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so what are you thinking right now?

Say a little prayer for icoupon2 - she's having a little trouble on the roads in her little car :pout:
no, hes in 6th grade and they don't get recess any longer. She has taught for 30 years and this is her last year. She is beyond done, with teaching. Not so much because of my son but in general. He lost plenty of stuff last night because he can't just slough off like this. It wastes her time, my time and his.

Oh I see. Good luck!

My 6th grader still has two recess (so do the 7th and 8th graders). :cartwheel:
He goes to our public high school.

I love the idea of a contract. We have often verbally set standards like you have outlined but probably don't follow through as strongly as we should.

I just wish he/they would realize that what they are doing/not doing will have lasting effects. He just doesn't see the big picture and as many times as I've tried to paint it out for him, it doesn't change his behavior.

Like mrsmom's son, he will complete the assignments (most of the time) but then is too lazy to turn it in, or he lies about actually having homework.

I just hate the idea of having to babysit a high schooler but if that is what will help. That is what I will do.

Valerie....PM me if you want, I am creating a contract of sorts with my DS16 for this new semester. I am still working on it. *WOULD LOVE ANY INPUT FROM OTHER PARENTS OF TEENS * Especially those with bright kids who are severely underachieving.

The contract involves requiring everything to be turned in or losing privileges, immediately upon it hitting the grade portal. He dearly treasures his texting, but I am going to have a near-zero tolerance for missing assignments - those are the easy points! You must turn those things in.

Also requiring time in the tutoring center for test/quiz grades below a B.

Right now, he has no internet access, no Netflix access and very limited computer access.

If everything in and grades stay in A-B range AND he has an appropriate attitude, he will have access to those things on weekends.

For some reason I thought you homeschooled - is he doing coursework online? Or do I have you completely wrong and he goes to a traditional high school?
Nice peeps? Did they buy or renting?

ones who came to the door are 2 high school kids. (older than 16) and they seemed surprized when I extended my hand and introduced myself.

DS and I were out shoveling us and elderly neighbor...watched the girl struggle with a crappy garden shovel for a few moments then she gave up and went inside. About 5 minuted after we came inside they came and knocked on the door. Said they only needed to borrow 1 but there were 2 of them so I gave them each a shovel. :lol:

Lots of traffic over at their place, has DH concerned but with 2 high school kids there's gonna be traffic. Glad to have met them. Hope they remember to return shovels tonight...we are early morning people
ones who came to the door are 2 high school kids. (older than 16) and they seemed surprized when I extended my hand and introduced myself.

DS and I were out shoveling us and elderly neighbor...watched the girl struggle with a crappy garden shovel for a few moments then she gave up and went inside. About 5 minuted after we came inside they came and knocked on the door. Said they only needed to borrow 1 but there were 2 of them so I gave them each a shovel. :lol:

Lots of traffic over at their place, has DH concerned but with 2 high school kids there's gonna be traffic. Glad to have met them. Hope they remember to return shovels tonight...we are early morning people

If not, they will remember next time, when you go get them at 5 a.m. :)
They both shoveled (I peeked out my window) and shovels are returned already.

Thank you! :hug: I made it!!! I was soooo scared. I really didn't think I was going to make it. THREE HOURS :faint:

There were a few times I thought for sure I couldn't control the spin outs. But Jesus took the wheel!

The closer I got, the worse it got. We live in the "valley" of Dundee so there is virtually no way to get home where you don't have to go down a big hill where there are always tons of accidents.

Mistah was on the phone trying to guide me around the worst ones, and then he said see that stop sign you are approaching....ummmm...yes? He said that's me flashing my lights...get behind me and follow me the rest of the way! I was never so happy to see him!!!!!! Extra foot rubbing for him tonight!!! :dance:

Say a little prayer for icoupon2 - she's having a little trouble on the roads in her little car :pout:
awwwwwwwwwwww.... that's love ♥♥♥ :huggy: ♥♥♥
Dh is finally home. Usually takes him about an hour. Today took 4.5!
DS14 better get his head out of his **** quickly or I'm gonna beat him!!! He finished first semester of his Freshman year last week, barely skating by with C's in all his classes. He has the ability to be a strong B, possible A student but he just doesn't care. I'm tired of having this conversations about "yes, I get it. I'll work harder this quarter." BS, you big liar. We are one week into the new quarter and you've already missed turning in a big packet in Biology that I specifically asked you about last night and you told me it was done. Liar. I hate to feel this way about my child but it's getting really old and the lies and lack of responsibility are starting to really, really, really worry me. TGIF, I'm going to make a drink.

MY DD14 has been the same way. We hired a tutor for about 6 years too. She has the innate ability, even though there are a few difficulties.... but she never saw the value in the effort required to get good grades. Now that she is in HS we check powerschool every Sunday. If she has all As and Bs she gets a (generous, IMO) allowance. It seems to have helped. Maybe she's also maturing. No advice about the lying though....that's a tough one. We're also hoping to teach some financial planning lessons with the allowance.
MY DD14 has been the same way. We hired a tutor for about 6 years too. She has the innate ability, even though there are a few difficulties.... but she never saw the value in the effort required to get good grades. Now that she is in HS we check powerschool every Sunday. If she has all As and Bs she gets a (generous, IMO) allowance. It seems to have helped. Maybe she's also maturing. No advice about the lying though....that's a tough one. We're also hoping to teach some financial planning lessons with the allowance.

DS14 is very immature, hasn't really hit puberty yet, a late bloomer so I'm hoping and praying that when the maturity starts happening that some lightbulbs will go off and until then, we will just muddle through this period, because it too shall pass, right ?????
Dh should have shoveled but left it for the landlord.
I feel bad for him but no way I'm shoveling again. I did it last time.