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so what are you thinking right now?

aww KG, I"m sorry! That really sucks and just because your mom has been that way for so long still doesn't make it right...and the bottom line is it still hurts..you are human and have feelings too. I told you before DH's family is like your mom so I understand! (hugs)

thanks guys. I really appreciate the hugs. I just don't want the dam to break right now, you know? I'm trying to hold it together and be a strong person.

no, my mom still is not really talking to me and I think she is trying to break up a hike I had been planning to do with my dad in August. He's been talking about this hike for over 14 years, and he and I have been actively planning this for at least a year now. I type stuff like this out and I just hear myself whining and I hate it. I mean, she's been like this for at least 35 years -- I shouldn't be surprised by her behavior; I should expect it. I should be at the point where her doing stuff like this doesn't bother me. But here I am ****ing about it, and I don't think of myself as a whiner. So why am I still whining about someone I cannot change?

I'm glad I can come here and read CW stuff... it seems "normal" and helps me keep it together, if that makes any sense. Thanks for listening and for being all of yourselves here. :flowers:
watch out Jewel, here she comes :)

I had to drop off DD at school this morning, and then I went to Jewel. I didn't hit it hard, just one simple transaction.

I saw two other couponers there- one seemed pretty serious about it all, but I'm not sure if she knew she could only double one transaction -her cart was loaded with cereal and Yakisoba or whatever it is, and other various stuff.
I'm thinking I'm glad I took a break from couponing for a month. So much more fun to come back to something you love then trying to grind it out all the time day in & day out.

Oh... and I'm super excited that my funding for school came through. I'll be going back starting with the summer semester totally free!!! :cartwheel:
Trying to save myself some time... Sent DH to the store. He bought the most expensive Birdseye vegetables in the store! His response was... The coupon said "any"

ETA: They do this on purpose, right? Gotta make sure you aren't asked to do any more favors...
Trying to save myself some time... Sent DH to the store. He bought the most expensive Birdseye vegetables in the store! His response was... The coupon said "any"

ETA: They do this on purpose, right? Gotta make sure you aren't asked to do any more favors...

I think you're on to something. My dh pretends he's incapable of shopping. But when asked if he'd be able to handle it for a couple weeks after baby gets here he acts all insulted. "You do realized I lived by myself for a couple years before you were around, right?"
Well at my appointment yesterday one of the pro vbac drs in the practice recommended a c-section. So c-section is booked. I'm a nervous wreck now!
The shelter that we adopted Shawn and Callie from went up in flames last night. 11 cats perished, almost half of the 80 cats that lived there escaped and are on the run, most have been captured.

We had to get rid of Callie because our landlord changed her mind about us having a second cat, so instead of taking her back to the shelter, we found her a very loving home. I am so glad that we didn't take her back...she might have died :( I keep looking at Shawn and tearing up, thankful we have him and that Callie is safe, sending prayers up to the kitties who died, those on the run, and those who were saved. :(
Blonditz and smallsaver, I can completely relate! DH works nights now and sleeps during the day...we have a super small house and you can hear EVERYTHING! I have asked DH SEVERAL times to vacuum for me...he doesn't do it..he sits on his **** playing video games when he gets up...so today was payback time. I decided to vacuum anyway even though he was sleeping! I can be a **** when I wanna be!:lol:
I just went and ordered my new iphone 4s over my lunchbreak. Can't wait until it comes in on Friday. I will finally be caught up with technology with a smartphone!
aww KG, I"m sorry! That really sucks and just because your mom has been that way for so long still doesn't make it right...and the bottom line is it still hurts..you are human and have feelings too. I told you before DH's family is like your mom so I understand! (hugs)

thanks. Since you're (relatively) new to that whole crazy-family thing, I really think it's worse for you the newbie. At least I know what to expect ;)

Well at my appointment yesterday one of the pro vbac drs in the practice recommended a c-section. So c-section is booked. I'm a nervous wreck now!

:huggy: I know that's not what you wanted, but they are professionals and hopefully it will go well. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.

I just went and ordered my new iphone 4s over my lunchbreak. Can't wait until it comes in on Friday. I will finally be caught up with technology with a smartphone!

Kewl. Just make sure you don't tell Barb about all the neato stuff you get from scanning sqiggly bar codes you will be able to scan.. :snicker:
Why is it my 13 year old is more mature than my 36 year old husband!!! Really grow up be a man and act like a father!!!
Wondering if mrsmom felt the earthquake by her last night. I heard on the news that Kenosha had a 2.4 earthquake around 10 last night.
Wondering if mrsmom felt the earthquake by her last night. I heard on the news that Kenosha had a 2.4 earthquake around 10 last night.

We did? :dunce: I wonder if Sadie sensed that something was coming. She was acting so weird last night and growling at nothing.
I feel like ****. It came out of nowhere, too. I feel myself getting dehydrated but drinking anything makes me feel like im gonna puke :(
The shelter that we adopted Shawn and Callie from went up in flames last night. 11 cats perished, almost half of the 80 cats that lived there escaped and are on the run, most have been :(

Oh no! How horrible! Do they know yet what caused the fire?

I feel like ****. It came out of nowhere, too. I feel myself getting dehydrated but drinking anything makes me feel like im gonna puke :(

I should have known when DD17 signed up for these college classes that it was really going to be for me. How many times do I have to say "I AM NOT WRITING YOUR PAPER!!!" this week before she writes her own **** paper?! If I wanted to go back to college, I would go back to college. :dunce: I'm waiting for her to say, "This is so dumb, what does English have to do with culinary school?" It'll happen.

Between this & DD13 being home from school for 2 days with a bad cold & sore throat....

:gah: :gah: :gah:
The shelter was not maintained well. I know someone who used to volunteer there and she said the outlets were not updated and overloaded. The fire started in an outlet, in the FIV room. The room was locked and the furbabies were not able to be rescued and all perished :(

Well shame on them!!! :cry1: