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What do we think: Joe Paterno

I find that appalling. That man saw a child being raped & didn't do what he could to protect that child. Reporting it the next day to a superior, imo, was cowardly. Not calling 911 immediately was a supreme failing as a human being and adult. Would he have acted that way if it were his younger brother being raped? How could he not call the police? How the hell did he sleep at night?

I agree 100%. In my opinion though, calling 911 should have been the SECOND step. If I walked in and saw this, I do not care if the perpetrator was the most powerful person in the entire world, I would have RAN into that shower and grabbed that poor boy and ran like hell. I would NEVER EVER be able to live with myself if I looked both of them in the eye and then turned around and walked out. That would haunt me for the rest of my life.
I am beyond confused as to why the the coach (McQueary) isn't being canned too? How does this guy get to keep his job. Coward.
...he did report the information, just never followed through. QUOTE]

more than that, he continued to work ALONGSIDE sandusky (albeit emeritus on sanduskys part) after his knowledge of the incident

i think that is appalling.

Actually my understanding is when the university found out they made sandusky retire and a DA even dismissed the charges. I think the guy who witnessed a little boy getting raped and walked away should be fired and not Joe Pa. I will change that statement if it turns out he had more involvement.
I am beyond confused as to why the the coach (McQueary) isn't being canned too? How does this guy get to keep his job. Coward.

I completely agree, but it is my thought that he gets to keep his job because at the time of the incident he didn't work for the University, he was just a grad student. So while what he did was cowardly and disgusting and he was a failure a human being.....he didnt technically do anything that the school would have grounds to fire him for. Its like you getting fired from your job now because you beat up a kid in high school. OBVIOUSLY not the same but ya know what Im getting at. Just a guess.
I think its hilarious that he doesnt get to coach in the game today becasue he is getting threats and they are afraid for his safety :lol: Coward serves ya right!
Actually my understanding is when the university found out they made sandusky retire and a DA even dismissed the charges. I think the guy who witnessed a little boy getting raped and walked away should be fired and not Joe Pa. I will change that statement if it turns out he had more involvement.

Sandusky retired a year after the investigation but kept emeritus status which gave him access to the locker rooms and gave him an office in the football building. It's not like he retired and never came back.
I was in The Creamery at the same time as him during another.

mmmm went there one time while passing thru mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I'm with Diane too... I have been trying to figure out why Paterno got canned.... Someone (a grad student) reports a crime and he refers it to his superiors which included head of campus police. Isn't that the right thing for him to do receiving a report after the fact? The superiors who "investigated"... well yeah, total lying scum who deserve to be fired and sued for damages by victims who were assaulted after this date.
A complete shot in the dark, but I'm betting they are using a morality clause. He was legally obligated to report, and he did that, but they are thinking that he was morally obligated to do more, which he didn't.

It can also be that there is far more known behind those closed doors than what the public knows now and that they are cutting their losses at this point in time.
I just can't even begin to imagine how the poor boy who was getting raped must have felt at the time and now. Here he is, being raped, he makes eye contact with the McQueen guy and must have felt such a sense of relief that this would finally stop and someone would be able to help him. --- And the guy walks away and leave him with his rapist and nothing EVER happens. My heart is broken for this boy and all of the others who were before and after him. :surrender:
a 10 year old boy...I'm sorry, but a 10 year old boy, or girl being penetrated by force by a grown man...Don't know how or why it just hit me that graphically, but that is one sick sick man.
I agree with Dan Shaughnessy, a sports columnist at the Boston Globe:

Penn State should cancel season, fire staff

By Dan Shaughnessy
Globe Columnist November 11, 2011

Penn State should cancel the rest of its football season.


Legendary coach Joe Paterno and school president Graham B. Spanier were fired by the Board of Trustees late Wednesday night, and these same officials would do well to take the next step and announce the cancellation of the remainder of Penn State’s football season, starting with tomorrow’s “big game’’ against Nebraska.

Then send pink slips to everyone working on the football staff.

It’s time to start over, folks. This has gone on far too long already.

Interim coach Tom Bradley (on the staff since 1979, which is not a good thing) submitted to questions in a riveting and awkward press conference yesterday morning and pledged that Penn State’s students and players will show “class’’ and “dignity’’ when the Nittany Lions play Nebraska.

“Let’s show them what Penn State is all about,’’ said Bradley.

Halting the season would be a better way to show us what Penn State is all about. Canceling football would be a way for the Board of Trustees to demonstrate that it understands the seriousness of the conspiracy of silence that cloaked Paterno’s “program’’ the last (at least) nine years.

Instead, we are told that tomorrow is “Senior Day’’ for the 8-1, bowl-bound Nittany Lions. So we’ll watch the disrespectful circus of “game day’’ in Happy Valley. We’ll see nimble cheerleaders, painted faces, fans guzzling beer in the parking lots, and plenty of defiant Paterno fans protesting his ouster.

Boola boola. Go team. Maybe the Nittany Lions can qualify for a BCS Bowl.

This is showing us what Penn State is all about? Did we see what Penn State was all about late Wednesday when sycophantic, moronic students rioted as they pledged allegiance to Paterno?

Like most folks in the Penn State community, Bradley worships at the feet of Joe Paterno.

“Coach Paterno will go down in history as one of the greatest men . . .,’’ said the interim coach.

Sorry, but Paterno’s legacy is no longer about 46 seasons, 409 wins, five undefeated seasons, and two national championships. It’s not about the hundreds of worthy players who graduated during Joe Pa’s long reign. It’s not about good deeds done and monies dedicated to the betterment of the university. It’s not about the man who put Penn State on the map.

Paterno’s legacy is now that of a man who stayed too long and ultimately failed to protect young victims from the monster who had access to Penn State’s “program.’’ Jerry Sandusky left the coaching staff in 1999, but Paterno never turned him in to police. We all make mistakes and no one wants to be remembered for his or her worst moment, but Paterno’s legacy is permanently tarnished.

It seems everybody knew, but nobody went to the police. This perfectly demonstrates the skewed priorities in yahoo towns with a big-time football program and little else. Institutions of higher learning become enablers of the “program.’’

Folks at Penn State in positions of power handled the Sandusky situation internally, and as a result, it appears, more children were violated. Sandusky used his association with Penn State to lure troubled young boys to “The Second Mile’’ foundation, a charitable organization dedicated to helping children from dysfunctional families.

According to Pennsylvania Attorney General Linda Kelly, the silence of Paterno and others at the university “likely allowed a child predator to continue to victimize children for many, many years.’’

And now everyone must go, including Bradley, who replaced Sandusky as defensive coordinator when Sandusky “took a buyout.’’

Bradley fell back on advice of counsel yesterday, refusing to answer questions about Sandusky or the criminal investigation. He was in a no-win situation, made worse by tone-deaf questions about the football game (“How involved will you be with the offense?’’ and “How will you determine who will start at quarterback’’) and fawning queries about “all the craziness that’s gone on this week,’’ and Penn State having its “reputation dragged through the mud around the world.’’

But playing Nebraska on national television is only going to make things worse. And can we please not have any more hand-wringing about how Joe Pa should have had the opportunity to coach one last home game?

Trustee Barry K. Robinson yesterday talked about the board making decisions for “the greater good of the university.’’

Fine. It’s still not too late to fire the coaching staff, cancel the game, and cancel the season. Before the legal system plays out and the jail sentences are issued - before the glacially paced, ever-sanctimonious NCAA gets around to its sanctions - Penn State has a chance to deliver a message and restore some of its soul.

No “Senior Day’’? Those players will recover. They’ll get over it.

Wish we could say the same for Jerry Sandusky’s victims.

Dan Shaughnessy is a Globe columnist. He can be reached at dshaughnessy@globe.com.


a 10 year old boy...I'm sorry, but a 10 year old boy, or girl being penetrated by force by a grown man...Don't know how or why it just hit me that graphically, but that is one sick sick man.

I was in tears on the way in to work this morning at just the thought of it. Maybe it's because I'm the mother of a 9yo son, maybe it's because I am a middle school teacher and spend my day with (mostly!) sweet, innocent children, but the notion is truly horrifying.
I agree 100%. In my opinion though, calling 911 should have been the SECOND step. If I walked in and saw this, I do not care if the perpetrator was the most powerful person in the entire world, I would have RAN into that shower and grabbed that poor boy and ran like hell. I would NEVER EVER be able to live with myself if I looked both of them in the eye and then turned around and walked out. That would haunt me for the rest of my life.
I totally agree, I'm only 5'3" but I would have done my damnedest to save that boy.

I also wonder, how many times have those involved, those who saw something but didn't save those boys, those who knew something but didn't say or do something that would have prevented there being a next victim...how many times have those cowards been to religious services since?

Did they say something a member of the clergy?

If one of them said something to a medical person, they would have been required by law to report it to the police. I hope to hell that no member of any clergy heard something but did not report it. Not only is it mandated by law, but how could anyone claim to live a life of morals but idly stand by and enable yet another child become a victim?.

I also hope no member of any clergy gave any comfort or granted forgiveness to any of the ****s involved.
OMG, this is a real book.

I totally agree, I'm only 5'3" but I would have done my damnedest to save that boy.

I also wonder, how many times have those involved, those who saw something but didn't save those boys, those who knew something but didn't say or do something that would have prevented there being a next victim...how many times have those cowards been to religious services since?

Did they say something a member of the clergy?

If one of them said something to a medical person, they would have been required by law to report it to the police. I hope to hell that no member of any clergy heard something but did not report it. Not only is it mandated by law, but how could anyone claim to live a life of morals but idly stand by and enable yet another child become a victim?.

I also hope no member of any clergy gave any comfort or granted forgiveness to any of the ****s involved.

I am not going to go blaming clergy, as no one stepped up to save another child from being harmed. Doesn't matter if it was a janitor, a teacher, cab driver nor clergy, it was a complete failure for these kids.
I am not going to go blaming clergy, as no one stepped up to save another child from being harmed. Doesn't matter if it was a janitor, a teacher, cab driver nor clergy, it was a complete failure for these kids.
I blame EVERYONE who saw or knew something but did not stop it.