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so what are you thinking right now?

When someone says "Someone's a little crabby today!" it doesn't help my mood. In fact it makes me want to kick them in the shin. (DH.) :gah: And then when I start listing the reason I am crabby (him, his kids, his exwife & her family) I get the "Why do you do that?" :gah:
WHY OH WHY am I being punished?!?!?!?!
The pink eye has spread to the other eye. Not because of hygiene either...because I've been so crazy about washing hands, my hands are raw. I'm such a hot mess! RED as can be dripping eyes that are puffy and swollen... Ears are still leaking fluids from ear infections...nose is now dripping. Oh help!
This is MY Spring Break! I should be "livin it up", hahaha. I'm dying!
WHY OH WHY am I being punished?!?!?!?!
The pink eye has spread to the other eye. Not because of hygiene either...because I've been so crazy about washing hands, my hands are raw. I'm such a hot mess! RED as can be dripping eyes that are puffy and swollen... Ears are still leaking fluids from ear infections...nose is now dripping. Oh help!
This is MY Spring Break! I should be "livin it up", hahaha. I'm dying!

Your school kids just wanted to make sure you didn't forget about them over the break!

Knock on wood I've never had pink eye!
When are people going to start accepting responsibility for their actions and stop blaming others.
I feel VERY VERY bad for the little girl, but it is the GRANDMOTHER'S fault!!!! Why were you not watching the girl? Why did you not get off your arse and throw the friggin cup away yourself?

McDonald’s super-hot coffee lands company in court again

Once again, someone is looking to burn McDonald's in court over its hot, hot coffee. A Chicago woman is suing the Golden Arches after her granddaughter suffered second-degree burns from the fast-food chain's joe; according to the suit, the woman had asked her granddaughter to throw away the empty cup, which the 4-year-old instead had refilled at the counter from a fresh pot. The suit alleges the Chicago-area McDonald's both violated its policy of not serving coffee to minors and failed to secure the lid, which caused the hot java to burn the little girl's chest when it spilled.
When are people going to start accepting responsibility for their actions and stop blaming others.
I feel VERY VERY bad for the little girl, but it is the GRANDMOTHER'S fault!!!! Why were you not watching the girl? Why did you not get off your arse and throw the friggin cup away yourself?

Furthermore, how did she not notice the child pouring a new cup of coffee?? So a 4yo was completely unattended at McD's where anyone could have snatched her.

And what is this policy about not selling coffee to minors? DD13 buys coffee at McD's all the time. And she's not a 13yo that looks like an 18yo. :dunce:
When are people going to start accepting responsibility for their actions and stop blaming others.
I feel VERY VERY bad for the little girl, but it is the GRANDMOTHER'S fault!!!! Why were you not watching the girl? Why did you not get off your arse and throw the friggin cup away yourself?

Furthermore, how did she not notice the child pouring a new cup of coffee?? So a 4yo was completely unattended at McD's where anyone could have snatched her.

And what is this policy about not selling coffee to minors? DD13 buys coffee at McD's all the time. And she's not a 13yo that looks like an 18yo. :dunce:
Is the refill from a self-serve type of place, or did she have to ask an employee for a refill? If she asked someone, don't you think that employee would carry it wherever knowing it is hot?
I'm amazed at people's "heartlessness". Out with the old, the sick, the afflicted, the weak. Thin the heard like animals even though we are humans. I guess having some humanity isn't a requirement for being human these days.
Some people will take their ongoing feud into ANY old post.

enough already

I thought this WAS the what are you thinking thread and that CW was known for going Off Topic. And that we liked participants not wall flowers.

I love you, you know that, but people here take an enormous amount of bashing from ennui and an attempt to debate her back and ask her to "think" about her statements from a different point of view is now considered to be mean. And like you have at various times here, I resent being labeled as "mean" for expressing my opinion.

But I still love you :flowers:
I don't believe she was saying you called her anything at all, Barb. Just when she expresses a point contrary to anyone elses... she is labeled by others as mean. Not you!
I give up....everyone kill each other.

a year from now when everyone tires of being somewhere miserable Tazz and I can just post back and forth because the site died.

Have it.....leave the organs at the local hospital so some good comes from the death, k?

Yeah but only if you are young enough and well liked enough to be worthy of receiving it.
I don't believe she was saying you called her anything at all, Barb. Just when she expresses a point contrary to anyone elses... she is labeled by others as mean. Not you!

This!!! I didn't mean it to read like I was saying you called me mean. I'm sorry if it came across that way. That wasn't my intention at all. But what mama22angels said.

I have been accused more than once of being mean, having no sense of humor or taking things "too personally" when we get into debates about things I'm passionate about. Which I resent, since it comes up about Special Ed, hearts and who knows what else. How can I not take those issues personally? They are personal to me. That was all.

ok I probably haven't read where this originated, but I'm jumping in here anwyay.

This is CW where we can say whatever we want, wherever we want. Some of us choose to use some discretion; others like to talk about their poop. If you don't like it, then you can discuss it, debate it, pick a fight or move along. But this being the place it is, you can't expect any topic to be contained to any one thread. It's all fair game, for better or worse. I love you all!
KG it started in the Cheney has no heart thread...
I just get so irritated when I go to several stores in one afternoon just to be bombarded with kids asking for money.

Honestly, I do not mind helping any kid.

I do prefer when they are selling something (and not for $10) but I get irritated when they just expect it. It is not my responsibility to support any child's "team" other than my family. It is out of my kindness and my generosity to give any money to these kids standing outside the grocery store.

So to the girl who said to her teammate "LAME EXCUSE" when I said I was sorry that I did not have any cash on me: screw you!
That I swear DS is trying to drive the wheels off my car!

A tank of gas used to last me a month, this one will be lucky to last 2 weeks. I know who's paying for the next fill up...and it's not going to be me
I just get so irritated when I go to several stores in one afternoon just to be bombarded with kids asking for money.

Honestly, I do not mind helping any kid.

I do prefer when they are selling something (and not for $10) but I get irritated when they just expect it. It is not my responsibility to support any child's "team" other than my family. It is out of my kindness and my generosity to give any money to these kids standing outside the grocery store.

So to the girl who said to her teammate "LAME EXCUSE" when I said I was sorry that I did not have any cash on me: screw you!

I'm not proud of this, BUT a couple of weeks ago some Girl Scouts were giving mistah a hard time outside of Jewel for not buying cookies. He told them that he bought his cookies from the girls who bothered to come to his house. :giggles:

I was horrified! Even though he did in fact buy 3 boxes from the neighbor girls. But then he told me that they were saying very not nice things similar to what you experienced.
DH and I were driving home and passed a few little girls playing on the sidewalk and I waved to them.....not realizing that they had a Kool-aid stand. I felt so bad that I didn't stop until I saw a tiny little middle finger flip up and "wave" back.....