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What do we think: Joe Paterno

Hey, hey, hey............back the hell up! There's no reason to jump on Jeni, she didn't do anything. :ranting:

Relax MrsM, I have an opinion too. I thought it was uncalled for. I didn't jump on her, I just stated that I thought it was inapprporiate for that to be brought up.
Relax MrsM, I have an opinion too. I thought it was uncalled for. I didn't jump on her, I just stated that I thought it was inapprporiate for that to be brought up.

I don't think it's inappropriate. Some talked about how much $ the program rakes in so she tapped on the idea that some who come forward might have the very same thing in mind.
I don't think it's inappropriate. Some talked about how much $ the program rakes in so she tapped on the idea that some who come forward might have the very same thing in mind.

And that's why this forum is great. We're all entitled to our own opinions.
The other issue that makes this worse is that Penn State put themselves on a pedestal above all other college programs. Hypocrites.

And the fact that it would be brought up about kids coming forward because of money is sick. Might it happen, yeah, but little kids who were already struggling were raped by a man they were supposed to trust and that's what you have to add to this thread?

Given what Jeni has experienced over the last 1-2 years, I can't blame her for being skeptical about some of the accusers' motives. Obviously, this is a different situation than what her DH has been through, but if I were in her place, I'd probably be hesitant to trust every single accuser too.
I'm sure it isn't a "I've been abused, where can I endorse the check" type of thing anyway.
Given what Jeni has experienced over the last 1-2 years, I can't blame her for being skeptical about some of the accusers' motives. Obviously, this is a different situation than what her DH has been through, but if I were in her place, I'd probably be hesitant to trust every single accuser too.

Grr, here I am posting again LOL

Its not just the accusers. Really. I have come to terms with our situation. I have a general distrust of people when it comes to situations like this. There ARE people out there who are just want money and/or sympathy...and they would put themselves out there KNOWING that the odds of getting some sort of cash settlement is good. THAT is why I said what I did.
Grr, here I am posting again LOL

Its not just the accusers. Really. I have come to terms with our situation. I have a general distrust of people when it comes to situations like this. There ARE people out there who are just want money and/or sympathy...and they would put themselves out there KNOWING that the odds of getting some sort of cash settlement is good. THAT is why I said what I did.

You're right, and that will probably happen. Michael Jackson is a perfect example. How many people thought kids parents were accusing him just for money?

And I understand your distrust in accusers. I really do. I would probably feel the same if I were you. I however, have distrust in other areas and that's why my comments were made. Not every accuser is lying or doing it for money. They're doing it because they were in fact abused. And your comment about doing it for money, I guess just rubbed me the wrong way.
This is what can happen when people stick their heads in the sand, blind to reality and do everything to protect an institution instead of shoving that raping **** aside, pulling the child immediately out of there and calling 911.

The entire lot of them should be thrown in prison and the football program shut down permanently.

Universities are supposed to be there to educate, not churn out football players for the NFL, and not become a cash cow for the school.

The fact that those idiot students were protesting the firings instead of demanding the ****s be thrown in jail for raping children shows the quality of people attracted to & cultured at Penn.

Nothing, and I mean nothing, no ****ing sports, no supposedly high level official of any type [religious, governmental, community, etc] should ever be shielded from scrutiny or prosecution when children have been molested or worse. Those who shield the adults involved are as guilty as the perps, imo.

How the hell any adult could walk by & see a child being raped and not immediately protect that child is beyond fathoming.
This is what can happen when people stick their heads in the sand, blind to reality and do everything to protect an institution instead of shoving that raping **** aside, pulling the child immediately out of there and calling 911.

The entire lot of them should be thrown in prison and the football program shut down permanently.

Woah!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey there.....................take it easy. No need to come down on football now..........that's just crazy talk. :hides:
Some "young man" an the Penn riot said he cannot believe they wouldn't let Paterno finish the season.... this is our youth of today? All of these students rioting...for the absolute wrong reasons...should have it pointed out to them that when you make horrible choices, there is always a reaction & sometimes it is life altering.

As soon as I heard last Saturday that Sandusky ran a camp for "at risk youths" I knew he was guilty as hell & one sick ****.

