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so what are you thinking right now?

Well, wonder bread is filing for bankruptcy again!!
Here goes my emotional roller coaster...

I used to watch my former neighbors lil ones once in a while when her sitter was sick or busy (for free)..........it was fun! :hiphip:
I miss reading cute lil books to tots. :pout:

You could always volunteer at a library, or something. You really do seem to LOVE the little ones.

I admit the kids at work melt my heart everyday, the pay sucks but I get tons of smiles and hugs.
Sorry if I'm stinking it up around here, I can hardly stand myself tonight. Does spinach usually cause bad, bad, bad gas??
Sorry if I'm stinking it up around here, I can hardly stand myself tonight. Does spinach usually cause bad, bad, bad gas??

I think anything green does. Who cares..........fart away!!! :cartwheel:
Just read a list of top 30 foods that cause gas....I had 7 out of the 30 today. My poor family...I had to keep warning them, don't go in the laundry room, don't go in the kitchen, stay out of the hallway, you aren't going to want to stand by me for long.
I am thinking once again, ugh fricken new couponers. I want it to go back to just a couple yrs ago. The deals were rockin and these **** people weren't everywhere I turn. Sorry, rant over.
I am thinking I should not have busted Dh's balls the last 2 weeks when he told me he was 'too tired' to do anythink like dishes or whatnot. He has pneumonia and his O2 level was 88 which is not all that good. Best rest for him for 3 days. Figures.
Off to start my drive to Chicago. Hopefully you guys don't get too much snow.....sorry Cookie!
Knowing that the hair on the soap in the shower is mine..........priceless. Did I mention I LOVE having my own bathroom?!!! :cartwheel:
i wanna cry right now................

my main sitter that has been with me for about 3-4 years just let me know that she got a job and starts immediately. she told me this via email........... makes me sad that after all these years she could not have picked up the phone to tell me this news??

to her defense she let me know yesterday in person that she had the interview today and it was possible she would start immediately and she feels bad about leaving me with no notice. I am just sad she couldn't tell me this latest news on the phone.

and I promised the kids tostadas tonight and when I went to start making, I find I have no taco seasoning. My DH failed to tell me that he used the last packet so now I have to run to the store with all 3 kids to get taco seasoning.

not my day....................

Hugs I hope you find someone soon that your kids love.
FINE! we can wait til you get here, poidoman :bliss:
I told my dh yesterday that we should just move to Vegas. His company is sending him there next week, Tue-Fri. I am dreading it because am tired an pregnant and will have kid duty by myself 24-7. Not used to getting up, getting them ready, taking to daycare and then coming to work.

Anyway, they have tried to get us to relocate there before and I was against it. But, I really hate living here. Only thing keeping us here is my family and friends. I looked online and found a beautiful 4 bedroom 2,000+ sqf home, stainless steel appliances, granite countertops, good school district....for $89,900! I could stay at home and not work. Ugh...I think we should do it. He says I'd be miserable being that far from my family. He's probably right....
Oh yeah, and I am super excited for the possibility of 6 inches of snow tomorrow. It's about time!!!
Wow, codeine is a better buzz than a glass or two of wine. Not feeling any sinus or other pain right now at all.

Dad is coming by to pick me up & take me grocery shopping. This will be interesting....he's doing the driving today.

Amazing how the same coupon cops that look over my coupons with a magnifying glass never even look twice at his coupons. :lol:
Wow, codeine is a better buzz than a glass or two of wine.

Gettin' your buzz on!!! :woot: Those are goooooood. :cartwheel:

Yeah when I have an ECB that is expired (by a day or so), I send DH to CVS to use it because the girls always take it saying "well it expired yesterday, but that's ok I'll still take it." When I try it I get nowhere.
Our new stove arrived!! It's so pretty--I may never be able to cook again because I'm afraid I will mess it up!:lol:
I'm thinking that I hope I still have a job tomorrow! I'm also pissed at the roofing company because they have dragged their feet for 2 wks. they finally say they are going to come out tom. and now it is going to snow! He says for sure fri. he will come out to fix the roof...have just had it lately w/everything...and I am an emotional eater and trying so hard NOT to take comfort in food!
I'm thinking that I hope I still have a job tomorrow! I'm also pissed at the roofing company because they have dragged their feet for 2 wks. they finally say they are going to come out tom. and now it is going to snow! He says for sure fri. he will come out to fix the roof...have just had it lately w/everything...and I am an emotional eater and trying so hard NOT to take comfort in food!
which roofer did you finally decide upon?????