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TLC has new show called Extreme Couponing

Nate kept saying on youtube that this new show on TLC called Extreme coupon. To me new show=many eposides. BUT I looked ahead and don't see any future esposides. Being so I think he should be calling it "special show" instead of new show.
My brother & his bf were here watching & the first thing they said "That guy is as gay as a fruitcake" Don't ask-it's an expression used in the south. I'd think my brother would know a gay person when he sees one.
My brother & his bf were here watching & the first thing they said "That guy is as gay as a fruitcake" Don't ask-it's an expression used in the south. I'd think my brother would know a gay person when he sees one.

Can someone please ask him about this. :lol:
Nate lives in Kentucky-They're not very gay friendly-if ya know what i mean
But they are extreme coupon friendly? I think the coupons outweigh the gay.
But they are extreme coupon friendly? I think the coupons outweigh the gay.

LMAO. I know two men who are gay and got married. The first one was flaming loud about being gay but his rich family told him that w/o a wife and kids he would be cut out of the will. So he married his roommate. She was over 300 pounds so she said yes, they had two kids but he left her and went back to being gay.

My friend from childhood is gay. He spent 9 years in a marriage then decided that he was a gay man and he needed to be gay not married. After years of not talking to him the first thing he said to me was, did you know I was gay? DUH we all knew just you didn't want to come out of the closet. His brother is gay too.

So with that being said, Nate is a bible belter, who knows if he thinks he can pray the gay away if he is or ever was??
My brother & his bf were here watching & the first thing they said "That guy is as gay as a fruitcake" Don't ask-it's an expression used in the south. I'd think my brother would know a gay person when he sees one.

lol, my DH said the same thing!
So out of boredom last night I watched it again. Here are things that bugged me:

Amanda seems to need to fill her house with food for only 2 people, why? She needs some kind of therapy and to stay away from WUC because all they are doing it making her hoarding issue worse.

Joanie, ummm her stockpile is in her garage, in California. Doesn't it get super hot in there? Why does she have so many jars of sauce near a window? I hope she keeps the shade down, because sauce sitting in the sun doesn't sound too sanitary to me.

Joyce, she gets it. Its about saving money not hoarding. I like the fact she tries to teach others to do it. I've been known to do that too. She was funny when the women grocery shopping told her they had no coupons and she said that they where sending her into cardiac arrest.

Nate, well we have said plenty about him. Until I see pictures of all the food being dropped off at the food pantry, I won't believe that he is giving anything away. He is obsessive about his stockpile because he sells it and pays the bills.
I don't have TLC, can anyone tell me where I can watch it online. I didnt see the episode on TLC's website.
Okay, my friend that was my maid of honor just posted on my FB wall that she saw this freakin' show and thought of me. I am highly offended. She lives in Utah and has no idea how I coupon but it is not like those wack-jobs on that f'ing show. I will be deleting her post soon after I know that she read my response to her posting. Wouldn't you all be offended too?
I was talking to my Dad yesterday and he says "Hey there was a show on the other day........" then I cut him off and said I KNOW AND I'M NOT LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!:ranting:
I know that some of you on here have had to defend yourselves regarding couponing too because of that f'ing show. I am royally pissed that they are going to exploit the wack-job, pycho couponers more with more episodes of that dumb show. :ranting:
I know that some of you on here have had to defend yourselves regarding couponing too because of that f'ing show. I am royally pissed that they are going to exploit the wack-job, pycho couponers more with more episodes of that dumb show. :ranting:

There are going to be more?
One of my cousins called me about this show today :ranting: