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so what are you thinking right now?

I am this close to not going to work tomorrow. One of the people I work with need me to cover for her because she is 'stuck in Aruba'. I am trying SO FREAKING HARD not to go ballistic.
I'm sure my parents hated them as well.....i loved them as a kid, especially when you got to see them all and see the awesome ones, you know the ones the parents actually made:giggle1:

Thank goodness this teacher deducts for ones that the parents obviously did more work than the child. It's four months into the school year - she knows what your child is capable of.

really? I hate science

Both my DD's love science, and I really don't have a problem with it either, but these things cause such drama and tears when it doesn't go right and I just say, try again. DD9 actually yelled at me today when I refused to re-do parts for her.
Thank goodness this teacher deducts for ones that the parents obviously did more work than the child. It's four months into the school year - she knows what your child is capable of.

Both my DD's love science, and I really don't have a problem with it either, but these things cause such drama and tears when it doesn't go right and I just say, try again. DD9 actually yelled at me today when I refused to re-do parts for her.

they dont use a science book, so he brings home these sheets where he has to match the vocab word with the defination but you have no book so we try to look them up on the net it sucks
Thank goodness this teacher deducts for ones that the parents obviously did more work than the child. It's four months into the school year - she knows what your child is capable of.

Both my DD's love science, and I really don't have a problem with it either, but these things cause such drama and tears when it doesn't go right and I just say, try again. DD9 actually yelled at me today when I refused to re-do parts for her.

I hope you jumped on that like it was a spider monkey
they dont use a science book, so he brings home these sheets where he has to match the vocab word with the defination but you have no book so we try to look them up on the net it sucks

Yea, we get those **** things too.
How am I supposed to know this stuff without the book?
It's been a loooooooong time since I was in the 3rd grade! A long time.
You guys are nice moms! My parents very rarely helped me with homework or projects. In fifth grade I had to make a totem pole, and all I could think of was to carve potatoes and put them on a shish-ke-bab skewer. The paint didn't stay on the carved (wet) parts of the poptato :( and what I hadn't anticipated is that the carved parts got shriveled and brown by the next morning when I got to school. Other kids had awesome professional-looking projects... I didn't understand how they did it. Now I get it.

Another time, maybe 7th grade, I was doing a science project. My partner's parents had some leftover deck stain, so we decided to paint some pieces of wood with different stains and compare how the different brands held up to days in the freezer and heat treatments in the oven. The only help I got was "you are not doing that in my house!" It turned out pretty lame looking. Other kids had better ideas and slicker displays.
You guys are nice moms! My parents very rarely helped me with homework or projects. In fifth grade I had to make a totem pole, and all I could think of was to carve potatoes and put them on a shish-ke-bab skewer. The paint didn't stay on the carved (wet) parts of the poptato :( and what I hadn't anticipated is that the carved parts got shriveled and brown by the next morning when I got to school. Other kids had awesome professional-looking projects... I didn't understand how they did it. Now I get it.

Another time, maybe 7th grade, I was doing a science project. My partner's parents had some leftover deck stain, so we decided to paint some pieces of wood with different stains and compare how the different brands held up to days in the freezer and heat treatments in the oven. The only help I got was "you are not doing that in my house!" It turned out pretty lame looking. Other kids had better ideas and slicker displays.

This is exactly why I go above and beyond to try and help my children. While they do not get straight A's (not by a long shot) I try, try and try again to help them understand. Depending on what the project is, if its science, I give it to their dad. He is such a good builder. Whether its styrofoam, wire and clips or using wood or almost anything, he has it covered. I am more the book helper. Math, reading, language arts, social studies. What we can't do together we google, youtube or wahtever so they GET it.

My mom, was "old school" and your on your own. I barely passed most of my projects because she wouldn't help.
Just going thru this week's mail and I'm thinking that I LOVE IT when the rebate checks start coming in. This past week I received (2) 25.00 checks, 3.50 check, 2.00 check, and a 10.00 GC from P&G.

Too bad every week's can't be like this.
This is exactly why I go above and beyond to try and help my children. While they do not get straight A's (not by a long shot) I try, try and try again to help them understand. Depending on what the project is, if its science, I give it to their dad. He is such a good builder. Whether its styrofoam, wire and clips or using wood or almost anything, he has it covered. I am more the book helper. Math, reading, language arts, social studies. What we can't do together we google, youtube or wahtever so they GET it.

My mom, was "old school" and your on your own. I barely passed most of my projects because she wouldn't help.

you're awesome! I was so embarrassed by my potato-totem-pole mess that I almost didn't turn it in. But I remember getting a better grade than I expected on it; maybe the teacher figured it out and took pity on me. It was still embarrassing compared to the things the other kids turned in.
I really want to go crawl back in bed right now. I'm a little jealous that dh is still sleeping.
Went to bed angry at DH (only 2nd time in 10 years). Baby woke up during the night and then I was awake for 3 hours. DH left for a business trip to Florida. I'm still irritated with him but not sure I can share with him why I'm angry because I'll just come off as a nagging wife.
:huggy: Valerie. Sounds like a bunch of us had a "Dumb Husbands" weekend. ;)
I'm sorry to hear that Valerie :huggy:

DH and I had an excellent night together, probably the closest I've felt to him in a long time, and I'm glad because we really needed to reconnect.
And then I had a terrible nightmare about him and will worry until he calls or texts me back.
I wish I could stay in bed today. I've had the beginnings of a cold/flu for almost a week but feel like it finally "hit" me today. My whole body aches. Ugh.

I remember the days before I had kids when calling in sick meant I could actually stay home and take a sick day. Make some soup and camp out on the sofa and nap and watch tv.

Now being sick just means feeling crappy while I do all the stuff that still needs to get done. And trying to make sure no one else in the house catches whatever I have.
No, she was frustrated and has a tough time expressing herself.
We're working on it and we did talk about it after the meltdown was over.
your dd sounds like mine. She gets frustrated and yells and has a meltdown when she doesn't understand her math.