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The 411 on origin of SC letters of intent

Glad we have went on and on yet again the same old song and dance. Atleast the ignore portion was a new addition to the same IGNORANT and STUPID conversation. Carry on intelligent beings.
With so much good and more affordable karaoke product out there that doesn't amount to anything more than Coke vs Pepsi.

Not to drag out the same tired argument but to many Sound Choice is the best product out there, without competition. It is a matter of opinion of course but it is a widely popular one. Many of us have stated there are other products that we feel are equal and sometimes better but there are also many singers out there that without Soundchoice in the mix will not even bother to get up and sing. I think if you ask majority of the hosts in the US which company has produced most of the high quality tracks out there, majority will answer Sound choice. At least, i know the ones i have come across generally have that opinion.
Since recent circumstances have put me in the "running the board' spot until the boyfriend gets off his other job, I have come to appreciate certain aspects of SC even more. The songs are made with the needs of the singer and the host in mind. There are lead notes and count offs when needed. The lyrics screens have good contrast and the words are large. Duet parts are in different colors.

From the hosting side, they don't surprise you with different volume levels. I know that some brands are "louder" than others and can be prepared for that but I have had one brand where 3 songs on the same disc were all at widely different levels. Or they go along fine and then the background singers suddenly surge and drown out the singer. The SCs just seem to be recorded in such a way as to make them easier to sing to and they take less "maintenance" from me on the board.

They also usually have really good arrangements that get people on the dance floor. We have had a professional singer compliment us on the arrangements of the SC Blues songs that he sings. He has been giving us leads and recommending us to places that his band plays because he thinks we have a "quality" show.

We have a lot of different brands in our books and many good songs from all but I don't know how anyone could compare and then discount SC as not being a cut above when it comes to consistency of quality.
We have a lot of different brands in our books and many good songs from all but I don't know how anyone could compare and then discount SC as not being a cut above when it comes to consistency of quality.

And that's it in a nutshell. Yes, SC is very consistent. Not all their tracks are perfect, no has 100% perfect tracks, but they are consistent.

That being said, it's also not an absolute requirement to have them either, as you mention, you have "many good songs from all" and if a singer were to leave because you don't have (or don't use) that brand, I wouldn't want them in the first place.

I want "participators" (people there to party) not "performers" (divas who think they are stars).
As for not having SC, I have had not one complaint about my lack of it.
I had very little to begin with and NOT ONE complaint, or even anyone asking specifically for it. EVER.
What I have had is a VERY FEW comments on the different versions I now play because I switched those songs out (Since I had very few to begin with, it has, of course, been limited. Of those few songs, it's been a very small percentage of singers that actually commented on it).
When I let them know why, EVERY SINGLE ONE has been happy and in agreement with it. The only comment was that it was a "different version" and after a couple of times with the new version, it was as if nothing had ever been different.
Of note is the fact that no one complained that they didn't like the new version I played for them!
Just goes to show......
Not to drag out the same tired argument but to many Sound Choice is the best product out there, without competition. It is a matter of opinion of course but it is a widely popular one. Many of us have stated there are other products that we feel are equal and sometimes better but there are also many singers out there that without Soundchoice in the mix will not even bother to get up and sing. I think if you ask majority of the hosts in the US which company has produced most of the high quality tracks out there, majority will answer Sound choice. At least, i know the ones i have come across generally have that opinion.

I disagree on all counts.

NOTE: This post, though honestly reflective of my opinion, is for balance only... :laughpill::winkpill:
And that's it in a nutshell. Yes, SC is very consistent. Not all their tracks are perfect, no has 100% perfect tracks, but they are consistent.

That being said, it's also not an absolute requirement to have them either, as you mention, you have "many good songs from all" and if a singer were to leave because you don't have (or don't use) that brand, I wouldn't want them in the first place.

I want "participators" (people there to party) not "performers" (divas who think they are stars).

