will disappear.

Don't mind me, I'm just a bit crabby with this heat. :girl:
I'm sorry I didn't take my shower 1st thing this morning.

Figured I'd do it after bringing out the trash since it is so bleeping hot & humid out. Then I remembered I forgot to get the mail when I came home from the Cape last night, so I go back out to get the mail [I have a very long driveway]. Then there's a letter in the mail about a horrendous critical screw up with my health insurance, so I figure that needs straightening out immediately. So I get on the phone, start making calls to try to fix their mess. They said they will call me back.

Now I am stuck waiting, miserably hot & sticky. I know they will call the very second I step in the shower...so I wait. :surrender:

I HATE this horrible heat & humidity, going over 100 today. My head is throbbing in pain. Ugh..:surrender:
Ok, everyone knows that summer is supposed to be hot, right? :dunce:
When I got home last night, I took the dogs out to pee and then got right in the shower. I was way to grungy to wait any longer. Prolly will do the same thing tonight. :surrender:
Ok, everyone knows that summer is supposed to be hot, right? :dunce:

And it's supposed to snow in the winter, yes we know. But it's not supposed to be 95 with 95% humidity nor is it supposed to snow 2 feet of snow every other week. Those are unwelcome extremes.

If I recall correctly, you liked the snow, didn't you????? :hurt:
Sooooo happy I have today off work. I work outside and have been sooooo HOT!!!!!! Years ago my thinking use to be hurry and get the day over, now it is just make it through the day. Love my job but this weather makes me want to reconsider.
And it's supposed to snow in the winter, yes we know. But it's not supposed to be 95 with 95% humidity nor is it supposed to snow 2 feet of snow every other week. Those are unwelcome extremes.

If I recall correctly, you liked the snow, didn't you????? :hurt:

No, don't like snow. It affects driving to and from work. I looooooove summer, not a fan of winter.
We are a his, mine and ours house...there's nothing wrong with a little security of your own. Many a woman has been left in the dust by a man who went to the bank and cleaned it out BEFORE he came home and announced he was leaving.

"My money." "His money." I just can't wrap my brain around that. :dunce:

We both have open control to our money, accounts, etc. I would not be in a marriage any other way.
We are a his, mine and ours house...there's nothing wrong with a little security of your own. Many a woman has been left in the dust by a man who went to the bank and cleaned it out BEFORE he came home and announced he was leaving.

I totally agree. Protect yourself and your children. I love my husband and my life but you cannot predict the future. I reefuse to be vulnerable.
The heat sucks, my heat hurts and my eyes are swollen. The stuid hot wind carried unknown particles into my sinuses and I look like Darth Vadar.
I worry so much about DH in this heat. Was 95 degrees in the shop yesterday. He works 7:30-6 with a 1/2 hour break. He looked pretty scary when he got home yesterday.

I worry about my dh when it's this hot too. He spends most of day in the back of a HOT semi. For awhile he was working 4-12:30, so at least he was done before it got too hot. Then this idiot guy at work volunteered the two of them to come in 2 hours later and leave 2 hours later to unload the last few trucks by themselves! Dh was pissed, and now he gets an extra 2 hours there during the hottest part of the day.
Oh sorry, I read it wrong. I guess because we also don't have a budget.................there's money in the bank so if either of us needs/ wants something, we buy it. :9:
We discuss big purchases (over a coupld hundred dollars) mostly so we can both look for the best price.

I guess I'm thinking if he sold the tp that you paid for with your money and now the family needs tp, shouldn't he pay for it? :dunce:
And it's supposed to snow in the winter, yes we know. But it's not supposed to be 95 with 95% humidity nor is it supposed to snow 2 feet of snow every other week. Those are unwelcome extremes.

If I recall correctly, you liked the snow, didn't you????? :hurt:

Now don't be hating on us,...... well, ok, maybe just me...... snow lovers!

It's funny y'all should be talking about snow. I SWEAR I heard that familiar <scrape>, <scrape>, <scrape> outside the other night.