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The 411 on origin of SC letters of intent

What is this guys beef with people who don't wholeheartedly agree with every word he spots? He put me on ignore he said because of my name...didn't even bother asking if there was a reason behind it, or if I was making fun of him. Some people! :yahthink:

Well why don't you educate us.....
Here we go again....

I don't know when a pirate goes from 7 systems to 1, it looks to me like it may be having an effect!

Name the "pirate" ONLY if you can prove that they are a pirate.

When a pirate is selling off everything he owns to hire an attorney, it looks to me like it may be having an effect!

Name the "pirate" ONLY if you can prove that they are a pirate.

When a pirate removes all Sound Choice from his/her system to avoid being named in a lawsuit, it looks to me like it may be having an effect!

Name the "pirate" ONLY if you can prove that they are a pirate.

When a pirate builds an entire website dedicated to fighting Sound Choice, it looks to me like it may be having an effect!

Name the "pirate" ONLY if you can prove that they are a pirate.

When a small town drops from 5 pirates down to 1 within a month of Sound Choice filing lawsuits in the state, it looks to me like it may be having an effect.

Name the "5 pirates" ONLY if you can prove that they are pirates.

When venues are offering higher pay than they did just a year ago to get a legit host, it looks to me like it may be having an effect!

Name just one not hosted by you or any other "cheerleader" on this forum that can be verified.

When legit 1:1 host are asking Sound Choice to audit their systems it looks to me like it may be having an effect!

Name one that "asked for an audit" without ever receiving a "letter of intent to sue" first.

When pirates are putting up signs in the venues they are working stating that they won't play any Sound Choice product, it looks to me like it may be having an effect!

Name the "pirate" ONLY if you can prove that they are a pirate.

When a pirates library suddenly drops from 60,000 songs to 35,000 songs, it looks to me like it may be having an effect!

Name the "pirate" ONLY if you can prove that they are a pirate.

And when Thunder spouts his usual drivel over and over again with no proof of anything, it looks to me like he's simply taking up space and stirring the pot.
What insinuations?
I am just stating it the way I see it, just as you state that Sound Choice is destroying karaoke!
Now hold it right there!
Just where and when have I EVER stated that SC is destroying karaoke?
I think you need to put down the crack pipe and back away from the glue fumes.
I'm really not sure what you're on, but you have got it WAY wrong!
Why don't you go back and read ALL of my posts again. Not only will you NOT find that I've ever stated that SC is destroying karaoke, but you might actually comprehend what I'm about. Because you've definitely missed the boat COMPLETELY on that one!
Here we go again....

Name the "pirate" ONLY if you can prove that they are a pirate.

Name the "pirate" ONLY if you can prove that they are a pirate.

Name the "pirate" ONLY if you can prove that they are a pirate.

Name the "pirate" ONLY if you can prove that they are a pirate.

Name the "5 pirates" ONLY if you can prove that they are pirates.

Name just one not hosted by you or any other "cheerleader" on this forum that can be verified.

Name one that "asked for an audit" without ever receiving a "letter of intent to sue" first.

Name the "pirate" ONLY if you can prove that they are a pirate.

Name the "pirate" ONLY if you can prove that they are a pirate.

And when Thunder spouts his usual drivel over and over again with no proof of anything, it looks to me like he's simply taking up space and stirring the pot.

I can name one who asked for an audit before receiving a letter of intent: ME.
Haven't even been investigated yet.
I can name one who asked for an audit before receiving a letter of intent: ME.
I asked for one in the cheerleaders topic. So that should take a little out of your sails, Chip.

Not a bit Danny, there's a bunch more for THUNDER to answer all by himself.

So why are you are rushing to Thunder's aid? Does he need your protection and help? Afraid he'll get pinched?

The object here is to let Thunder handle his own... he posted this crap all by himself, let him prove that he's not just blowin' wind all by himself. He's a big boy isn't he?
I'm not going to be immature and put you on ignore, Thunder, but in future, I will remind myself that anything you have to say should be taken with a very large grain of salt because you not only haven't a clue about what you're talking about, but you clearly make up "facts" to try and support whatever your argument is.
You might want to try and back off a little before you lose whatever credibility, if any, that you might have left.
Here we go again....

Name the "pirate" ONLY if you can prove that they are a pirate.

Nigel he offered to trade or sell me song files and stated at the time that he had no disc (that would make him a Pirate)!

Name the "pirate" ONLY if you can prove that they are a pirate.

Nigel he offered to trade or sell me song files and stated at the time that he had no disc (that would make him a Pirate)!

Name the "pirate" ONLY if you can prove that they are a pirate.

Nigel he offered to trade or sell me song files and stated at the time that he had no disc (that would make him a Pirate)!

Name the "pirate" ONLY if you can prove that they are a pirate.

