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so what are you thinking right now?

Doesn't the ADHD dr of all people know how difficult that is??

Yeah but she always has "suggestions" and she asks the SAME questions everytime.................no, he does NOT like peanut butter, no he won't eat fruit, yes I TRY to get him in bed at a good hour. As she lectures me about how important a good night of sleep is for growth..............I KNOW that! :surrender:

Oh and did I mention I'm pretty sure she doesn't have kids. :fart:
If that were me, I would write down all those answers on a sheet of paper.

Yes, I know he needs to gain weight.
No, he doesn't like PB
Yes, he is tucked in a decent hour.

Write down all the answers to her frequent questions and then as soon as she enters the room, hand her that paper and ask if you missed anything.
Just took my little guy to a preschool screening, he will be 3 in June and can go. He has speech issues, as did the rest of my kids. But I don't want him to go yet :(
Yikes that sounds pricey. :huggy:

I think she agreed to it because her kids are enrolled in the church school so she prolly gets a membership discount with the agreement that she regularly attend (and give $). It's expected at our church/ school also, also although they don't actually bill us. But if we miss too much we get a "warning" and would eventually be asked to leave the school.

The thing is- we were never told at registration we would be charged $100 for EACH week missed. We were told that if you 'habitually miss' you will be charged a non parishoner tuition rate until you can prove weekly attendance. I agreed for charging for habitual absences, but for someone who rarely misses is disgusting, IMO. We were told we need to 'call ahead of time' if we are going to miss. (Cuh-razy, IMO) I am fighting it right now, and wrote a letter to the priest asking him to take my history into account. *crossing my fingers*

He is so ****ing delusional!!! Do you know that I haven't communicated a single word to him in about a month and somehow I'm the enemy in all this?

He is now harassing the local police department to try to get them to arrest me! I don't know on what charges exactly, but he refuses to follow authority. He is continuing the contact and I really hope that we can get an OP sooner rather than later b/c it just seems like things are slowly escalading with him and his hatred and anger towards me is just increasing.

DH was worried that it would take too much time to go to the court to file today and that I might be late for work - I said DON'T change plans!!

He sent DH a really long e-mail that said:
"I want you to answer a question for me

Would it be better if I were dead? "

So either he's trying to get Dh to threaten him? Or was that an indirect threat to DH?
The thing is- we were never told at registration we would be charged $100 for EACH week missed. We were told that if you 'habitually miss' you will be charged a non parishoner tuition rate until you can prove weekly attendance. I agreed for charging for habitual absences, but for someone who rarely misses is disgusting, IMO. We were told we need to 'call ahead of time' if we are going to miss. (Cuh-razy, IMO) I am fighting it right now, and wrote a letter to the priest asking him to take my history into account. *crossing my fingers*

Your church takes attendance? How in the world?

Have you thought about becoming a Presbyterian? Same God, costs less.
mrsred (((hugs))) In my county it takes about 45 minutes to complete the OP paperwork and have the hearing. Please tell him to go! Keep that email where he ask if you want him dead and call the police to show them.

Sorry you are dealing with all of this. Trust me when I say I know how helpless and frustrated you can feel! Hang in there. (hugs)
My DS has a Dr. appointment with his ADHD doc. I get to get lectured again about how he needs to put on weight..............every 3 months I get this lecture. :surrender:

He only grew 1/2 inch and LOST 2lbs. in 5 months!!! :surrender::laugh:

I sat there for an hour while she talked to me and DS about the importance of various foods yada yada yada. NO ****!!! She ordered a blood work up to see if he's majorly deficient in anything. He's now 7 lbs. underweight. I did explain also that for the first time, he played a sport. He was in basketball this past season so he ran for several hours a week for months.

So he's a super picky eater and I need to figure out how to get two proteins in him a day.........:gah:

He is so ****ing delusional!!! Do you know that I haven't communicated a single word to him in about a month and somehow I'm the enemy in all this?

He is now harassing the local police department to try to get them to arrest me! I don't know on what charges exactly, but he refuses to follow authority. He is continuing the contact and I really hope that we can get an OP sooner rather than later b/c it just seems like things are slowly escalading with him and his hatred and anger towards me is just increasing.

DH was worried that it would take too much time to go to the court to file today and that I might be late for work - I said DON'T change plans!!

He sent DH a really long e-mail that said:
"I want you to answer a question for me

Would it be better if I were dead? "

So either he's trying to get Dh to threaten him? Or was that an indirect threat to DH?

YIKES this is scary. Please, please don't let your DH respond to him. I'm worried for you :huggy:
OMG he sent me a letter via snail mail too. A three page letter badgering me for … not swearing around my kids. What?? You've got to be kidding me.

Thanks Missy I really appreciate your support and advice. :huggy:
Your church takes attendance? How in the world?

Ours does too. There's a lil book in each pew that the families sign. They can prolly also tell by your check in the offering envelopes. :9: My kids have to tell their teachers every monday morning if they attended church that weekend or not............church attendance is on their report cards.
Man red, that guy is whackadoo!!!
No we have not responded to ANY phone calls, texts, emails, letters, anything at all. And we will not. I told dh to get the emergency OP today, and I mean it, and he knows.
Call your county court house before you go. Ours you have to file before 9am each weekday. They only hear cases at 9am and the papers have to be there before.

Be careful and have a safe weekend....

Let me know if he needs a roommate to keep him company - I have the perfect suggestion on someone LOL
Just found out that dh has to work monday. He's supposed to be off Sun/Mon. But they're short handed because they fired two guys plus one quit and they're taking they're sweet time hiring new ones. Not happy!
The Cubs game is on WGN right now!!! I missed seeing my boys!!!

Cubs are up 3 to 1 vs. the White Sux. :woot:
Just found out that dh has to work monday. He's supposed to be off Sun/Mon. But they're short handed because they fired two guys plus one quit and they're taking they're sweet time hiring new ones. Not happy!

People actually still QUIT jobs?! I'm kind of shocked anyone would leave a job these days. :p
Msred, I'm sorry for all you're going through. Don't have any advice but I can send ya ((hugs)) :flowers:
Call your county court house before you go. Ours you have to file before 9am each weekday. They only hear cases at 9am and the papers have to be there before.

Be careful and have a safe weekend....

Let me know if he needs a roommate to keep him company - I have the perfect suggestion on someone LOL

DH made it to the courthouse just barely in time to file! And it was granted!! He hadn't even had the chance to say he wanted it filed as an emergency BUT (as I suspected) that document I found on Google was really all the judge had to hear about and he instantly granted an emergency OP.

:hiphip: :hiphip: :hiphip: :bliss:

Thanks everyone for listening and offering advice!!