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The 411 on origin of SC letters of intent

And exactly what would that be?

If you want to call someone a pirate, just go ahead and do it. You've insinuated it enough already. I really don't care anymore. I won't take it personally. I won't call for you to be suspended. Man up. Drop the charade. Say whatever you want. Just quit acting like a puss when called out on your BS.
Easier said than done, huh? Oh, well. At least it was offered.:rolleyespill:
I put this in another thread but felt the need to put it here to since Thunder is on this one as well.

Based on the Craigslist link he posted earlier, and with what somebody else mentioned about a person bad mouthing Soundchoice on there, I thought I would look, I typed in Karaoke into search and didn't find the bad mouthing Soundchoice thing. But I did find this http://charlottesville.craigslist.org/evs/1947887217.html

No wonder he got so paranoid...this would piss me off to no end. This is some kind of personal vendetta between the 2 of these people at this point it would appear.

I am not sure if it was posted by the Nigel person he keeps mentioning, but one would have to assume he would think so.

I will say this. I don't like you Thunder, I think your accusations of me and other are unfounded. However I have had a person bad mouth me on Craigslist before for no reason other than I was competition. So I understand the anger.
But not everyone who disagrees with your statements is out to hurt you or be that Nigel guy.
BTW, I don't know if it helped but I flagged the post for you. If enough of us flag it, it will get taken down. So if you are friends with Thunder I suggest to flag it.

And since I am on ignore, someone wanna copy this or quote this so he can see it?
I'm not going to copy and paste so he can see it. As far as I'm concerned, you snooze, you lose. He made his bed and now he can lie in it. He chose to put you on ignore, so that means he misses out on the good AND the bad. Touch luck, Thunder! LOL
I'm not going to copy and paste so he can see it. As far as I'm concerned, you snooze, you lose. He made his bed and now he can lie in it. He chose to put you on ignore, so that means he misses out on the good AND the bad. Touch luck, Thunder! LOL

I understand why you feel that way, guess because something similar happened to me I am a little more of a pushover on this issue. I stated how I felt about him the Man, but the actions of whoever posted that is total crap.
Yes, by all means just overlook the insideous spread of piracy and pretend that it doesn't affect you or is not an issue "worthy" of you doing anything about it - however little an action it might be.

Ok. By the same token, you continue to overlook the fact that the same people you call pirates every day were once you're loyal customers. You plan on getting many repeat sales from all those newly legit KJ's?

"In Germany, [the Nazis] first came for the Communists, and I did not speak up, because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak up, because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak up, because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I did not speak up, because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me – and by that time no one was left to speak up." –Martin Niemoller .

I posted the same quote about a month ago when people kept asking me why I was against your tactics. I guess it goes both ways.

The industry was certainly headed in a direction where it would be irreparably harmed. A situation was being created where ALL the manufacturers could no longer support doing any new music and there was no one fighting to stop the spread of $300 hard drives loaded with everyone's back catalogs and most legitimate KJs were driven out of business leaving only the low quality $50-a-night KJs. One could forsee a situation where singers stopped coming because of poor quality shows with no new music and bars stopped using karaoke as a "draw" because EVERY bar had it and the "uniqueness" of it was gone..

Manufacturers are still putting out new karaoke every month. If piracy were the only cause of your downfall, how is that possible? You were very good at what you did. You just have to quit deluding yourself in thinking that you were the only game in town.

Well, I am pleased to say that on behalf of my own company and the remaining loyal customers who have begged and pushed for something to be done for years, we finally "spoke up" and are doing something about the situation. EVen if it is not "perfect". And I recognize that there will be those who benefit from the positive actions of others who will never acknowledge the benefits they receive because of the risks of others. I recognize that that is human nature - there will always be parasites willing to live off the efforts of others while even criticising the same efforts they are benefitting from.

As long as other's livelihood's are on the line too, keep striving for perfection. Dont feel obligated to do me any favors.
Yes, by all means just overlook the insideous spread of piracy and pretend that it doesn't affect you or is not an issue "worthy" of you doing anything about it - however little an action it might be.

"In Germany, [the Nazis] first came for the Communists, and I did not speak up, because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak up, because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak up, because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I did not speak up, because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me – and by that time no one was left to speak up." –Martin Niemoller

The industry was certainly headed in a direction where it would be irreparably harmed. A situation was being created where ALL the manufacturers could no longer support doing any new music and there was no one fighting to stop the spread of $300 hard drives loaded with everyone's back catalogs and most legitimate KJs were driven out of business leaving only the low quality $50-a-night KJs. One could forsee a situation where singers stopped coming because of poor quality shows with no new music and bars stopped using karaoke as a "draw" because EVERY bar had it and the "uniqueness" of it was gone.

Well, I am pleased to say that on behalf of my own company and the remaining loyal customers who have begged and pushed for something to be done for years, we finally "spoke up" and are doing something about the situation. EVen if it is not "perfect". And I recognize that there will be those who benefit from the positive actions of others who will never acknowledge the benefits they receive because of the risks of others. I recognize that that is human nature - there will always be parasites willing to live off the efforts of others while even criticising the same efforts they are benefitting from.

I'm not sure that invoking "Nazis" and "parasites" in your argument adds to your credibility.

I'm not at all overlooking the spread of piracy, simply noting that MY future does not depend on your ability to win law suits or produce karaoke products. You seem to be expecting a "thank-you" where none is required or even deserved.

There are numerous products out there by other manufacturers that satisfy my needs and suit my customer's expectations. Most cost substantially less than anything you offer. Perhaps if you understood how to reach a DJ like me in the marketplace rather than the court room - you wouldn't be in this unenviable position of alienating the very subscribers you want?
I can name one who asked for an audit before receiving a letter of intent: ME.
Haven't even been investigated yet.

I can name myself as well so that is 2.

However, I have sent a photo inventory as well as a spreadsheet inventory to KIAA & Sound Choice of all my discs. Not sure if that qualifies as an audit but it helps to let SC & KIAA know that I am open to a full-on audit at any time.
You are so full of yourself you don't even see how ignorant your post are!

I can not agree more even if I can't hear him! Thanks Steve for quoting him with your answers since it continues to justify why I have him on ignore! :yahrofl:
Just for the record, like 2 others on this forum, I decided to ask SC for an audit to keep from getting caught up in any legal B.S. ~ I figured it would be much easier than removing all my SC content from my digital 1:1 media-shift & going back to hauling & playing my discs at the shows.

I find it very suspicious that anyone would refuse to play any SC out of fear of, or hassle of, legal B.S. if they had the corresponding discs for the 1:1 ratio. I would think that anyone with 2 brain cells would agree but then again, it is only my opinion.

However, I will tell you this, since it is suspicious to me, I would report such a KJ/Venue who all of a sudden removed all their computerized SC content to Chartbuster & Stellar if the two remaining manufacturers content was still being used by that KJ/Venue. I haven't yet observed some of the usual suspects in my area doing this yet but if they do, the whistle will be blown & I am extremely happy to do so.
OH MY you have not been playing nicely at all.....What happened short story please....still on phone internet and in transit...may have to find library time...will be back REAL soon try not to blow anyone up and keep safe:unhappypill:
Not sure why I was banned, but already I guess. You asked for me to use my real name, which I did, and always admitted to.

Any other reasons?
Well, I am pleased to say that on behalf of my own company and the REMAINING loyal customers who have begged and pushed for something to be done for years, we finally "spoke up" and are doing something about the situation. .

Might want to work on the current business model a bit....:winkpill: