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  1. N

    Sins of a sexual nature

    I just got off the phone with a co-worker who has had to take the day because the Christian school her two teenagers attend called because her son was caught having sex in the locker room. Now he's 15, and once he made it to the principals office, he was asked why he did it and what made him...
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    Clintons Announce Opposition to Iraq War

    What ever anyone's reason for stating their opinions is their business and right. I don't think the terrorist need anything more to add fuel to their fire. They are on a mission to cause as much damage as possible, no matter who says what in America. Most people around the world have their...
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    Trading Spouses (Christians)

    I hear you Nova and I totally agree. Now Anglorish, I've seen many opinions and point of views on the boards that I may not agree with, but never once have I disrespected anyone as I feel you have done me. You don't know me, so your comment about beings of uneducated, uninformed and nonsense...
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    No Connection Between Iraq and Al Qaeda? Only if you're ignorant of the facts!

    Well where are the WMDs? Wasn't the the reason that was being yelled to anyone who would listen? Have you seen any since the war started? I sure haven't! I mean if you know where they're hiding those WMD, it would really be a relief to me and my family. I mean we did lose not 1 but 2...
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    first limbaugh now oreilly

    I honestly don't care if Bill did or didn't sexually harass that woman. That's their business and her reasons for staying at the job, are her own, but why did he settle if he was indeed innocent? I'll just say this on this issue and I'm done, "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stone."...
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    No Connection Between Iraq and Al Qaeda? Only if you're ignorant of the facts!

    The thing is so many lies have been told about the reasons for going to war, you'll never know if in fact they were connected. Yeah we can debate and spew our opinions until we're blue in the face, it's becoming a lot clearer that lies were told to invade Iraq.
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    What age did you hit your "Fat Wall"?

    I believe with women, the childbirth process makes it hard to lose weight.
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    Why Paris Is Burning

    I'm with you Angloirish. America needs to help America.
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    first limbaugh now oreilly

    You know what wrong is wrong! It doesn't matter if you're for the left, right or in the middle. Why is it everytime one of these guys screws up, those who are for him, run and point the finger at others who've done wrong? I don't understand that thinking at all. Be real about the situation...
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    Trading Spouses (Christians)

    ...need better PR representatives. Anybody see this show "Trading Spouses" last night? WHOA!!! Basically they take the mom from two families and switch them. Of course they pick opposites in some way for dramatic effect... a Black family and a white family, a health conscious family and a...
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    What age did you hit your "Fat Wall"?

    Well I'm 33 and the most I've ever weighed was 110, I'm now 108 and I've wanted to at least get to 115. So I guess this works backward for me. I can't keep weight on.
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    I'm for any teacher who wants and loves to do their job. With the state of public education we need all the good teachers we can get.
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    I wasn't bashing America, I'm just stating something that has been stated before by members of those races. As far as shining the light on people of those races turning on one another, I didn't say exclude that either. I simply stated if you're going to teach American History do it in it's...
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    Christmas Music on November 1st!

    Christmas music isn't palyed by me until the day after Thanksgiving, which is the same day I put my tree up.
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    Does the curriculum also include the actual facts of the way the Indians were treated? Seeing they were here first and their land was taken. Does it include the facts on Salvery? If you want to tell the whole truth about American history, then all should be included not what a few deem as...
  16. N

    Halloween must be banned!

    All I have was one, most parents are doing those church or social gatherings. Which I can't blame them for, with all the crap being done to kids, I wouldn't want to do that door to door trick or treating with a kid myself.
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    Will the guy after Bush be any better?

    In my opinion, being in high political office is just big business. I find that they do more for themselves and their friends, than for the average American citizen. I don't trust any of them, be it Repubs or Dems. It would be amazing to get just one in the white house that gave a **** about...
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    Thinking and Emotions

    Actually, I believe our emotions can be controlled to a large extent, especially because most of our emotions are based on how we percieve the world and our beliefs about things. People are often afraid of things that won't hurt them, so they feel emotions of fear, but if they changed how they...
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    How do we experience reality?

    To what extent do we choose how we experience an experience? What are the factors involved? Past experiences? What pople have told us? The mood we are in at the time? What else?