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so what are you thinking right now?

OMGosh!!! 10 years.... it must have been a very slow spreading cancer ... and i guess much more likely to be curable at the beginning :pout: if you care to share, may i ask what finally made her go in to get checked out after such a long time (forgive me if you posted and I missed it... not sure if i'm up-to-date)
Sorry if I ramble on a bit, my brain is still in shock.

Sis has been very physically ill, getting worse by the day, since Mother's Day. Non-stop coughing, breathing difficulty, unable to sleep, no energy, getting winded just walking up a short flight of steps. Too ill to really do anything. She would occasionally complain of chest pain, but refused all offers of seeing a doc or going to the ED.

We didn't know she was in pain just laying down. We saw the coughing & breathing problems, but had no idea about her being in physical pain. Or that she had a mass she knew about, and that she knew it had grown in size.

Someone, forgive me I can't remember who, asked if she was jealous of bro. Not at all, she has a phobia of all things medical, scared to death of hospitals, physicians & dentists...

[BTW, she isn't stupid, she graduated from an Ivy League college and has an MA. She won numerous industry awards, before she became mentally ill.]

We begged her to see a doc. I tried everything, even resorting to blackmail [didn't work]. Mom begged, Dad begged. Bro & SIL tried. She flat out refused. She has mental illness, and refuses treatment. She used every excuse in the book for why she couldn't call or go see a doc. She is crazy, would rather be sick & in pain than call.

Not knowing about the breast mass, I thought it might be pneumonia or asthma. She finally felt so short-breathed and miserable that she called a doc, expecting to be given an asthma inhaler.

Our parents are worried sick, helpless that they had to standby and watch her deteriorate, unable by law to force her to get help.

We won't know what stage the cancer is in until sometime next week, and then only if she chooses to tell us. **** HIPAA laws.

My sis will lose her breast, and probably a lung, because she waited so long. I fear she may lose her life :cry1:

Please, please go get checked out if you feel anything in your breast, or if something doesn't feel right, if a cold or anything hangs in too long, if a wound doesn't heal, etc... Get regular check ups & mammograms. Do not stick your head in the sand because of fear. The sooner they catch cancer [or whatever is wrong] and start treatment the better your odds are.
I'm really sorry ennui. You're a very strong woman and that strength will be a blessing for your sister and the rest of your family. Please know we're here when you need us.
I'm sorry, ennui.

Prayers sent your way for the strength you'll need to help her.

A few days ago I took my mother to a general surgeon to have a breast cyst drained in office. A sample was sent for biopsy. She has 3 more cysts behind the one that was just drained. Maybe those will become visible to an ultrasound now.
Oh ennui :huggy: I'm so sorry. Prayers for strength and healing
Hoping today is the day for KG! Prayers for a quick and easy closing my friend! :hug:
I'm sorry, ennui.

Prayers sent your way for the strength you'll need to help her.

A few days ago I took my mother to a general surgeon to have a breast cyst drained in office. A sample was sent for biopsy. She has 3 more cysts behind the one that was just drained. Maybe those will become visible to an ultrasound now.

I pray your mom's results are benign.
So sorry ennui. Praying for your sister and for your family. Stay strong and positive.
Please, please go get checked out if you feel anything in your breast, or if something doesn't feel right, if a cold or anything hangs in too long, if a wound doesn't heal, etc... Get regular check ups & mammograms. Do not stick your head in the sand because of fear. The sooner they catch cancer [or whatever is wrong] and start treatment the better your odds are.

I could not agree more. :huggy: I hope someone listens to your sister's story and gets something checked because of it.

Hoping today is the day for KG! Prayers for a quick and easy closing my friend! :hug:

:bliss: I just got a call; they just finished! I didn't ask if they did a final walk-through or had seen the torn-up backyard; I don't even care. OMG WE SOLD OUR HOUSE!! :bliss: :bliss:

I do get a little schadenfreude out of this, since the buyers put us through hell by dragging their feet every step of the way (we were originally supposed to close July 13 but it's been death by a thousand papercuts since then): The buyers don't strike me as the sharpest knives, so they're going to have fun figuring out why the over-the-range microwave doesn't work (it's not hard-wired like most are; it plugs into a hidden outlet in the cabinet above the microwave; DH unplugged it to save a little $ since no one has been living there the past 6 weeks :snicker:. Unless you're over 6' tall, you can't see the outlet or the cord unless the cabinet is open and you're standing on a step stool :snicker::snicker:). We also turned the water heater down to vacation mode, but that's a little easier to figure out.

Last night I actually got a little weepy and sentimental for about 10 seconds. It's been our home for ten years and I put so much work into it... but then I straightened up and remembered all the things I hate about the house. Stuggling to close like this has given us numerous opportunities to get seller's remorse, change our minds and move back in, but it never happened.

A friend of ours went over there a few days ago to cut up and remove the huge limb ComEd left in the backyard... he called DH to say he was finished and the first words out of his mouth were "what is with that dog next door?? it never shuts up! It barked at me the entire time I was there!!" DH told him that's exhibit A why we're selling (not really, we wouldn't move over the dog, but it's fun to say). Exhibit B is the furnace, which is not-so-strategically located right next to the family room. If you're watching TV and the furnace or a/c kicks on, you have to turn the TV up to at least twice the volume. If you're on the phone, you have to leave the room. :dunce:

Do I talk too much?
I'll have a few for you! Congrats on the house sale! When is the new house expected to be ready?

They started framing earlier this week and the new house should be done just before Thanksgiving.

DH left at 6 AM and is out of town and unfortunately out of cell phone range until Sunday :pout: I sent him a couple texts; hopefully there will be a blip and they will go through at some point. We made plans to celebrate Sunday night -- Lou Malnati's (for you east-coasters, that's the best deep dish pizza in the world) :drool:
You were supposed to be here around 10, done by 11 and it is now 11:00.

I have another appointment at 11 and I don't have a number to reach you at.

This is not going to be a good day and it doesn't really encourage me to buy your photos.