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so what are you thinking right now?

I need to clean house. I need to get laundry done. I need to get my bedroom in order.

I have ZeRo, nada, zilch, niente energy, motivation and really thinking today would be a fantastic day to nap. I rarely nap, but... today, it just may happen.

Oh and in case you are wondering.... Not only am I lacking any motivation, I also feel ZeRo guilt :bowing:

Do I need to mention how I feel about naps? :cartwheel:
I'm thinking i LOVEEEEEEEEE my new phone with internet access :bliss:
You will never be able to do without it. They are so handy when you go shopping if you forgot a deal or a recipe and even if you are just waiting around say if your picking someone up, you always have something to do.
Because I work nights I HAVE to nap during the day. I only work 3 days a week and when I wake up I may think Crap I have to work tonight but YIPPEE I get to take a nap.
Lol i had internet access on my old phone but it was sooooooooooo painfully slow i never used it :gah:

I brought a book to read and haven't even opened it :hides:

Mrsmom...sure, stalk me now but when I'm home and IMing you, you don't write back...pffft
They took mother to surgery about an hour late...I'm waiting now....of course if she would just tell them her name and birth date when they ask it would go faster...she tells them to look at her wristband :gah:
They took mother to surgery about an hour late...I'm waiting now....of course if she would just tell them her name and birth date when they ask it would go faster...she tells them to look at her wristband :gah:

She's such a PITA! :lol:
So... with no energy/motivation, I became very productive!

I did:
3 loads of laundry
last nights dishes (That I did not dirty because I was at work! Thanks family!)
I vacuumed the living room
vacuumed the stairs
swept the kitchen and hallways
mopped the kitchen floor and the hallway
wiped down the kitchen counters and front of stove
AND i washed out the kitchen garbage can

Oh and by the way, there will not be any naps today :( And I get to go to work tonight!

Ahh well, it needed to be done... not ****in
**** woman! You need lessons on how to slack!

Today I...................brushed my teeth, walked Sadie and I'm about to take a shower. :bowing:
Been using my (old) iPhone for 4 years. Can't wait to get the 5! Watching the unveiling coverage on Bloomberg.
This is why I was aggravated going to bed last night and this morning, I was no bright and sunshiney person. I asked my kids to bring their clothes down stairs from their shared room. I also asked for the cat box to be cleaned. Guess which one of those two back breaking chores got done? neither! Then, they decided to come out smelling like french gigolos (can't be french ****s as while they are french, they are males ;) ) with 53 spritzes of axe cologne. Choked me almost half to death! I have decided to hold their clothing as ransom. If they want clean clothes, bring them. If you refuse, I will wash them and keep them with me! Screw with me little ****s, I'll show ya the game!
You notice I am not holding the used litter box for ransom? Ya, that is not game I easily :surrender: and the cat wins :)
Oh and my kids are 12 and 14.... not 3 and 5... I expect this from little kids... not nearly grown men!
You notice I am not holding the used litter box for ransom? Ya, that is not game I easily :surrender: and the cat wins :)

:giggles:Good idea. The cat would find a convenient replacement pretty quickly. I'd guess the bed or the sofa would be top choices.

How did your beauty treatment turn out?:girl:
I look the same... LOL wrinkly around the mouth! I spose I'm just going to have to find a real cream of sorts as homemade stuff isn't all that, kwim?
Oh and I just realized my husband switched vehicles with me yesterday so he could haul a tv in the truck as it wouldn't fit in the car. Oh did I mention that this week the washer broke (now fixed), the tv quit working (replaced with an extra we had stored at his work) and while driving my truck he has decided we must get 2 new tires immediately and get it installed on friday, my day off.. thanks babe!) Cost = $300.00 with alignment and tires. So, I received the truck back with no gas. I get to go get gas before I go to work tonight. Making my day! where exactly is this break that seems to fricking elude me this week?!?!?!
Okay....I just want to vent somewhere because this is sooooo not worth my irritation......so here goes: I was in Woodmans with my 4 year old. They had several carts full of produce marked down to 79 cents. One cart had 4 bags of sweet corn and 1 bag of peaches. I grabbed the peaches and put them in my cart. Another cart had 1 bag of peaches, a bag of strawberries and tons of other misc. stuff. I took the peaches and strawberries and put them in my cart and left the area. DD and I are over in the bread aisle and this guy comes up to me and says I took the peaches and strawberries out of his cart. Ummmmm....no I didn't. He had his cart in front of him and it had nothing in it. I pointed this out to him. He assured me that wasn't the case and reached into my cart and took out 1 bag of peaches and the strawberries. With my DD there I was not going to cause a scene. I try to set a good example. I told him he was wrong, but he could have the fruit if it ment that much to him. I was hopping mad, but.....with the hot headed little girl standing there watching, I just walked away. DD was furious. She's forcefully telling me he's a bad man and we should call the police. I told her that sometimes people cannot afford to spend much on food and maybe this man needed something to eat. We will not go hungry without peaches and strawberries.....although I was really looking forward to peach pie and strawberries on my yogurt. Sigh.......trying to let it go, but it really pisses me off! Thanks for listening....carry on!
Very much feeling like a "air your dirty laundry" vent away kinda day! :giggles: