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The Confabulation Thread

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Excited to go to my boyfriend's house for almost a whole week! Come back home Thursday and return Saturday night (he's going to work and I don't want to awkwardly be around his house haha).
226 members online. Oh hai spambots!

Guess I'll be making these changes quite slowly. It's not as easy as I hoped it would be. XD
First my body was 230982304923lbs and now I have abs.
I used a grate to imprint my abs into my muscles 8)
Oh my days why is my mum having a go at me for not going on a trip next year? She doesn't seem to understand the fact I don't want to wander around a foreign country on my own for a few days >_>
I never went on any trips with my school when I could have gone to France, New York, Rome and somewhere down south. I'd rather go on family holidays or with Kirk :p
Yeah but I don't know why she gets so annoyed about it because at the end of the day I'll be saving her like ?300? o_O
I stopped playing WoW ages ago and I've actually forgotten what it's like. Forgot everything lmao.
Now I feel sad because there's pandas but something tells me that's the only thing I'd enjoy :p
Thinking about getting Fallout 3, since it's reduced on Steam.
Not sure if it'd run on my laptop though..
Thinking about getting Fallout 3, since it's reduced on Steam.
Not sure if it'd run on my laptop though..

What are your laptop specs [MENTION=32]Vampenstine[/MENTION]?
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