DH & I coach softball. We interact closely with 100+ other coaches in our league. You can bet your **** that if I happened upon one of them doing something the *slightest* bit questionable in our equipment garage, I'd be screaming my head off- or worse. I have entrusted my daughter to the care & supervision of countless coaches over the years, all of whom were/are affiliated with a sizeable organization. I have an expectation that if someone in the organization saw (or even heard) something, steps would be taken to find out what was going on.

I cannot fathom why anyone would try to sweep this under the rug. Age, reputation of the program, money...there is no reason to accept this.

How brave is the kid who came forward first? Thankfully he did, because it enabled others to come forward and finally put a stop to something this guy has probably been doing for decades. I hadn't heard that 40 people have come forward, but I'm not surprised. This guy has had access to hundreds of children. It's appaling.
WHY NOW are the victims coming out??


Grr, here I am posting again LOL

Its not just the accusers. Really. I have come to terms with our situation. I have a general distrust of people when it comes to situations like this. There ARE people out there who are just want money and/or sympathy...and they would put themselves out there KNOWING that the odds of getting some sort of cash settlement is good. THAT is why I said what I did.

The fear of many children/adults that are abused IS that people will not believe them
i was seriously curious to know what triggered them to finally come out--like ummm did they get denied admissions--or NOT that I dont trust them or think that they do indeed need time-

sadly thought with things like this ALL Over media these days that kids-TEENS are still too afraid to come forward
Woah!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey there.....................take it easy. No need to come down on football now..........that's just crazy talk. :hides:
College do not need sports programs. They need science labs, libraries, lecture halls, and brilliant inspired teachers. No student ever suffered because the school had no football team or cheerleaders. When sports becomes more important than broadening & expanding the mind, and educating the student, something is very, very wrong.

The fact that football was the main and seemingly sole focus of Penn illustrates why Penn is never compared to MIT.

MIT has done quite well without a football team.
This is very long ..... Here is a timeline of the events that have occurred so far. I hope that after reading this, it is clear why this is such a colossal failure and that EVERYONE involved in this situation should be disciplined and punished to the extent of the law.

People are talking about Pennsylvannia state laws with respect to this situation. Sandusky also traveled with some of the boys to away games and they stayed in hotel rooms. If any children were abused in those other states, he will be subject to that state's particular law and (I believe), federal laws. It will be interesting how this will affect the people that knew what was going on, I suppose it is possible that Paterno and the other administrators could can be charged federally, as well as within that particular state's jurisdiction, as they knew that Sandusky travelled with young boys and stayed in hotel rooms with them...

Here's the timeline...

A capsule look at the events leading up to the firing of Penn State coach Joe Paterno and school president Graham Spanier.

1969: Jerry Sandusky starts his coaching career as defensive line coach at Penn State.

1977: Sandusky starts The Second Mile, a foundation to help at-risk children. Its website states that Second Mile is a “statewide non-profit organization for children who need additional support and who would benefit from positive human contact.â€

1994: Victim 7 meets Sandusky through The Second Mile at about the age of 10.

1994-95: Boy known as Victim 6 meets Sandusky at Second Mile picnic when he was 7 or 8.

1995-96: Boy known as Victim 5 meets Sandusky through Second Mile when he is 7 or 8.

1996-97: Boy known as Victim 4, age 12 or 13, meets Sandusky in Second Mile program.

1998: According to the grand jury report, an 11-year-old boy’s mother called university police to complain after finding out her son had showered with Sandusky. A state Department of Public Welfare investigator told the grand jury that Sandusky had showered with the boy (Victim 6) and hugged him and “admitted that it was wrong†and promised to not shower with the boy again. The case is closed after then-Centre County District Attorney Ray Gricar decides there will be no criminal charge.

1999: Sandusky retires after learning he will not be the successor to Joe Paterno. Sandusky holds emeritus status.

Summer of 2000: Victim 3 meets Sandusky through The Second Mile when he is between seventh and eighth grade.

Fall of 2000: According to the grand jury report, another boy (Victim 8), age 11 to 13, was seen by a janitor, Jim Calhoun, pinned against a wall while Sandusky performed oral sex on him. Calhoun was described as “upset and crying†over what he’d seen, another person testified. Calhoun tells his supervisor, Jay Witherite and other staff members. Witherite tells Calhoun, a temporary employee, who to report the incident to, but Calhoun never files a report.

