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What was the best thing that happened in your day?

called nat....

nat: they told you off for -hugging- too much? they didn't do that last time ;)
I hitted my head by toilet bowl. Of course, the flush trigger has sharp edges, so it looks like somebody hits me with shovel...
When I get out, one snowman asked me :

- Did You fight with toilet?

He even did not imagine that it was a true.
My Baby learned how to crawl in and almost out of the laundry basket...and she STILL thinks I'm the best thing ever!!!:angel:
I finaly got off my lazy @$$ and went and played raquetball . . . It was quite fun.
Originally posted by Learning To Fly
nat: they told you off for -hugging- too much? they didn't do that last time ;)

Permission to kill you for posting that on the net? :tongue:

I wrote a letter to my friend Rachel in elvish. :D
My tribe gifted me with walkie-talkie Cool! It works!
I was sleeping 4 extra hours ... And I am goin sleep again ;)
I met my co-star for the school production. And instead of the nasty, snotty b*tch I thought it was, it's actually this really sweet girl I'd never seen before. She went to a fair bit of effort to find out who on earth I was, and introduced herself to me today.
I got to stay at home in my jammies and clean and be mommy all day today!!!*biggest smile*
someone friendly sat next to me in english
i think her name's kate
I danced around while cleaning in kitchen!!!:rotflmao:
just got off the phone w/dell tech. support.

my cd-rom drive is bad. they are sending someone over in three days to put a new one in.

it's free cuz i have extended warranty :D

i didn't enjoy being on hold for almost a half an hour though at midnight :rolleyes:

oh well. who cares :tongue:
I finally got my fish tank cleaned out! Now I can actually see through the glass!!:lol:
I didn't have to cook! my hubby brought home little ceasars pizza..=)
and my 1 yr old has another tooth!:lol2: