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so what are you thinking right now?

Have you noticed it is getting dark much earlier now? Already pitch black here at 8pm.


I had a dream last night that I was drinking and smoking while pregnant (mostly smoking!). I wasn't even enjoying it, but I was hoping the people I was with wouldn't judge me too harshly because hey, a little bit's ok!

I've never been a smoker. Took one puff when I was in high school, blech. and I've certainly NOT been drinking lately. WTF.

My interpretation is the dream was an outlet for my concern that people will think I'm a bad/inadequate mother.
KG you will be a wonderful mother :huggy:

Maybe the fried cheese is giving you bad dreams :giggles:
Thanks guys. I haven't had Culver's since I posted about hating(loving) it the other day :bliss:
I just realized your new location KG :roll:
KG you will be a GREAT mom! Just listen to your child and do things w/him/her...that is ALL they really want...all kinds of toys do not interest them they just want mom and dad to play w/them and LOVE them!

I'm thinking the next two nights for DH at work are gonna be two of the longest nights ever! I'm thinking the Woodstock police are ASSHOLES!
MrsMom, I would've done the same thing. I have done the same thing. DD's softball practice is 40 minutes from our house, I wouldn't go back for her BAT, let alone the "arm thing" she wears. :p Last night she forgot her sunglasses for tryouts. I said, "oh we'll, try not to get hit in the face!" :lol: I'll explain it to your DH if you want. Bet DS remembers his arm thing next time!

KG, you'll be a GREAT mom. Everyone has whacky pregnancy dreams, it'll be ok. If people think you're an inadequate mother & they tell you that, get new people. ;) You'll be a great mom because you're kind & kids thrive with kindness. :huggy:

I had a dream last night that I was drinking and smoking while pregnant (mostly smoking!). I wasn't even enjoying it, but I was hoping the people I was with wouldn't judge me too harshly because hey, a little bit's ok!

I've never been a smoker. Took one puff when I was in high school, blech. and I've certainly NOT been drinking lately. WTF.

My interpretation is the dream was an outlet for my concern that people will think I'm a bad/inadequate mother.


I love finding out the meaning of dreams. You will NOT be a horrible mom in any way, KG!!

I had a dream last night that I was drinking and smoking while pregnant (mostly smoking!). I wasn't even enjoying it, but I was hoping the people I was with wouldn't judge me too harshly because hey, a little bit's ok!

I've never been a smoker. Took one puff when I was in high school, blech. and I've certainly NOT been drinking lately. WTF.

My interpretation is the dream was an outlet for my concern that people will think I'm a bad/inadequate mother.
You will be a good mom! I think we all doubt our parenting skills. I have teens and still constantly doubt myself, am I doing the right thing? Am I screwing them up for life? I don't think it ever ends.
I think the other way around. I have 2 girls and as much as they drive me crazy, I truly believe that God didn't give me boys for a reason. I had to watch my two nephews a couple weeks ago for 3 days. One is 9 and the other 14. You would think it was easy. They were rough playing with my girls (3 and 5 yr old), they were standing on my coffee table, jumping from the coffee table to the couch, did not bother to make their beds every morning. I kept asking to go play outside. We were getting ready to go somewhere and the 14 yr old used the front door instead of the garage door, so I thought, it is ok, he'll just wait form me to get the car out of the garage. By the time I set up the alarm, and go to the garage, he had manually opened the garage door from the outside and the door would not stay opened. It is a ****ing electric garage door!!!!!!!! This same kid just ripped our trampoline wall. The wall is not for bouncing, is to protect you. Now the screen is ripped and i need to orded a new enclosure. BTW nothing happened to him. Just distructive in general. I just can't deal with that.

Im thinking if having boys is this much of a pain in the ****............Im happy I dont have girls (Ive heard they are worse)
...It is a ****ing electric garage door!!!!!!!! This same kid just ripped our trampoline wall. The wall is not for bouncing, is to protect you. Now the screen is ripped and i need to orded a new enclosure. BTW nothing happened to him. Just distructive in general. I just can't deal with that.

Well, what I see in your post about the boys (9 and 14? really) is just poor parenting.

