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The Science Of Sexual Orientation

highlandronin26 said:
Wish everyone could be like that, but not gay:p
I actually thought you were coming around Highlandronin....seems you are still thinking gayness = BAD:sad11:
BabyBuddha said:

I actually thought you were coming around Highlandronin....seems you are still thinking gayness = BAD:sad11:

Ok gayness= to me= a man in another mans ****..UGH..The thought of that is just so disturbing...AHHH!! But I did vote that they SHOULD be allowed to get married, this debate has changed my thoughts on this whole entire subject! More like YOU BB have changed my thoughts on this subject!:thumbsup::eusa_clap
What is your sexual orientation? : take the QUIZ

Thank god I passed...:thumbsup:


(My results)

"I am homosexual and you don't care what people think about it."

You are homosexual.
1457 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 18179 times.
8% of people had this result.
highlandronin26 said:

Ok gayness= to me= a man in another mans ****..UGH..The thought of that is just so disturbing...AHHH!! But I did vote that they SHOULD be allowed to get married, this debate has changed my thoughts on this whole entire subject! More like YOU BB have changed my thoughts on this subject!:thumbsup::eusa_clap

Well thank you....I actually thought it was Venus that changed your thoughts. Glad to see you can be open-minded....so much so you have changed your initial stand on the matter.
I am also fighting for something I don't personally want for myself....have I no partner and no future plans of getting married....but I believe if other **** want to get married then GO FOR IT!!
LOL told ya!!! hehehehe


You are bisexual.

5860 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 18183 times.
32% of people had this result.
Venus said:
LOL told ya!!! hehehehe


You are bisexual.

5860 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 18183 times.
32% of people had this result.
Interesting Venus.....something you want to share with me?!??! Hmmmm. Actually I am staying far away from any woman who are not 100% gay...no more BIs for MOI!?!? :p
Yup I understand... but I really don't think my other half, would like that every much tho... lol
I know he won't share.....but I love you as a friend and no more...
Chrisl0 said:
They got a test for everything now a days.

It is basically for fun....as I am sure we all know what sexual orientation we are.....but perhaps some don't. I can think of a few people, I know, that could use a quiz to maybe help them out!! :p
I've noticed how very erm gay the Ba forums have become

heh and I didn't mean that in a bad sense :D

BB your never going to change mens minds about ****.

Personally I think two guys kissing is hot...but then again I wouldn't ever be a lesbian...girls are just hhmmm too ****y for me to handle.

As for guys they usually lvoe lesbians...but they hate the up the arse thing... :S very odd seeming as most wouldn't mind when their with a female...

should I shush now :p?
Nightwolf04 said:

Personally I think two guys kissing is hot...but then again I wouldn't ever be a lesbian...girls are just hhmmm too ****y for me to handle.

Well I can remember the first time I went to the GAY Bar here, and saw two guys kissing....and it seemed strange to me....and I am gay. But it was because I had never seen it before......now I don't bat an eyelash.....hard to understand if you don't ever see it, I guess.

And Yes woman can be ****y...and I can really dislike woman...most of my friends are male.....but I can't help falling in love with a woman!!
BabyBuddha said:

It is basically for fun....as I am sure we all know what sexual orientation we are.....but perhaps some don't. I can think of a few people, I know, that could use a quiz to maybe help them out!! :p

I think deep down everyone knows what team they are playing for.