March 1, 2002: Mike McQueary, then a graduate assistant and now the receivers coach and recruiting coordinator, saw a naked boy (Victim 2) with his hands against the wall in the shower area of the locker room at the Lasch Football Building on the University Park Campus as Sandusky subjected him to anal sex, according to the grand jury report. McQueary told the grand jury that Sandusky and the boy both noticed him. McQueary went to his office and called his father, who told him to leave the building and come to his home.

— The next morning (Saturday), McQueary called Paterno and went to Paterno’s house and reported to the coach what he had witnessed.

— The next day (Sunday), Paterno called athletic director Tim Curley to his home and reported that McQueary told him that he had seen Sandusky in the showers fondling or doing something of a sexual nature to a young boy.

— About a week and a half later, McQueary was called to a meeting with Curley and vice president of finance and business, Gary Schultz. He reported what he had seen and was told they would look into it. Paterno was not at that meeting.

— A couple of weeks after that, McQueary was contacted by Curley, who told him that Sandusky’s keys to the locker room were taken away and the incident reported to The Second Mile. Curley advised school president Graham Spanier of the information he’d received and the steps taken as a result. Spanier testified of his approval of the approach taken by Curley. The incident was not reported to the University Police or any other police agency.

2005-06: Boy known as Victim 1 meets Sandusky at The Second Mile at age 11 or 12.

2008: Sandusky was a full-time volunteer coach at a Clinton County high school. Steven Turchetta was the assistant principal and head football coach at the school attended by Victim 1. Turchetta became aware of Victim 1’s allegations after the boy’s mother called the school to report it. Sandusky is barred from the school district and the matter was reported to the authorities as mandated by law.

2008: Sandusky told The Second Mile that he was being investigated on allegations of sexual assault in Clinton County.

2009: The Pennsylvania attorney general begins an investigation when a Clinton County teen boy tells authorities that Sandusky has inappropriately touched him several times over a four-year period.

Sept. 2010: Sandusky retires from The Second Mile.

Nov. 5: Sandusky is charged with sexually assaulting eight boys over a 15-year period. Among the allegations, a graduate assistant—McQueary—saw Sandusky assault a boy in the shower at the Penn State practice center in 2002. Sandusky is released on $100,000 bail after being arraigned on 40 criminal counts, including charges of multiple counts of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, corruption of minors, endangering the welfare of a child, indecent assault and unlawful contact with a minor.

— Spanier gives his support for Curley and Schultz, saying “I have known and worked daily with Tim and Gary for more than 16 years. I have complete confidence in how they handled the allegations about a former university employee.â€

— Curley and Schultz are charged with perjury after being accused of failing to alert police, as required by state law, of the investigation into the allegations against Sandusky. Paterno is not charged. In a grand jury testimony, Schultz told jurors he was aware of a 1998 investigation involving sexually inappropriate behavior by Sandusky with a boy in the showers at the Penn State athletic facility. Jurors wrote that Schultz “never sought or received a police report on the 1998 incident and never attempted to learn the identity of the child in the shower in 2002.†Part of Schultz’s job is overseeing campus police.

Nov. 6: In a statement issued by his son, Scott, Paterno said, “The fact that someone we thought we knew might have harmed young people to this extent is deeply troubling. If this is true we were all fooled, along with scores of professionals trained in such things, and we grieve for the victims and their families. They are in our prayers.â€

Paterno added, “It was obvious the witness (McQueary) was distraught over what he saw, but he at no time related to me the very specific actions contained in the grand jury report. Regardless, it was clear that the witness saw something inappropriate involving Mr. Sandusky. As coach Sandusky was retired from our coaching staff at the time, I referred the matter to university administrators.

— Curley stepped down, requesting to be placed on administrative leave so he could use the time to defend himself against perjury and other charges, Spanier announced after an emergency meeting of the Board of Trustees. Schultz also stepped down.

The resignations of Paterno and Spanier were not discussed at the meeting.

Nov. 7: Curley and Schultz appear in a Harrisburg, Pa., courtroom, where a judge set bail at $75,000. They were not required to enter pleas.

— At a press conference held by Pennsylvania Attorney General Linda Kelly and state police commissioner Frank Noonan, Kelly says that Paterno is not a target of the investigation of how Penn State handled the accusations but stopped short of saying the same for Spanier.

— On Paterno meeting his legal requirement to report suspected abuse, Noonan says, “somebody has to question about what I would consider the moral requirements for a human being that knows of sexual things that are taking place with a child.â€

Nov. 8: Joe Paterno’s weekly news conference is canceled, setting off a firestorm of criticism from media nationwide. Paterno’s son, Scott, said Spanier canceled it, not Paterno. He also stated that a New York Times report that preparations were being discussed for Paterno’s exit as coach was premature.

— A potential ninth victim contacted authorities after seeing media accounts of Sandusky’s arrest, The Patriot-News of Harrisburg, Pa., reported.

— Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett said he plans to attend Friday’s meeting of the Penn State Board of Trustees, along with three Cabinet members.

— U.S. Rep. Patrick Meehan said he’s asking Education Secretary Arne Duncan to look into whether Penn State violated the Clery Act, which requires colleges and universities to prepare, publish and distribute an annual security report disclosing all criminal offenses reported to campus security or local police.

— Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi, along with The Patriot-News and Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, called for Spanier to resign.

— Sandusky’s preliminary hearing scheduled for Wednesday is delayed until Dec. 7.

— The Centre Daily Times reports that Sandusky has been barred from being alone with his grandchildren under a temporary order on behalf of three children.

— Penn State students congregate on Paterno’s lawn in a show of support for the 84-year-old coach. Paterno briefly addresses the students, telling them to pray for the victims.

— The Board of Trustees releases a statement, saying it is “outraged by the horrifying details contained in the Grand Jury Report.†It also states that at Friday’s meeting, the Board will appoint a Special Committee to investigate the circumstances that “gave rise to the Grand Jury Report.â€

Nov. 9: Penn State's Board of Trustees fires head coach Joe Paterno and president Graham Spanier, effective immediately. Defensive coordinator Tom Bradley is named interim head coach and Rodney Erickson will serve as the interim school president. The news comes after Paterno announced he would retire at the end of the season. In that announcement, Paterno said, “This is a tragedy. It is one of the greatest sorrows of my life. With the benefit of hindsight, I wish I had done more,†he said.

— U.S. Department of Education announces plans to launch investigation into the scandal at Penn State

Sources: Grand Jury report, Associated Press

Here is the link to this article ...
i was seriously curious to know what triggered them to finally come out--like ummm did they get denied admissions--or NOT that I dont trust them or think that they do indeed need time-

sadly thought with things like this ALL Over media these days that kids-TEENS are still too afraid to come forward

Is there ever a good time? Is this to mean "triggered because they were denied admissions", as in its retaliatory?
ehhhh I think a well rounded person is JUST as important as a well educated person

sports DO teach lots of lessons and lots about team work etc..also it draws $$$ into universities so they have $$$$$$$ for scholarships to try and attract smart students
College do not need sports programs. They need science labs, libraries, lecture halls, and brilliant inspired teachers. No student ever suffered because the school had no football team or cheerleaders. When sports becomes more important than broadening & expanding the mind, and educating the student, something is very, very wrong.

The fact that football was the main and seemingly sole focus of Penn illustrates why Penn is never compared to MIT.

MIT has done quite well without a football team.

Are you American? No need to hate on football. I bet that football program has paid for some of those labs and the rest.
I agree- they are not coming out for a multitude of reasons.

They are ashamed. They think no one will believe them. They don't know why they let it happen the first time...and then let it continue- even though that is the wrong way to think. They have been threatened. They have been brainwashed. They have been told things like, "Doesn't that feel good? You don't want to make me unhappy, do you? You like doing (fill in the blank...hanging out at Penn State with me, don't you???) They are worried that their parents will be mad. That their friends will make fun of them. That it isn't happening to anyone else. And for the kids who are "at risk," likely with no father in the picture and possibly little attention at home, they like the attention- even if it is awful. They were little kids, doing what an adult their parents deemed "safe" was telling them to do.

Statistics used to be 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys would be sexually 'mistreated' before reaching adulthood. (I haven't checked in years for an update to that statistic.) That's a mighty statistic...and when you have 4 girls, well, it's something I worry about a lot.

One person coming forward allows others to come forward because they know they aren't alone anymore.
1977: Sandusky starts The Second Mile, a foundation to help at-risk children. Its website states that Second Mile is a “statewide non-profit organization for children who need additional support and who would benefit from positive human contact.”

If this is 'positive human contact,' there is no punishment suitable for him. Death? Too easy. Life in prison? Maybe, but only if he's on the receiving end of similar treatment.