Our boys are 17, 16, and 13 and they would/have NEVER climbed/jumped on furniture, or destroyed property just by being destructive assholes.

Boys like the ones you described are why generally no kids/friends are allowed inside my house. Yard OK, if/until they break something (then usually they are no longer welcome).

These are your nephews?????
It's going to be a great day! :)

DS got his school schedule in the mail last night. Oh boy he has drivers ed semester! As a freshman no less. He was jumping up and down for joy and I was thinking the car was spinning and we were parked in the garage. LOL glad to see him so excited.
Well, what I see in your post about the boys (9 and 14? really) is just poor parenting.

Our boys are 17, 16, and 13 and they would/have NEVER climbed/jumped on furniture, or destroyed property just by being destructive assholes.

Boys like the ones you described are why generally no kids/friends are allowed inside my house. Yard OK, if/until they break something (then usually they are no longer welcome).

These are your nephews?????

ITA w/you SCK. But I have nephews like lavendergirl's so I can relate...you are right in the sense that the parents at least in my case do NOT parent their children...my oldest nephew who is turning 13 this yr. is away at behavior camp this summer...then my BIL wonders why his kid has behavioral issues because he leaves he and his brothers' to fend for themselves...you have to put time into raising children but my BIL thinks otherwise.
Time to start looking for work. Two weeks left and I'd rather not return to you-know-where.
They are my cousin's boys. Her dad had a stroke and was in ICU. Her mom (my aunt) is the one who watches the kids during the day, but she needed to be in the hospital with her husband. She didn't ask me to bring them to my house. She asked me if I could please watch them during the day at her house for a couple of days. We didn't exactly know hoe long as her dad was in ICU. I live in Crystal lake and they live in Chicago. I figured too much money in gas, plus we would have to be eating all the time. So I brought them to my house. My kids on the other hand are girls, only 3 and 5 yr old. They are hyper but know jumping on the couches or furniture is not allowed. My 5 yr old said that she told him not to open the garage door like that, and he did it anyway. I have to agree with poor parenting in that case. The mom is too soft and repeats herself over and over, the dad, not so much.
I didn't tell her much of what happened. I figure she had enough with her dad, but I did mentioned the garage door. The last day, I took everyone to be beach to get them out of my house. I had to ask for help to carry stuff. WTF!!!!

Well, what I see in your post about the boys (9 and 14? really) is just poor parenting.

Our boys are 17, 16, and 13 and they would/have NEVER climbed/jumped on furniture, or destroyed property just by being destructive assholes.

Boys like the ones you described are why generally no kids/friends are allowed inside my house. Yard OK, if/until they break something (then usually they are no longer welcome).

These are your nephews?????

I love finding out the meaning of dreams. You will NOT be a horrible mom in any way, KG!!

thanks.. what a fun website :foryou:

A pregnant woman having dreams of her pregnancy usually conveys her worries in various stages of her pregnancy. First trimester dreams are usually consists of small creatures, furry animals, flowers, fruits, and water. Second trimester dreams usually cover birth complications and self-doubt about motherhood.

I never had the first trimester fruity furry creature dreams... but they hit the nail on the head for me for second trimester.

I'd also agree with the interpretation that smoking means I don't want people close to me (I generally don't want people close). But the overall feeling I had in the dream was "I hope these people don't judge me for doing something that is obviously detrimental to my baby."
So, I got a job. The job itself is easy enough, no issues. The BS in my head of leaving my kids/family to go to work is killing my heart. I know I have to go to work.... we need the money. I know this feeling is temporary but it is BEYOND DIFFICULT to try and get balanced in working, family time ect.

Today is my sons birthday. I have to work. We planned to do his cake, presents pizza ect tomorrow night. My son seems ok with this. Today, my mom calls and attempts to guilt me stating it is not fair to my son that I won't be here because of work.

WTF! Are ya kidding me? You really think I haven't thought this myself? You really think that today of all days of the year that I WANT to be away? Thanks, as if I am not feeling bad, your load only sweetened the feeling!

Today I am grateful for hundreds of miles between her house and mine.