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so what are you thinking right now?

red you don't need to deal with that kind of drama and stress in your condition..............SHAME on your FIL. What does your MIL say about it all?
I used to enjoy coming to read things in OT, not so much lately. What's going on around here???
Parenting is hard enough, and when the spouses don't agree on things... oh man it gets a lot harder. :huggy:

We agree for the most part...but he feels sometimes that I am trying to control every situation, and I am truly not TRYING to do that.

I'm irritated right now and considering getting an OP against my FIL. He has a history of mental illness, and he's always on again/off again his meds, and always drinking which doesn't help anything. In DH's words, he's also a "woman hater".

A VERY long story short - he made a "business proposition" to my DH, which was respectfully declined. He took offense and started a huge fight over the phone, so DH hung up. He came over unannounced and started the fight again here until the cops mysteriously showed up and asked him to leave. Now he's leaving threatening and degrading voicemails to DH about me, b/c he just KNOWS this is all my doing. And I'm a "manipulative ****ing ****". Cool. @@

I never liked that guy, and I always shudder when he's around. Now it's worse. I slept like **** last night b/c I had one eye open the whole time.

I would do the order of protection...if he is that unstable, you never know what his next move will be..and your family comes first.
red you don't need to deal with that kind of drama and stress in your condition..............SHAME on your FIL. What does your MIL say about it all?

Oh boy, my MIL. Not sure which one is worse! They are divorced and HATE each other. I mean volatile. And she doesn't care much for me either :lol: but that's okay b/c I don't care for her. Last time we were there she was calling my SIL a "****ing C***" in front of my kids and they started throwing forks at each other.... That's how his family is. Somewhere on here recently (I think in the Tazz's crush thread) I posted how his family is so whack and how DH turned out normal is beyond me.
I'm irritated right now and considering getting an OP against my FIL. He has a history of mental illness, and he's always on again/off again his meds, and always drinking which doesn't help anything. In DH's words, he's also a "woman hater".

A VERY long story short - he made a "business proposition" to my DH, which was respectfully declined. He took offense and started a huge fight over the phone, so DH hung up. He came over unannounced and started the fight again here until the cops mysteriously showed up and asked him to leave. Now he's leaving threatening and degrading voicemails to DH about me, b/c he just KNOWS this is all my doing. And I'm a "manipulative ****ing ****". Cool. @@

I never liked that guy, and I always shudder when he's around. Now it's worse. I slept like **** last night b/c I had one eye open the whole time.

YIKES. :huggy: and good luck with him.
Oh boy, my MIL. Not sure which one is worse! They are divorced and HATE each other. I mean volatile. And she doesn't care much for me either :lol: but that's okay b/c I don't care for her. Last time we were there she was calling my SIL a "****ing C***" in front of my kids and they started throwing forks at each other.... That's how his family is. Somewhere on here recently (I think in the Tazz's crush thread) I posted how his family is so whack and how DH turned out normal is beyond me.

Wow. As I say every day...........WTF is WRONG with people?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I was still early in my dating relationship with my DH, he brought me to meet his family. That sealed the deal! They were so fantastic that I knew they must have raised a fantastic son and they did! 15 years of marriage and I have yet to have an issue with them. (knock on some major wood lol)
That's awesome Rebecca I'm so jealous!!

FIL actually holds it against my DH that he's married to someone with "such a perfect ****ing family". No family is perfect - but I can say we're nothing like them!!
Since my last post he called with another harassing message. DH and I discussed getting the OP if we have one more harassing call or visit from him.

So I listened to the voicemail (DH is sleeping), did my reading on IL statutes for OPs and called the local police to file a complaint.
Oh boy, my MIL. Not sure which one is worse! They are divorced and HATE each other. I mean volatile. And she doesn't care much for me either :lol: but that's okay b/c I don't care for her. Last time we were there she was calling my SIL a "****ing C***" in front of my kids and they started throwing forks at each other.... That's how his family is. Somewhere on here recently (I think in the Tazz's crush thread) I posted how his family is so whack and how DH turned out normal is beyond me.

Consider it a blessing from heaven that dh does not behave like his parents.
hope it settles down soon for you Red, you don't need this its hard enough to be preggers with small kids without extra emotional drama
I used to enjoy coming to read things in OT, not so much lately. What's going on around here???


Maybe we should start a positive thoughts thread?? IDK but I hear what you are saying.

On that note, I will just report that my DH recently installed new shelving in our garage which is great and helps hold the stockpile. He is planning on painting our family room b/c I don't like the current color. He is a wonderful man and extremely handy.

My DS age 5 just made me a card the other day that said "I luv mom" and he drew pictures in it. Very cute. He is getting really good at sounding out words and reading. It is amazing to watch the progress and development.

My DD age 3 is making progress in her speech. She has a hard time saying S and F. Just received some helpful exercises from the school district on how to work with her so looking forward to more progress.

My DD age 2 is a funny kid. She is just a character. She makes me laugh on a daily basis. I have concerns about her speech development as well and Friday she is getting evaluated so I am hoping we get the therapy she might need. Thankful that the state offers this valuable service.

I am thankful for a wonderful family, a sufficient stockpile, and full freezers.
Had a great night and have peace of mind right now. The weather is going to be warm at almost 70 and I am SO ready for spring!

Having lunch with a great friend today and looking forward to a nice visit.
Will be so pleased when 27 months pass and we are done paying child support to DH's ex-witch.

She called up to harass him for 25 minutes last night because the child support wasn't there by the 5th like she asked. I sent it on the 2nd, but then there were 2 days of weekend, so they probably got it Monday and processed it Tuesday. The money is out of our account today, so I believe she has it.

The state has not ever given us trouble for sending the check any time in the month. We could send it on the 25th and not be in trouble, as far as I can tell.

It mostly irks me that DH takes the crap from her. He wants "peace" and I wasn't home and he didn't hang up on her. She has no right to harass him. That's why the state is involved. We pay every month and the state has no problem with us.

He says that if we can make less stress with her by sending the last week of the previous month to do it, but I just DON'T WANT TO GIVE IN TO HER. It teaches her at almost 50 that she can still get her way by being a bully.

I know that if we have the $ by that time of the month and don't want to send it, I'm just being stubborn. But I really, really think she's a big stupid jerk.

But....if she didn't need the money she would probably not be calling. He says we should be thankful that we are in a better place financially, even though things are tough for us we are not THAT bad. But she's put herself there with wasteful expensive choices, and that's not my problem.

DH is mad at me about being stubborn and fighting about it. If he told her to go suck an egg and we'll send it in when we want to, then I wouldn't care if we send it "early."

I just don't like him promising her we'll get it there earlier.

ETA: I would even do my best to send it earlier if she called and asked, politely and respectfully. Its the entitlement/bully/ingrate personality that gets under my skin. Unfortunately she's taught her attitudes to her daughter, my mom made DSD a lovely scarf right after Christmas because DSD asked for it, mom let her pick out the colors etc. She got it this weekend because she hadn't been to visit in the last two months and didn't even acknowledge that she received it when she picked it up from a box of her stuff. Didn't even think to ask to call my mom or to tell me to say thank you to her. ARGH>!!>! :(
Would it be wierd to ask people on this site for their soda cans, water/juice/soda bottles for school's recycling contest?
Would it be wierd to ask people on this site for their soda cans, water/juice/soda bottles for school's recycling contest?

Not at all. Where are you located? You want glass liquor bottles too? :9: