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What do we think: Joe Paterno

I don't care what anyone says paterno and all of the ones who knew this was going on and never follow threw should go down for it.Who protects our kids and the answer is we all should as a parent if I have seen something going on like that you better believe I would have reported it and followed threw to make sure that didn't happen to anyone else.

So what ever they all get they deserve no matter what I feel for the victims and their families!!
I really don't get why Jeni (johnnysmomma) had to be brought into this thread in the first place.

Secondly, I know this will rub people the wrong way, but why do we always have to dance around Jeni's feelings? You know what, yes, it does suck that your husband went to prison for a sex crime that he may or may not have committed. The little girl that accused him and possibly was molested by him is not here to give her side of the story. Just because someone is a member of CW and says that her husband is innocent means that we should blindly support her? We haven't heard both sides and I really hope for the girl's sake that what Pat plead guilty to was some fabrication and that she is getting the mental and emotional help that she needs.

Hi :)

I never, ever ever ever EVER asked anyone to dance around my feelings. There are many people who "tell me like it is" here and I am thankful for that. I said in my post telling about his charges over a year ago that I do NOT ask you to support him or believe him...but I NEED SUPPORT. I didnt do a **** thing wrong. The only thing I a guilty of is loving my husband and best friend.

If you don't agree with me staying with, believing, and trusting my husband, that is fine. All I ever wanted was the support of people I call my friends. Support for ME. ME. I have been open and honest and have never denied ANYTHING. Should anyone choose to support me in my battle, thank you. I can't thank you enough. Should you choose to not, I hold nothing against you. Really.
wow! That is unreal

I know right?! And apparently this was a guy with a real no bullshit hard hitting attitude so it really shocked people when he didnt file charges. I dont know call me Mel Gibson but all these unusual things of witnesses not reporting, people getting promoted at coincidental times, and missing DAs added together reek of conspiracy!
I know right?! And apparently this was a guy with a real no bullshit hard hitting attitude so it really shocked people when he didnt file charges. I dont know call me Mel Gibson but all these unusual things of witnesses not reporting, people getting promoted at coincidental times, and missing DAs added together reek of conspiracy!

People dont just 'go missing '. And for a DA to go missing , wow I just can't understand why this isnt getting press right now
There are lots of folks who don't give 2 craps about ANY sports, none, zilch.

They don't follow any pro teams, no Olympics, no hs sports, no little league...

That will be ME and everyone in MY own family!!

Not my husband's though. My in laws are not really into sports, but they follow to be in the crowd. The aunts, uncles and cousins from the Midwest are into all kind of sports, play and watch!

I don't really care, I read magazines when we got invited to pizza party during games nights.

But even then, I have heard and seen Joe Paterno on the radio and TV before this incident, JRL.
But even then, I have heard and seen Joe Paterno on the radio and TV before this incident, JRL.

Yay for you! I did not know who he was...may have heard the name in the past, but sports figures generally go in one ear and out the other.
ehhhh I think a well rounded person is JUST as important as a well educated person

sports DO teach lots of lessons and lots about team work etc..also it draws $$$ into universities so they have $$$$$$$ for scholarships to try and attract smart students

That is the good side of playing team sport. There is a down side of playing team sport - missing many classes due to away game. No doubt, their education is affected.
That is the good side of playing team sport. There is a down side of playing team sport - missing many classes due to away game. No doubt, their education is affected.

Unless you're on a pricey traveling team, most kid's sports don't require kids to miss classes. :dunce:
I'm gonna be honest - I haven't read the 17 pages of thoughts - but I live in PA, I am being bombarded on this issue everywhere I look.

My Dad is a Penn State Grad 1971
My FIL is a Penn State Grad 1953

My Grandmother held season tickets for over 25 years (and many other family still does).

I attended several summer 'camps' at Penn State, when I was a child.

I heard JoePa speak at one of those camps, I was in The Creamery at the same time as him during another.

Both of my children were sexually abused while in the care of their birth mother. When the social workers all FAILED to repot the abuse - I personally called in the report. I have held my daughter's hands (they were my foster children at the time) as they waited to be inteviewed by the police investigator about their abuse. I have held them as they cried, I have driven them to therapy, etc. I have cried as their abuser (who in additon to abusing them is an illegal alien) walks the streets of our community.

I have read the Grad Jury report.

My take - the entire handling of this coach is a travesty! So many people witnessed his actions, and did nothing.

JoePa definitely did not do everything that he could, or should have, but he did report it to his superiors within 24 hours, and he did that based on a report from another, not based on anything he witnessed personally. He should have called in the report though.

The firing of the college president, VP, atheletic director - are all TOTALLY justified in my opinion. JoePa, who had already resigned, I don't think so. Especially while a coach who witnessed this jerk having Anal sex was not fired! (just recently they did announce he will not cocach this game).

I also find Penn State's handling of the firing announcement to be extremely poorly handled. A late night announcment, without the security in place to handle it (in a town with previous riot history) was just plain DUMB. I spent hours last night searching for live news info and PRAYING for the safety of the police, and innocent bystanders. And if I had a child who was at that college, participating in that riot - I would have been on my way their to drag them home by their ear!

And I've got to say my gut on this. I think it will come out that there is a LOT more abuse relating to this ****. He adopted 6 kids, and had multiple foster kids. He had access to lots of kids, through this charity, from 1977 on.
I'm sorry that your daughters went through that, Diane, and I'm glad they have you now. :huggy:
That is the good side of playing team sport. There is a down side of playing team sport - missing many classes due to away game. No doubt, their education is affected.

Not necessarily, football in particular turns out great All American players and they learn excellent skills in managing multiple priorities. And they do not miss many classes, its college classes dont even meet everyday. I was a theatre major for some time, we missed far more class for performances than the sports players.
I find that appalling. That man saw a child being raped & didn't do what he could to protect that child. Reporting it the next day to a superior, imo, was cowardly. Not calling 911 immediately was a supreme failing as a human being and adult. Would he have acted that way if it were his younger brother being raped? How could he not call the police? How the hell did he sleep at night?
ennui… I TOTALLY agree!
OK, I checked with my DH yesterday and he says indeed that if he happened upon something like the shower rape scene first he would beat the **** out of the adult, then he would call the police and wait for his punishment.

Not in any universe would he do nothing. No matter how big an icon the perp was.
I know my DH would do the same thing, Kathy, and I'm sure that would be my reaction, too.