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The Science Of Sexual Orientation

Weak way too much info, though much of what has been said is too much info. Think it started when we got into anal sex.
highlandronin26 said:

I will refrain from putting words in Buddha's mouth but she thinks that anal sex "ok" and myself, i disagree

I never said it was okay...but don't say that only HOMOSEXUALS perform ANAL sex. There are people who do all kinds of different things in the bed....and whom am I to judge. :p As long as it is between consenting adults....then go for it. :thumbsup:
I don't think anyone said that anal sex was the domain of only homosexuals.
melbatoast said:
how did this go from the science of sexual orientation,to a chat about anal sex???
GoingNova said:
Ask Buddha.
Angloirish said:
(My sphincter muscle is cringing!)

Don't blame me...I didn't mention it first**....I was just trying to show the misconception regarding **** and Anal Sex.

Love that the finger got pointed at me, however!! :thumbsup:

**Actually I thought Nova posted the comment first, but perhaps that was another thread.....as I remember having this convo with him. But he seems to have EDITED some of his posts on this thread lately. But there is no proof it was for that reason...however it was Irish that mentioned it first.
BabyBuddha said:

But he seems to have EDITED some of his posts on this thread lately. But there is no proof it was for that reason...however it was Irish that mentioned it first.

I edit my posts for grammatical errors all the time. If you look, almost any post by me with more than 3 sentences is edited. I am not sure what the implication was.

And, you bringing up the "misconceptions of anal sex and ****" is bringing up anal sex.
GoingNova said:

I edit my posts for grammatical errors all the time. If you look, almost any post by me with more than 3 sentences is edited. I am not sure what the implication was.

And, you bringing up the "misconceptions of anal sex and ****" is bringing up anal sex.

Well it is like this, the finger was pointed at me that I STARTED this whole anal sex thing. And I do recall having a convo with you about it. And suddenly I can't find it. I said you may have edited the posts for that reason, not that you DID. And I am sorry for implying so.

And secondly it was IRISH that starting talking about "(My sphincter muscle is cringing!)", when he was talking about ****....so what you take that as an implication of?? :eusa_thin
That list you gave out Nova are just if I may call them " side effects " now when you take headache pills, it says on the side effects that it can cause headaches... now how many ppl get headaches from taking pills for headaches... 99% get relief from their headaches...
So just because it says it can happen doesn't mean it happens EVERY TIME, TO EVERYONE WHO TRIES IT!
I know of ppl who engage in Anal sex... I don't judge them... whatever floats their boat, :thumbsup: and they have been for years and I mean years... and she (yeah it's an heterosexual couple ) has never had any of the problems on that list.
Venus said:
and they have been for years and I mean years... and she (yeah it's an heterosexual couple ) has never had any of the problems on that list.

Just wait Venus, she will eventually regret here anal sex soon enough when those prolonged effects start to in place;)
Ok so if 12 years hasn't cause anything... I hardly think she is going to regret it.
Like it was said before, if done properly, correctly it's nothing to be worried about.
Yeah you read it right... 12 years of anal sex and she's good as new. No loose ends at all!!!!
Not insulted at all... she is a very very close friend of mine and we share alot of personal stuff... ! So I am taking her word for it... Not that I had a look for myself you know!
Venus said:
Not that I had a look for myself you know!

I was thinking that for a minute and since in your other post you said you Bi..I know your just kidding;):p
You know if you would get the chance to sit and have a discussion with a gay person, that it respectful of you and your views, and you of course being respectful of that gay peson's views, you might learn a few things and might even have a lil bit more of an open mind. They are humans just like you and I are. Just one minor difference, they have a different sexual orientation! Wow! BIG DEAL! They don't bite you know!!! lol
Venus said:
You know if you would get the chance to sit and have a discussion with a gay person, that it respectful of you and your views, and you of course being respectful of that gay peson's views, you might learn a few things and might even have a lil bit more of an open mind. They are humans just like you and I are. Just one minor difference, they have a different sexual orientation! Wow! BIG DEAL! They don't bite you know!!! lol

Venus, I do have a couple of older Gay friends I used to smoke with (in their early 30's, late 20's) and they were "married" but they were really cool. I still see them around town..and I love how gay guys have like the coolest decorations and keep the outside of their home nice and neat. Wish everyone could be like that, but not gay:p
Yeah I would have to agree with the decorations... I have already asked BB to decorate my house.. if or when I ever buy one!
You love that wave huh? You should go to a Saint Louis Cardinals game with my family...they have a 35,000 person wave...:wav:
I would love that... that would be awesome!!!
Yeah rare that is... what kind of language is that???? lol