Agreed on all counts, but especially the last line- see my sig. Also, SC is not the only product with consistency. In fact, most quality brands are. Again naming labels like Zoom, Priddis, DK, SuperCore, Chartbuster, Legends, etc....
The fact that hosts are choosing to delete SC content from their libraries is not based on a question of quality. I don't recall the quality of their product to be in question. But SC is far from the only choice when it come to quality. Even at the "cheerleader" party at SC Studios, some of their most die hard supporters want to sing to other brands.
Well noone ever said they sang solely Sound Choice. I don't think there's one person who has ever said they will ONLY sing Sound Choice here. I think everyone is in agreement that there are other quality brands out there, but as i said before there are many that feel Sound Choice tops that list, and that's an opinion that i often tend to share
CB is NOT consistant. Swipes are wrong, music is at different levels, etc. Zoom I like most of the time but they have their problems too at times. Always thought Priddis was right up there with Sound Choice for quality but only had a few discs. Dk without the flute is good most of the time. Then there is the problem with versions not being right. Legends I like too but they also have problems in some of their songs. They all do.

Oh course Sound Choice is not a requirement. But those of us that are not pirates don't have to worry about it.
Joe and others who have already stated that they have never had more than a few SC disc,

What qualifies you to make the comparision of the quality and consistancy between Sound Choice and other brands? If it is a product you have had little contact with how can you say what the quality is? If your singers aren't exposed to Sound Choice why would they ever question why you don't have them?

With that said Sound Choice is not perfect everytime either I will bring up "Broken Wing" by Martina McBride as an example the timing is off on the swipes and there are a couple of others as well! But every manu has them, my limited experience with Zoom has been that the songs I have from them are basically unsingable, Priddis has their share of them as well (and Priddis is more expensive than Sound Choice, although I will admit I have very few Priddis disc) Chartbuster Pop and Rock fits right up there with Star Disc Pop and Rock! DK is pretty much considered bottom of the barrel around here (I place them at the same basic level as Nutech) because the majority is in the wrong key to begin with and that awlful pan flute for the melody line!

My point is unless you and your singers have had major exposure to the Sound Choice collection there is no way you are qualified to make a judgement as to the quality of the product. The fact that so many say they are pulling them from their library says to me that either they never had them to begin with or they were pirates who never owned the disc!
On a tangent, Thunder, what do you find unsingable about Zoom? There are some that I love (and the boyfriend loves the Billy Joel disc) and others that I think sound really good until I try to sing to them and feel lost in the heavy orchestration--like it takes a strong singer to stand out in the muddle. Just wondering why you didn't like them.
Truth is I have only purchased 3 Zoom disc and the music is extremely busy and the background vocals are overwhelming in 90 % of the songs I have tried from them. Some of the songs although at least recognizable are done in the wrong keys or the bass is just overblown so badly that it drowns out the melody of the song. From what I understand from others though they have gotten a lot better after the earlier disc.

ZPA015, ZPA029, ZPA037
The fact that hosts are choosing to delete SC content from their libraries is not based on a question of quality.

The crux of the matter right there. As in any business, anything that causes problems and/or keeps a business from running smoothly is simply excluded.

I'm manufacturer disc based, and don't HAVE to exclude anything. However, I, and several others in my area, are deleting SC simply because enough negative publicity has been generated by SC that has reached the venues' ears that any association with the name cannot be counted as a positive for the business in this area at this time.

The fact is, I don't even have to worry about reprinting books until my normal end-of-year time. I just don't get many requests for them. I admit that I'm not fond of the idea of replacing the last few simply because these few DO have some of the best versions of what's on them, in my opinion, of course. However, they WILL be replaced when I find versions close enough.
My point is unless you and your singers have had major exposure to the Sound Choice collection there is no way you are qualified to make a judgement as to the quality of the product. The fact that so many say they are pulling them from their library says to me that either they never had them to begin with or they were pirates who never owned the disc!

Both my singers and I actually HAVE had extensive exposure to SC. The venue down the street has had karaoke for over 12 years. The majority of their library is made up of SC products and I used to frequent the place for several years on a weekly basis, oftentimes going two, and even three times per week, when I was just a singer and not a host.
I would say that "qualifies" me, even though I own only a few SC discs myself, wouldn't you?
Prehaps all of you folks that are taking all of your SC disks out of your books, could make us SC users a deal on your used disks.
The majority of the show's library is SC and the show has lasted 12 years? I may have to buy more SC.
possumdog said:
The majority of the show's library is SC and the show has lasted 12 years? I may have to buy more SC.

This is the point that rings true to me as well. I have to be honest i always try to look at both sides of things, and i've gotta say depriving yourself of your SC discs assuming you had them to begin with , is just not a practical move.