Nigel he offered to trade or sell me song files and stated at the time that he had no disc (that would make him a Pirate)!

Name the "5 pirates" ONLY if you can prove that they are pirates.

Why do you know them? I would be naming 4 people who were smart enough to close down their pirate operations before being sued!

The Fifth one however is Nigel he offered to trade or sell me song files and stated at the time that he had no disc (that would make him a Pirate)!

Name just one not hosted by you or any other "cheerleader" on this forum that can be verified.

You really are related to Forrest Gump aren't you?:biggrinpill:

Name one that "asked for an audit" without ever receiving a "letter of intent to sue" first.

I did!

Name the "pirate" ONLY if you can prove that they are a pirate.

Nigel he offered to trade or sell me song files and stated at the time that he had no disc (that would make him a Pirate)!

Name the "pirate" ONLY if you can prove that they are a pirate.

Nigel he offered to trade or sell me song files and stated at the time that he had no disc (that would make him a Pirate)!

And when Thunder spouts his usual drivel over and over again with no proof of anything, it looks to me like he's simply taking up space and stirring the pot.

You are so full of yourself you don't even see how ignorant your post are!
You are so full of yourself you don't even see how ignorant your post are!

You named 1 PERSON.... and YOU PROVED NOTHING.....

You can't PROVE that Nigel has done anything, nor can you PROVE that he is a pirate....

The keyword was "prove" which you (once again) cannot do on any of your statements. (comprehension, comprehension, comprehension.... I know it's difficult for you.)

How did I know? :winkpill:

(Glad it's going to be winter soon... all the hot air around here is getting old.)
These are statements he made to Thunder directly i see no reason to doubt the truth behind the statements made to him. Of course he can't PROVE it to you Staley, but of course you can't PROVE that he's wrong either. It goes both ways. This is a dead end either way you look at it, maybe we should agree to just drop this subject? Just my 2 cents.........
However, maybe Nigel (opps I mean Thunder Hag) can prove me wrong, or at least say I am wrong!:winkpill:
Dude, I don't know a Nigel it for sure ain't me. I just tried to help you on your other post. I have already said my name is Craig.
These are statements he made to Thunder directly i see no reason to doubt the truth behind the statements made to him. Of course he can't PROVE it to you Staley, but of course you can't PROVE that he's wrong either. It goes both ways. This is a dead end either way you look at it, maybe we should agree to just drop this subject? Just my 2 cents.........

There are more than just one statement that he is ignoring. He can't prove any of his other statements either. Of course I can't prove he's wrong about what he "claims was said" to him in a single statement... but I didn't post it in the first place, HE did.

I'm simply asking that he substantiate what he keeps posting. If he can't, then he needs to shut up about it.

But he can't. And he can't ever prove anything.

I'd be happy to drop it, provided Thunder would agree to NOT post anything HE CAN'T PROVE.

He is continually insinuating that I am a pirate and frankly I'm sick of his bullsh*t. If he wants to keep doing it, then PROVE IT. Otherwise he needs to shut up. Is that an unreasonable request?
There are more than just one statement that he is ignoring. He can't prove any of his other statements either. Of course I can't prove he's wrong about what he "claims was said" to him in a single statement... but I didn't post it in the first place, HE did.

I'm simply asking that he substantiate what he keeps posting. If he can't, then he needs to shut up about it.

But he can't. And he can't ever prove anything.

I'd be happy to drop it, provided Thunder would agree to NOT post anything HE CAN'T PROVE.

He is continually insinuating that I am a pirate and frankly I'm sick of his bullsh*t. If he wants to keep doing it, then PROVE IT. Otherwise he needs to shut up. Is that an unreasonable request?

Now Now Chip, I did not and have not insinuated that you were a pirate on OKJT, I have however posted what I considered to be sure signs that someone was or is a pirate, I can't help it if you fit nine out of ten of those, still doesn't make you a pirate, nor does it mean that I may think you are one!:winkpill:
Now Now Chip, I did not and have not insinuated that you were a pirate on OKJT, I have however posted what I considered to be sure signs that someone was or is a pirate, I can't help it if you fit nine out of ten of those, still doesn't make you a pirate, nor does it mean that I may think you are one!:winkpill:

Still trying to take the focus off the "fact" that you can't prove a dam* thing that spouts out of your lying lips (or fingertips)?

Keep trying to spin it around to me... it ain't workin' and you're still not adult enough to accept any responsibility for your own actions.
Geez, you truly are relentless Santa

However I won't put you on ignore, like a little child.
I am a man who can face what people throw at me.
Now Now Chip, I did not and have not insinuated that you were a pirate on OKJT, I have however posted what I considered to be sure signs that someone was or is a pirate, I can't help it if you fit nine out of ten of those, still doesn't make you a pirate, nor does it mean that I may think you are one!:winkpill:

Man up and drop the charade already dude.:nopill: