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so what are you thinking right now?

This has to be a sure sign of the apocalypse. Didn't you say WI had liquor store drive-thrus? :lol:

Not all of WI, but my city yeah. And they sell hard liquor until midnight................but alas I'm being a good girl tonight..........sigh.

It is indeed your fault. Therefore you have to help me get this house ready to put on the market. Did you miss my post a few pages back where I said I was gonna smack you upside the head (you and the Cardinals fan) for planting this idea? You're gonna hafta try to keep up if you want to be my BFF.

:bowing: and yeah I saw that post. :snicker:
DS9 is FINALLY asleep. I'm pretty sure he had a full blown anxiety attack. :pout: He was yelling for me to help him, was shaking, asked if he was going to die, vomited a LOT then had diarhea. We cuddled on the couch until he fell asleep............my poor baby.
DS9 is FINALLY asleep. I'm pretty sure he had a full blown anxiety attack. :pout: He was yelling for me to help him, was shaking, asked if he was going to die, vomited a LOT then had diarhea. We cuddled on the couch until he fell asleep............my poor baby.

:huggy: I hope tomorrow is a better day for him
:huggy: I hope tomorrow is a better day for him

Thank you I hope so too. I'm trying to decide if I should put his patch on his today (didn't today) to give him (and me) a break. He's MUCH more emotional when he's not wearing it and stressed. On the flip side he ate a lot today which he needed. He liked the Special K protein bars a lot.
mrsmom, did you see me tonight???? I drove through K-town on 94 heading to & coming back from dropping DS14 off at the airport. I waved and said hello as I was cruising through. **** fog, rain, construction/detours wasn't fun to drive.
What did you do wrong? :snicker: :flowers:

Nothing really 'wrong' just using grey area and everyone was ok with it.... someone who wasn't found out and made a big deal, had nothing to do with them so they should have kept their mouth shut.
mrsmom, did you see me tonight???? I drove through K-town on 94 heading to & coming back from dropping DS14 off at the airport. I waved and said hello as I was cruising through. **** fog, rain, construction/detours wasn't fun to drive.

That was you?! :hiya:
Mrsmom I'm sorry to hear about your son :( :huggy:

I'm irritated that the **** manager tried to give me **** for leaving work. I was scheduled 6pm-midnight and I stayed until 1am. My department was finished. I'm done, I'm leaving. I'm not making excuses (never whined about the pregnancy, not working in the morning), I'm simply done with my shift and I'm going home. I'm sorry you aren't done yet. Goodnight.

Sure is quiet here today, just me and my 51 bot friends :) HELLO, HELLO can anyone hear me :)
I'm up.

Dogs don't like to sleep in on Saturdays. :surrender: